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Status Updates posted by Rozovian

  1. Beyond that, actual sound design stuff usually involves deciding what kind of sound I want. A stiff, almost artificially in-tune sound or a more honky-tonk sound, and adjusting that. Deciding on whether to boost or reduce any particular overtones. Deciding how much mechanical noise I want in the sound (hammers, dampers etc). Deciding if I want to screw with other stuff in the sound. The randomize button can provide some inspiration. ;)

    Of course, then there's mic positioning and the new effects pane, but I usually don't screw much with the positioning anymore, and haven't yet looked through the new effects. The compressor is worth looking at. It's better to reduce the level of the instrument than to have heavy compression on it. If you find that the compressor doing too much, lower the level and/or increase the compressor threshold.

  2. There's not a lot left to say about the mix. It sounds great. I'm gonna have to listen really close to find something to complain about. Sorry it's taking so long to respond.

  3. I'm slow. I'll get to it, sorry it's taking time.

  4. btw, just so we're clear, what exactly is the artist name you want for sd3? mak? Eightman? Both? Neither?

  5. What can I say? I like it. :D

  6. http://www.linplug.com/alpha.html

    click the download tab, then download from the FreeAlpha box on the right. It's a simpler version of their Alpha3 synth. Not a demo.

  7. Well, mine or that of some other mod. Glad I'm useful with the guide and suggestions in threads and stuff. Ima give your wip a listen, I might spot something you'd wanna change before mod review.

  8. Thanks man. Yeah I saw it too. Might be a while, I've had Beyond Velocity in the tpb list for a while now, and having my ff4 track in the project track tbp list might get djp to post my stuff sooner. At least if my two following submissions get judged and passed any time soon. :D

  9. Cool: :D I got some Aurora Borealis-style plans for it, just need to get all those pesky project tracks out of the way first. ;)

  10. Svenska? Här? Okej, får se hur länge det dröjer innan nån klagar på att de inte förstår. :D

    Jag har en från Aeropolis, F-Zero GX, i To Be Posted-listan, men annat än det... nej. Hörde av Willrock lite om dina planer. De där två är de enda jag har just nu. Det är inte det enda spelet jag vill remixa från. ;)

  11. You just got PMd. :D

  12. Lycka till. Meddela om du vill ha min hjälp med nåt. :D

  13. Hey newbie... :D


    Welcome, look for teh rules, read teh rules, live by teh rules... :D Get used to the community, enjoy your stay, and don't give DarkeSword a reason to put you on "vacation". He does that. ;)

  14. Dunno why, but the project became totally secret. I don't mind, I know I'm on it. :D

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