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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Sounds great. Except one of my tracks. I shouldn't mix stuff at 4 am.
  2. No problem here. Stuff from ocr, unofficial albums (like hurry!, aocc), any game remix I've made. Also, you should write a primer on remixes and copyright in European law for the site and game remixing community overall. I have no idea where to find any information about that stuff, so if you're doing a law degree about it you must know way more than the average remixer about it.
  3. My tracks are done, pending a sound check before uploading. And after gaming.
  4. Let's get things moving forward! I'm planning on getting the music uploaded to ocr for project evaluation right after new year's, so anyone wanting to revise your track has until then to get me an updated version of their track. Exact date coming when I know my own schedule, but we're looking at a day around 2-3 weeks from now.
  5. I tend to jump from project to project, sometimes being more focused on music, sometimes gaming, sometimes writing, sometimes something else. Which is why some projects take quite a while for me. If I feel I really need to get something done, I'll force it. I'll make some bad music just to get some music done. I'll fire up an instrument and play some, to see if I've got some good ideas in my fingers. Gets the creative juices flowing, improves my disciple, might get something interesting made. You can force it. Probably won't be your best work, but it might help get you into the right mindset and find you the inspiration you're looking for.
  6. This is now my reaction too. I've got one track pretty much done, just gotta make it better. And maybe make a second track. Maybe.
  7. I don't mind. All remixers are free to do any edits you guys feel you need to. Just hurry up. Once the tracks go to ocr for final evaluation, we're not doing any more changes to them.
  8. OILD and AOCC have a small number of OCReMixes, but also other wintery works by remixers.
  9. Working on mine. Can't say for sure how many xmas remixes I started this year, looking for a melody or something to grab me. Making progress with a few of them.
  10. A few years ago, I had a similar problem with a number of ocr tracks not importing into iTunes. Turns out that the problem was something called mp3 validation. In some way, the files were broken. There are programs out there that repairs broken mp3 files. Not from everything, but some problems, like this validation issue, are easily solved with one of those. Can you grab one of those programs, run it on the file, and let us know what it tells you and whether the file works afterwards? I suspect unofficial albums, like VARIAtions, weren't run through this validation process before being released. All the official tracks on the site, however, should be validated and healthy, but it never hurts to check. Could be an older batch or something, too. See if validation helps, let us know if it does. Also, your sig says you're ignoring the crash. Stop contradicting yourself.
  11. You're talking about zircon's New to ReMixing thread? It's a super-basic overview, which makes it a great starting point, but you seem to have gone a bit wrong in your research. As you seem to have found out, hardware and synth software isn't enough; you also need to save what you play. Get a DAW, digital audio workstation software. zircon points to FL Studio, Reason, REAPER, Sonar and Cubase. There are others, but any one of those should do. You have a midi keyboard. Plug it in. You have a software synth. Make sure it's installed. Do you have a DAW? I suggest you start with REAPER, since its demo is still fully functional even after the trial period is over. Once you get an idea of how it works, you should try some other ones, see how they differ, and decide on one. If you're on Mac, it's much easier. Just open up GarageBand and do everything there. If you need more control over stuff, you can get Logic, or Cubase, or another DAW available on Mac. On Linux the options aren't as good, but LMMS, Ardous and Rosegarden are IIRC available, but I don't know how they compare to estblished stuff like the ones listed earlier. If you need more to read, I have a guide in my sig you can check out.
  12. If this group became active enough, it could be used for project recruitment. Most projects want art, and some few really need it. Any remix of a Square Enix property would need fresh new art because we can't use any of their art assets. This was a big issue for the sd3 project, but we have keiiii, which is even better than official art. I just want to encourage you all to put your art here. You never know when your style catches a project director's eye, even if it's a throwaway sketch and not the stuff you want to be able to do. Maybe it's a style we think would work perfectly. Let us see it.
  13. A random discovery queue with a writeup of a lower-profile remixer (old or new) with a mix or two to check out would be cool. Needn't be limited to remixers either. it could cover a game that has a few remixes but few downloads, or a composer, or franchise, or genre... basically a system that highlights the more rare stuff. Doesn't have to have writeups, it could just be fully automated and just list the stuff ppl don't seem to know about.
  14. Rating tracks is an oft-rejected idea. That takes out the discovery aspect of the site, where you're encouraged to listen to all music, not just what other people arbitrarily decided they like more because it's their favorite game/genre/remixer/composer/whatever. It could also be very discouraging for new remixers whose skills are passable for the site but not quite up to the level that someone who's been making music for a decade or more can do. This site isn't a place where remixers compete for listeners, which is exactly what a rating system would turn it into. More search options is a good idea, tho.
  15. A few tracks lack names. Strange that the remixers didn't feel strongly about a particular name for them. We'll be naming them ourselves if we don't hear from the remixers about this. keiiii is still with us, which is awesome. We're not opposed to having more artists on board. I'm just not worried about the art anymore. Next worry: the website.
  16. OCR would never accept it. It's not something we do.
  17. This album is full of surprises. A track just resurfaced after having disappeared into my poor organizing. And it's a good one. Which means I'll have to fit it into the tracklist... somewhere. My next album better be one disc only.
  18. There's a few mastering things we need to do before handing over the wavs. Haven't heard from Usa in a while, so we might need someone else to do that if we want things to move faster. My ears are somewhat biased when it comes to stuff on this project, so I'd rather not do it myself, but that too is an option. If everyone would just mix their tracks to the same sound... yes, there'd be less variety, but it'd make this part of album making so much easier. For my next album, I'm gonna have to get the remixers to mix to match, or at least have the kind of openings that lend themselves well to being placed next to tracks that might sound very different. /album director problems But the track order v2 is now done. Wouldn't be done if it wasn't for Meteo's excellent groundwork, most of which I didn't mess with. Much. Gotta make sure I have the most recent wavs from everyone, tho. Were did I put the last batch of new wavs again? In any case, I might have a hint or two for Chernabogue's project guide. Which everyone should help with.
  19. Making slight adjustments to the tracklist and talking websites. We're about ready to send in stuff for evaluation. I'll try to finalize the tracklist (or even send in what we've got atm for feedback on track order, too) this week. Meteo put the thing together, I'm just trying to move a couple of troublesome tracks around to make them fit better, if I can. I haven't heard back from our art ppl in a while, so we may have to get some new artists on board for trailer and website art, so that's a slight concern of mine right now. We've got some good pics and plenty of amazing wips, I'd just like to have a few more finished pieces. It's also a question of getting the art to mesh with the stuff we've already got. If anyone's interested, able and available, talk to me. When it comes to things we _must_ have, it's only really the website that's left to do. The rest is just stuff we'd very much like to have. And it's actually a rather short list: Stuff we're still looking for: -art for the trailer (and website) -promotional ideas -some artists' comments and bios (I have to check what we've got and what's missing) There's probably something else too that I can't think of atm, but I'll add that once I think of it (unless Meteo gets to it first).
  20. The concept of taking the creepypasta and making a remix with that as its influence is fantastic, and the result is appropriately uncomfortable. It's just the right tempo. Unfortunately, the beginner-y sounding instrumentation makes it uncomfortable for the wrong reasons. The idea of making the track work in reverse is cool. I had the same idea for Skyward Sword's backwards theme too, but ended up scrapping the idea because I couldn't make it sound good backwards. This is where your instrumentation becomes especially problematic, because backwards drums generally don't sound great, and backwards melodies often don't end up being as effective as their forward counterparts. Reverbs and release tails blending the sound into something dreamy can be useful, but it takes a little more work to make sure it doesn't just become a blur. I think you should take a break from this concept, improve your instrumentation skills, and come back to this idea later. It's going to take a lot of work to make this track great, and quite frankly you're not good enough yet. Doing this track for practice is likely going to be more frustrating than fun... but if you want to do it, don't let that stop you. You can still learn from this track, and you can still make it better with your current skill level. Good luck.
  21. Repetition is an issue (which I suppose isn't a big deal for a cover), but the sound is beautiful.
  22. The snare is way back with tons of reverb, but the hats are way closer. Same issue with a lot of the sounds. I can't figure out why you've placed your instruments like this. Not much else to complain about. Sweet track. You know how to get your tracks so chill.
  23. Agreeing with Dusty about just about everything. It could use more dynamics. That break around 2:20 when the Zelda 2 title theme comes in is really nice in part because of the dynamics when the bass drops out a bit. Really cool track though.
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