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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Long reverb and/or release tails make this sound messy and cluttered (in terms of frequencies, not notes). Speaking of notes, there's a few recurring ones that feel out of key. Glitch is also right about the choir, it should drop an octave. I also agree that it's too simple. You need more. More length, more notes, more bass, more variation in the progression, and more interpretation. The only thing you need less of it release/reverb time. You should also consider cutting a few dB off of the instruments you've used so they don't compete for the same range. Fixing that should clean up the soundscape, maybe to the point where the tails aren't a problem. Just don't overdo it. The OoT music is based on stuff you could play with the ocarina in-game, so it shouldn't be hard to find another similar source to use. The overremixed Zelda's Lullaby might work both musically and thematically, the underrepresented Requiem of Spirit also. Consider adding another source that you can borrow elements from. Just make sure to blend them together seamlessly. Your approach is interesting and worth exploring. You might not need to emulate an entire orchestra, as choir, strings, and a solo woodwind might be enough, if the whole thing is sequenced and mixed right. I think this could be a great track, but a few quick fixes alone isn't gonna get it there. Good luck with it.
  2. After Glitch's harsh comment I _had_ to hear this. Mostly for the "trash cans". I like the progression, style, and overall sound this remix has. It could use more original writing, interpretations of the themes rather than just adaptations to the track genre. There's source all over it, but it needs more interpretation, not just genre conversions. You also need to work on your processing, the high bells can get a little painful to hear, and your lead synth doesn't have the attention-grabbing qualities of a lead, it sounds more like a bass instrument played an octave or two too high. Work on the mixing, EQ, and effects to make it a bit cleaner and less painful (bells, mostly). As for the percussion, I think it's great. Needs processing, but the writing and the samples sound good to me. Actually, the few places where I'd stretch it to being bad, it's bad in a good way. But like stated, process it more. Compression, lower some frequencies using EQ, clean it up. Take a backup, then play around with the effects, EQ it, do stuff. The filter effect at the very end is pretty cool, so consider using stuff like that in the body of the track too. Overall, not bad. It has potential, and as it's not your run-on-the-mill four-on-the-floor trance remix it has a special appeal. Work on it, it could be great.
  3. I'll update the ocr forum post as well as post an updated list of available tracks soon. I'm now posting to say that we've revealed our release plan on the internal discussion board on the project forum. Big, good news there, and we'd like to hear what you remixers think of it.
  4. It starts off a bit too dry, plus there's a weird sound at the very start, probably a loop tail. I'm having a hard time following the cymbal and shaker writing, they clutters the sound a bit imo, so simplify those. For example, restrict the shaker to offbeat quarter notes. While on the drums, you've got a weird blend of orchestral, rock, and electronic drums here. Nothing bad about combining sounds/genres, but it does feel a little schizofrenic. Maybe you should drop the electronic ones you used in the beginning, use some form of acoustic drums instead, such as toms, orchestral percussion, possibly ethnic percussion. On the other hand, the electronic drums do fit in towards the end where you're using a more electronic-sounding lead. I'll sum up the percussion feedback with a traditional rozovian "make it sound deliberate". The sequencing is also rigid and repetitive at times, just changing the note length and velocity of the lead instruments could be enough. The guitar, or whatever it is, is probably what stands out the most - in a negative way. If you have another sample, use that one. If not, consider reducing attack, adding delay, reverb, something to soften it. There's a lot of things here that I like, such as not beginning a section with a crash on the beat (consider having a shaker note there tho), the key, instrumentation and overall feel, the progression and dynamics of it. The source is there, to some extent at least. I got struck with my occasional source-deafness, but recognized at least something. Could be the new key that's screwing with my ears. Anyway, this does have potential, and considering the pleasant sound it has, it's worth finishing. btw, it needs a decent ending.
  5. Congrats, best wishes, and everything else that's appropriate!
  6. First of all - 10 megs, are you nuts? Drop the bitrate to something sensible, man! Please! 1:35 before there's anything I recognize from source. A little too long, methinks. And once it really gets started, it's really not that different from source. You need to find the middle ground between original content and source. Technically, it's got a pretty good sound. Some sounds are a little too simple to sound professional, the bass being one, bass drum being another. The saw-based lead is another, tho to a lesser extent. While still on the topic of bass, this sounds a little lacking in that department. It doesn't have the weight it could have. The sound you used at 1:33 was pretty cool (the one that's not a bell-like sound). Unfortunately, it's as if a new track starts after that, having very little in common with the one before. Blending the two together more would make the track better, but I still recommend lacing the first part with source. Not bad, man. Needs more interpretation, but it sounds technically ok, and it's danceable.
  7. The overall quality is fairly high, but if you're gonna submit to OCR I've got a few concerns about the track. Source is definitely there, but there's not much interpretation to it. You may want to rewrite a lot of the repetition to be different versions of the source and original content deriveed from it rather than repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition... The progression is pretty much the same as the source, looped at times, but the order is pretty much the same. This is more of a remake than a ReMix. Also, the hihats are ticking in my ears. A lot of people use earphones and headphones to listen to music, and ticking hihats can get annoying. I'd consider using another hihat, possibly a shaker or other high-range rhythm instrument for it. At the very least, I'd try to EQ away the worst ticking. It's got a great sound, but after the first minute, we want to hear something else. Either a different chord progression, a different soundscape, something different. Changing up the soundscape would help with the repetitive nature of the track, but you do need changes in harmony, intensity (to a lesser extent, considering the genre) for it to remain interesting throughout. Also, the intro needs work. I recommend examining the intro in the source and reworking it into something a measure or two long, possibly using that for the ending as well - the fade-out feels like a cop-out. It's not as much a problem as the intro is, and fading out does work fairly well. All in all, this is a pretty good track, but it's too repetitive and not interpretive enough for OCR imo. Yet. I have no doubt you're able to rework the repetition into something interesting. Good luck with it!
  8. IIRCr, most of the time you only need the mouse button and command button to work in GB. Looping and resizing regions is done with the mouse, creating new stuff (regions, notes, automation points) is done by command-clicking.
  9. We appreciate the interest, of course. Thanks man. Even if you don't have time to arrange and produce, are you up for collabs, providing people with guitar recordings for their tracks?
  10. Significantly improved since last time I heard... and it was great then too. The square you've used behind the song in the first verse still bothers me, tho. It works well, but I think the sound doesn't mesh with the vocoded song. Too great a difference, I guess. The breakdown in the second verse kind'a bother me too. Triplets seem not to mesh too well with the singing, and the pause does seem necessary. The idea is great, but it needs some tweaking, methinks. I'll echo DrumU's call for characterization, as well as his praise for what you did after the second chorus. Overall, this is pwnsome, and I have no doubt it'll show up on the OCR frontpage. By the way, 7 megs for 4:32? Bring the bitrate down to a more manageable level, it takes time to download, and it's over the OCR limit anyway.
  11. GB has a piano roll. Create a MIDI region (command-click on a software instrument track), and double-click it. That should roll up the piano roll. There's also a button on the interface which opens it, but it's been ages since I used GB, and that was an earlier version.
  12. All right, man, it's now free for anyone to take.
  13. I'm willing to cede that the ukulele is reminiscent of the source, but I honestly can't make the connection just like that. Then again, it's not the frist time I've been source-deaf, so sure. The feel sure fits the source tho. Sorry MAN3, didn't read yourcomments about it. Wouldn't have had to quote the standards then.
  14. The bass sounds great. The kick and snare sound incredibly n00by. Nav, what were you thinking? They sound sort'a ok when there's other stuff going on, but bare as they are in the intro and the mid break... there they don't. Source is there, and methinks it's interpreted enough in the remix. I like the overall feel of this track, it's relaxing. A bit too repetitive, the mallet melody over and over again (starts at 0:35 the first time) gets pretty repetitive really quickly. I got tired of it during my first listen. Do something more exciting with it, like change octaves, move it around, change the melody, have it mimic another track, do something else with it. Deep house, you say? I like it.
  15. There's your problem. People are more inclined to posting suggestions for improvements on unfinished tracks than comment on releases. Drums are pretty simplistic, but they do work here. Bass drum is a bit distorted or there's clipping. More intricate derum writing could make it more intense. Bass is an improvement from source, and I like that alarm-ish pad you've also used. Lead is a little too simple to sound good imo, tho it does cut through the rest of the track well. Too well, perhaps. You could cut back on its volume. Overall, it feels a little too close to source, structurally and stylistically. This is what usually get classed as a midi rip. There's a number of improvements I can hear, some of which seem to disagree with the key signature of the track, but it's very close to source. If you're not submitting it to OCR, that's not a problem. Soundwise, not bad, but it would be better if it was more your own take and less of a copy. Keep writing!
  16. I don't mind the long intro with mostly just drums on pads. This is one of those really cool pad tracks, methinks. The pads are pretty. The voice clip doesn't feel like it quite fits in, and the move to industrial feels like it's being pulled into another song. The transition could be smoother, or there could be more fmailiar elements in it, stuff we'd recognize from earlier. Overall, I find it enjoyable, especially the first 2 minutes. Not much else I could say about it.
  17. This is not an OCR track. It's got a cool feel, but there's no source content as far as I can hear.
  18. Soundwise, it's not immersing. You need to work on the soundscaping. The progression works well and I like the idea and overall tone this track has. The plucked isntrument panned left is terrible. Whether it's just not mixed properly, doesn't have the reverb it should have, or if it just doesn't fit in is hard to say, but something's wrong with it. Drop the levels and see at what level it's just part of the soundscape rather than standing out like that. It's also very repetitive, so you should work on that. The soundscape overall is kind'a bare, making the whole track a bit too simplistic. See if you can add a couple of tracks to give depth and harmonics to it. Sadly, I can't comment on source. Sounds like the Prime series, but I haven't played MP3 through yet, and haven't had the time to play it lately at all. It feels unrefined, so I assume the music's pretty close to source. You may have to work on makiong it more your own, but I can't say.
  19. Not a bad idea. I'll talk to Usa about it.... Once we've both got time.
  20. Sure, welcome! There's a list of available tracks on the first post in this thread. It's up to date, I jsut updated it. Pick something and let me know. Also, let me and/or Usa hear an early wip or your plans for its sound and progression so we know it'll fit with the rest of the tracks.
  21. The spambot test is case-sensitive. That's the only explanation for why it didn't work, assuming, you did remember to add the 2 to the element.
  22. Okay, minor update. We've made some structural changes to how we're gonna complete the project, tho nothing's set in stone yet, we'll post a bigger update about that later. I'm just gonna say that now that we're finally managed to block out the spambots, we can start focusing on actual members. I know Blue Nocturne recently joined, but if there is anyone else whose project forum account haven't been activated, let me know. I have to find you among 300 spambots, so let me know when you joined and what you name is so I can find the activation mail.
  23. This is something we talked about when the feedback checklist appeared, and it got sort'a heated there. Among the problems is that most people only know in theory where the bar is at. They can tell if a remix is really good, but not necessarily when it's bad. It becomes something of a newbfest where newbs and n00bs gather and applaud each others semi-competent works (in some cases), and when someone comes in with actual criticism, they're badmouthed behind their back. Reviewing reviewers? Someone's precious time's gonna go to that, too. As I see it, the wip board needs more people with a clear idea of where the border is. I've talked to Liontamer about this, some time ago, and recognize several of the suggestions mentioned in this thread. All solutions I've had or read are flawed, some more than others.
  24. Circumstances prevented me from listening on headphones or with decent volume, but what I did hear wasn't bad. There's certainly enough intrepretation here, and the source can be heard in different little bits and pieces throughout. It might be a little confusing to listen to, as the first minute it sounded more like a remix of Song of Time from the same game. Can't comment too much on the details cuz I'm unable to hear them atm. I like the music, although it's sometimes a little hard to connect it to source (despite, or possibly due to it being based on itty bitty little pieces of source, rearranged). I don't mind. Interpretation-wise it's fine, methinks. On extending it, you should throw the source melody in very clearly, just to make sure everyone knows the track. Certainly not bad, I think this will be YESed once it's done.
  25. A well remixed track that I'm not sure I've heard the original of. There's enough here that I recognize from other remixes, so I guess it has enough source. Sounds different enough from those, so I suppose there's enough interpretation as well. There's nothing wrong with it, creatively. The progression is nice, and the sound choices work well. However, the stereo soundscape isn't particularily good. Snare sample is weak as it is, and when panned dead center with few other drums in there it just gets lame. The other drums, there's toms, crashes and stuff, need more volume, and I advice you to give the snare some slight stereo reverb, something for width. Then again, there's a pretty loud cling sound, could be a ride, that's both loud enough and panned, unfortunately it's too much of them both imo. The rest of the instruments are better panned, but they're suffering from being a little too fat. While I'm not good enough at EQ to tell you how to improve the drums, I can tell that you'll probably need to drop some frequencies on the other instruments, especially the pad and one of the background synths, just so they don't cram up the soundscape. I think this works, it just needs some production fixes. I like it.
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