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Everything posted by VerSus22

  1. And that means you can only download Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Hedgehog Heaven album via Bit-Torrent. http://sonic2.ocremix.org
  2. I am hoping a ReMix from the Concrete Man stage will be done.
  3. A remix of the Concrete Man stage should be done as well...that theme is awesome! Oh, and I almost defeated that boss. Getting close!
  4. I didn't use the supertux mirror too much (I mainly used dreamhost). However, when I did it was pretty fast! Thanks Aubrey for the awesome mirror!
  5. Lots of GREAT tracks, hopefully it will be free. If not, thats fine. It is worth to check out though!
  6. This could be an interesting remake. I'll keep an eye on the reviews.
  7. Yeah, I needed saving options too.
  8. Wow...FINALLY, I defeated a boss (Galaxy Man) at over 90 minutes in!
  9. Nintendo removed the GameCube icon on the Details screen from the Wii Shop Channel last night. I was pretty sad Mega Man 9 isn't compatible with the GameCube controller. EDIT: So I'm using the Wii Remote.
  10. I had a sense this would happen... AWESOME! Hope Mega Man 9 continues to sell great!
  11. The developer did the 8-bit graphics for a purpose. Really, I would have given the graphics at least a 6 if not 7.
  12. WOW! I can't believe what I saw under graphics... 3.0 What were they thinking?
  13. Who is Tampa Bay facing or did they fall apart in the standings?
  14. Wii need storage badly, and GameCube controller function on Mega Man 9!
  15. YAY, Mega Man 9 is out! However, my GameCube controller is not working at all with this game.
  16. Yeah I see that date now.
  17. I hope the remake of Chrono Trigger comes to the DS.
  18. I thought it comes today.
  19. Sorry didn't see that.
  20. EDIT: Hey everyone, this is the unofficial thread of Mega Man 9 game on WiiWare! Mega Man 9 is coming today (September 22) in North America. Let's share this exciting moment!
  21. I'm going for Mega Man 9, since its a new challenge. DLC should have interesting stuff as well.
  22. This is nice. I'll be looking forward to it!
  23. Great Interview DJ Pretzel, I enjoyed it very much!
  24. hmm, what was that word.. module?
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