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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. Actually, yeah, good point. Are we going to all exchange Friend Codes at launch? Or maybe it would be better when there's a game we want to play online. Maybe this doesn't matter?
  2. Sweet deal, man. Be sure to 100% test battery life and get us a solid answer for once.
  3. My store just got some 3DSs in today. The boxes are pretty heavy! If I pressed really hard, I probably could have convinced them to let me buy one today, but I've already pre-ordered one from futureshop, it's only 3 days more and honestly, I'm actually looking forward to waiting outside the store for it to open.
  4. Huh? I remember reading this exact same thing a few months ago... this is old. Is there a newer one for this specific court case?
  5. Sorry, no word yet... As far as I know, anyways. So, has anyone stepped up to the task of organizing the tournament yet? It would be pretty cool if we could do it on saturday night. EDIT: Is a Snivy with a timid nature good? It's attack is gimped but it's speed is jacked... Is Serperior more of a special attacker?
  6. I've honestly never cared what natures or anything my legendaries have because I never use them. I've always wanted a good reason to, but it always felt too cheap. That's why I loved the final battle in white!
  7. When I played it it was just a guy in futureshop walking around with it. It wasn't fastened to anything and he let me do whatever I wanted with it, fooling around the menus, camera, DS games, Mii maker etc.
  8. I guess I'm lucky, then? The 3D worked wonderfully for me and it didn't hurt my eyes or my head. I'm totally pumped for it. It's going to be a long week!
  9. Bad timing... I'll be too busy playing my 3DS! On a musical note (ar ar) it's too bad they weren't able to actually use this song in-game: It's in there, but it's unused I would've loved to face all the previous pokemon protagonists! Red, Gold, whatever their names were in R/S/E and P/D/Pl. That would have been awesome!
  10. So has anyone tried entralink yet? *sigh* It sounds really cool but unless I get myself black as well, there's no way I'm going to ever be able to try it.
  11. ooh, okay, i've got it downloaded, but I think I'm terminally stupid because I have no idea what to do now. Could someone post the link I need to get into the right chatroom, please and thank you? EDIT: nvm, I think I figured it out
  12. I've never used irc before... Actually, upon trying, i see that my mac refuses to recognize a website starting with 'irc'. Literally, it says that Mac OSX won't do it We could use MSN, maybe? (Oh the irony that microsoft messenger works on my mac...)
  13. Tournament! BTW, any black users got a Vullaby they'll trade for a Rufflet?
  14. Yeah, I've never seen Alcohol in a store like superstore either; it's always in a separate liquor store. Same with cigarettes too, actually. A Gamestop4Adults is the only real solution here. Or maybe a restricted section, like the blockbusters and rogers video stores used to have?
  15. Haha, that is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I love that stock music. It's used all the time in shows like Spongebob too. Souch cheesy goodness
  16. http://wii.ign.com/articles/115/1156455p1.html I don't really understand this, tbh. How would the 'restricted' rating be any different than an 'M'? Are they essentially lowering the rating system, making 'M' into 'AO', 'T' into 'M', and so forth, or what? Besides, even if places like wal-mart stop carrying it, smaller stores still will, and the brand will hardly be affected. Plus, last I checked, R rated movies are being sold in Wal-marts. I don't really get this at all. I mean, I couldn't care less if there was never another CoD, but who's to stop them from banning 'T' rated games like Metroid Prime if this carries on? I don't know, maybe someone can explain it better. P.S. I live in canada, so the movie rating system is different. I've never heard of NC17 before.
  17. Guess what's the only thing on MemeBase?
  18. Haha, yeah, that got pretty crazy at the end XD I look forward to facing you again in the tournament we need to have!
  19. He's the only one I need to complete my pokedex!! ...In pearl... Heck, I'll stay in the Wi-Fi club for another hour or so. Rotation battles are hard!
  20. According to http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/usa/pacific-time/ I'll be in the Wi-Fi club from 9:00pm to 10:00 pm tonight if anyone wants to meet up. EDIT: Lol, just had a interesting battle with Capa Langley I know you went easy on me XD
  21. I refuse to ever listen to this song. I also refuse to ever listen to "I whip my hair".
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