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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. Holy crap, this is awesome. This has just become my #1 most anticipated game. I can't wait to see how they blend the gameplay! This is going to be awesome.
  2. So does this mean I can finally get a copy of Sonic 2005 for $2? I can't figure Adventure out. I was able to do the first couple of sonic levels, but I have NO CLUE what to do in the Tails level; The Ruins. I really don't like the hub areas.
  3. Right here. So true. I'm going to be bold also and proclaim that the iPhone/iPod touch is not a true gaming platform. Casual games, yes, but you will never get anything on it with the sheer quality and depth that a game like Zelda Pokemon can provide. Except, I do watch tv show episodes on my ipod touch when I'm working the smoke shop every now and then, but some movies are too tough to watch.
  4. Well, yeah, Nintendo is a little confused. They were able to foresee and invent the future, but once the future arrived, they had no idea what to do It looks like they're starting to get a grip, though. The 3DS looks like it will have great online capabilities. I mean, you can transfer DSiWare games over to it! That's HUGE for Nintendo! I think their next console will be up to standards.
  5. heh. Yeah, sorry, I never used an Apple IIe. Okay: So I can vaguely remember an old dos game (At least I assume it was dos). 1) the first screen was a sort of wheel of fortune like thing with the spinner being composed of a lot of balls/circles, very similar to the opening of VectorMan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJDY1aog_Xo 2)When the balls/spinner stopped, it would take you to a level based on the spot it stopped on. 3)You played as a blue bubble floating through a maze, with lots of spiky things to avoid. You died if you touched a wall or anything sharp. When you died, it would take you back to the wheel. 4) there were fans that blew you around, and pumps that would make you bigger or smaller. 5) it had VGA style graphics, if I remember correctly. Lots of greys, purples and golds. I don't know. I can't really describe it any better. It's haunted me for many years...
  6. Ooh, I like this thread idea. Can I post about a game I vaguely remember too?
  7. But I did use search I'm really excited for this thing. I think it says a lot for how Nintendo plans to move forwards: They're really pushing for transferring old downloads to the new system. Hopefully they'll follow the same mantra for the next console.
  8. It looks like the old thread is gone. Oh well. Nintendo revealed massive details for the 3DS at TGS! http://ds.ign.com/articles/112/1124149p1.html the coolest part for me: It will have a Virtual Handheld! You can download GameBoy and GameBoy Advance games! Even other classic games in 3d! Awesome!!
  9. I'm just going to say that I hate the controls in Super Metroid. I do NOT like having run be it's own button, or having to select my weapon with, well, select. The GBA metroid games have WAY better controls. Of all the metroid games, Super is the only one where I'm consciously thinking about the controller in my hand, which is never a good thing. I actually got really good at controlling Other M (Protip: you can dodge attacks in FPS view) and the cool dodges and finishing moves make me feel like a pro. It's a nice trick to make the player think they're playing really well.
  10. I agree with the above post. And on another note: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/2015-Metroid-Other-M We all knew it was coming.
  11. Try telling that to the veterans who STILL can't stand the sight or smell of a BBQ, years after they watched someone burn to death in the war. And if Dr. Robotnik killed Sonic's family in front of him while he was still a child and kept coming back even after the PLANET he was on blew up, I think Sonic would have a panic attack. Actually: Yeah. On top of all that, I think there was some hidden brilliance in the whole Ridley thing in Other M, that I hadn't noticed before someone here pointed it out: Ridley had the opportunity to kill Samus when she was a child, but didn't, because she wasn't a threat. And once she grew up, you'd better believe that he wished he had killed her. In the same way, when Samus saw Little Birdie she didn't kill it; it was no threat. To realize that THAT was Ridley all along, and that history just repeated itself, I think would freak anyone out.
  12. THIS. From now on, I will repost this whenever the point is brought up again. The rest of the post is awesome too, but this part really takes the cake.
  13. Come on, guys, are we really getting mad at Sakmoto for feeling protective over his own creation? Wouldn't you feel pretty protective over something you made? Any author can tell you how horrible it is to spend years on a novel, working tirelessly to turn it into what they've always wanted, just to have it mangled to death by an editor. Sakamoto is within his rights to say that his version of Samus is the right one, just as Miyamoto can say his version of Mario and Link is the right one, or how any writer can say that about their characters. I know this to be true; my own creations are pretty personal and while I want them to appeal to others, I don't want to change their characters entirely just to suit someone else. I feel that this is how Sakamoto always viewed Samus. Retro studios didn't step out of line with her and didn't do anything new with her either, but I'm willing to bet Sakamoto was biting his nails when thinking about what they might do to her.
  14. You know, while I think NIntendo's being a little stingy by withholding all black and white pictures, but on the other hand, it means I don't have to worry about seeing spoilers on all pokemon sites now. Oh yeah, and the new wild pokemon battle music is GREAT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvEhL8Z3LzI It seriously sounds like a combination of the wild battle songs from every pokemon game in the past. It's made of pure awesome.
  15. Other M as covered by the Game Overthinker: http://gameoverthinker.blogspot.com/2010/09/episode-40-heavens-to-metroid.html I like the arguments he presents and I think they make a lot of sense, especially his description of Super Metroid at the end. I know he didn't mention the characterization in the Prime games or Fusion, but in the former, there really wasn't much, and the latter is pretty similar to other M and together they really flesh out Samus' character.
  16. QFT. It's not going to be easy, especially if you also want to keep up to date with any events for existing games...
  17. Yeah, you see what I mean? It's almost like Other M's soundtrack is more 'Metroidy' than Super Metroid's...
  18. I agree as well. I never knew you could actually fight Ridley BEFORE Kraid in Zero Mission! I'm also still working through Fusion on a 1% run. I'm stuck on the final SA-X encounter, though. I've been working on this run for the last 3 years. SOme of those bosses are near impossible with just 99 health points!
  19. Oh boy, now we're getting into the realm of universal truths.
  20. Haha, lol, yeah, I was just about to say something
  21. Oh, I don't know, I thought that Mystery Creature/Rhedogian, Desbrachian, "Stage 4", Sector Zero Escape, Approaching MB, Kihunter Hive, and Tracking The Deleter were all pretty good. If nothing else, they certainly made for a better atmosphere than most of the other Metroid game's music.
  22. Lol, I dunno, I thought he was minister of defence or something. I didn't think it through and I don't live in the states, sooo... I miss AmIEvil's remixes too. They were pretty fun
  23. Darn. I was REALLY hoping that BoarBeQue was going to evolve into something like Ganon from Twilight Princess. Looks like I'm going with SmugLeaf...
  24. ah, I knew Obama and Joe Bidon seemed familiar!
  25. Wow. Why are you getting so bent out of shape about this? Like you said, it's just a game. It's not like it's ruined the rest of the games or destroyed the franchise. The other games are just as good as they always were. If anything, Other M makes Fusion better. You can still go back and play any of the earlier games and not think about Other M. Besides, now Nintendo knows what works and what doesn't, so it can only get better from here. On a side note, I've been listening to the soundtrack for Other M on Youtube, and it's actually pretty good. It's actually a lot more atmospheric than most of the other games and the standout tunes, like The Kihunter Hive, are really neat. Running through the Bottle Ship after you finish the main story, it feels incredibly desolate. I actually got a more creepy sense of solitude from that than from any of the other Metroid games.
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