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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. Just for fun (And because I'm bored): (It may take a second to load) I mean, yeah, the PSP2 and new ipod touch's screens look nice, but that's a little excessive, don't you think?
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsAq-sMLTEw @ 3:15 Wow, really? THAT'S what the touch panel is going to be used for? Yeah. Giving my PSP2 a sensual massage makes me feel like i'm really in the game. I mean really? and people say Nintendo is gimmicky.
  3. Gotta break this out again. I made it back in 2005 or 2006. Can't remember now... I mean, wow.
  4. well, maybe so, but I would personally prefer them to take as much time as they need to perfect OoT3d and Kid icarus, rather than rushing them for launch. Besides, I think it would be nice to play a completely new IP(Steel Diver) using a new gameplay style(3D) on a new system. I mean, the 3DS is NEW. Why would you want the first game you play on it to be something old? I love OoT, and I know people love SFIV, but really, you should try something new on this new system. Kid Icarus and Steel Diver are both new, and maybe pilotwings, since there hasn't been one in a while (Although there's the flying mode in wii sports resort.)
  5. Ah well. Would have been cool to have a cameo ala Link in Soul Caliber 2. So I pre-ordered the Blue 3DS from futureshop yesterday. March 27 can't come soon enough. I'm hoping to get Steel Diver with it, or maybe Pilotwings. I was actually surprised that even the people at futureshop were confused about the 3DS. The guy I talked to was convinced it was just another permutation of the DS, and not a new system (I knew better than to argue with him). But if only hardcore gamers like us can tell the difference, what about the average consumer? It's kind of weird how upset people got with Nintendo for releasing the DSi and the DSiXL when they've done exactly the same thing with every handheld line they've ever made. I mean, this is the 3RD TIME they've released different models of the same system. You'd have thought people would expect it.
  6. What? wut? How did I not find this guy in my quest to find a better time? And... How was that even possible??? Sigh. Well, I guess I'll do the honourable thing and withdraw my boating in the video.
  7. Well. I guess I've made the record on 1-K! Filmed off of my TV with my cell phone, but still, I dare anyone to do better!
  8. Okay, I just realized something about the battery life. Nintendo is including that charging cradle, and they've stated that they intend for you to keep it in sleep mode indefinitely. Basically, you play it for 3 or 4 hours that day (Really, how COULD you play it for longer in a day?) and rest it in it's cradle overnight. Voila, it's charged and ready for the next day. Huh. I guess Nintendo outsmarted us
  9. I know it's SDHC compatible. How high can those cards go now, anyway? So OoT3D is looking pretty good: http://ds.ign.com/articles/114/1144795p1.html I was hoping that they really would go to town with this upgrade, like the upgrade to Metroid with Zero Mission. I wanted redesigned dungeons, new characters, whole new sections, etc. Even SM64DS was a pretty great upgrade, with 4 playable characters and 40 new stars. So far, OoT3D just looks too much like the original. I dunno, maybe the later sections are really great, but I wanted a new experience, not just the original with a new coat of paint, you know? EDIT: Also, am I the only one annoyed that the hearts are on the bottom screen?
  10. I am going to buy it day one, and I'm not too worried about any defects. I got a day-one DSi, and it had a problem with the screen and the stylus (The stylus was malformed; it made a huge scratch in the screen the first time I touched it), so I called nintendo and sent it to them. They sent me a new one, free of charge. A few things that people don't seem to mention: - Parental Controls for 3D. You can permanently turn off the 3D effect if you want, which will probably save battery life. - One Friend Code per system. When you meet up with someone IRL, you don't even have to exchange codes; you automatically add each other to your friends list. Speaking of which... - Friends List. Nintendo hasn't said too much, but in the virtual tour (http://www.nintendo.com/3ds) the light turn orange for "Friend Online". It sounds like online gaming is a much larger focus this time around. - Pedometer Points. When you walk around with the 3DS, you earn points or coins or tokens or something that you can use to buy stuff in games. Again, they haven't said much, but I really like the idea of walking around and being able to buy games or unlock features. Although it would be nice if we could use the 'Personal Trainer walking' pedometer, rather than lugging the whole system around, but I guess that's kind of the whole point with the 3DS, eh? I'm really excited. I'll probably get either Steel Diver or Pilotwings at launch, and for sure I'll still be deep into Pokemon Black and White, so I'll have lots to play. I just hope it's not too much higher than $250 here in Canada.
  11. I call Smugleaf. I'll use my pimpin' Ditto and get everyone an egg Seriously, my Ditto was level 20 or so when I caught it. It's now level 58 from breeding in the daycare o_o I also have all the starters from all gens, and have many newly hatched ones I can spread out. I can also give 'em the PokeRus if you so desire
  12. Well, me, ah, neither. Why would you ever think I'd have a conversation like that? A more real situation would be you get some weird new pokemon you've never seen and nickname it. Later, you decide to look some stuff up on it online (Like serebii.net) but can't find it because you don't recognize the name. Well, that, and I'm terrible at thinking up good nicknames, so I'm judging all who are good at it. /Sarcasm, but I should stop while I'm ahead.
  13. I usually keep the pokemon's original names simply because I like to know what pokemon people are talking about. "I really like Charizard!" "What?" "You know, the flying dragon fire pokemon?" "Oh, you mean Buster!" "?" "I named him Buster." ":dstrbd:"
  14. Heck, considering what the 3DS is doing when it's maxed out, 3 - 5 hours is AMAZING.
  15. Wait, what? when was this said? It has a wifi switch on the side...
  16. This is really cool. Good job man, you got your music in an Indie game on XBLA (Although, did I spy that you did music for Monkey Island?) If you don't mind me asking, I'm sure I'm not the only one here who wants to write music as a paying hobby / career. I have already started writing soundtracks for a few mods of commander Keen (Talk about small time!) just to get my name out there, but do you think you could walk us through the process of working on an indie game, or how to get involved on a project that would be released on a mass market scale(Such as XBLA or Steam)? Did you personally know the people who made the game, or did you meet online? You know, that sort of thing. Many thanks in advance, dude
  17. I don't see why it would render all 800 pixels when the feature is turned off, but then again, I'm not making the 3DS, so I don't really have a right to object. What would be nice is if there was a setting where you could turn off the 3D, regardless of where the slider is. That would save processing power and battery life. Also: I've never been a huge fan of fighting games (I like Tekken and Smash Bros., though) and aside from Prof. Layton, the launch titles don't interest me: http://ds.ign.com/articles/114/1143155p1.html
  18. I don't even think it's possible for Nintendo to make a handheld that only lasts 5 hours with all the settings lowered. 3D turned off, lowest brightness should get you no less than 7 or 8 hours, and if you turn off wifi/street pass it should be more. From what I understand, the 3DS has that wifi thing going all the time, searching for other 3DSs. That could be a cause of the lower battery life. Regardless, I am going to buy it day one and I am going to love it.
  19. I just don't like to pre-order anything unless I know when it comes out and how much it will cost. Once nintendo releases that info, then I will reserve on right away, but I am torn as to whether I should reserve at EBGames (Gamestop) or a different store, like best buy. I know that EBGames likes to add pre-order bonuses, so if they do that, then I may go with them. Also, I'm really confused on the whole launch day / pre-order thing. I know that if you don't pre-order, you just have to try to get one when you can. But when you do preorder, do you still have to wait in line for the store to open? Is there a limit on how many pre-orders can be made (I think someone mentioned this...)? Will the employees turn others away but keep your pre-ordered one safe? I've pre-ordered both the DSi and the DSiXL, but there was no lines or even other people getting them when I went in. I don't know. The world of system launches is new and strange to me.
  20. My sister and I beat the game, and are working on the hidden temples now. Really fun and challenging game. I was pretty tempted to use the super guide once or twice! I never was a huge fan of the original games. I enjoyed the first and have fond memories playing it with friends, but the second and third aren't really all that exciting for me. With that in mind, I really loved DCKR. I'd recommend it to people who only "like" the originals; it's a much better game.
  21. so... http://www.nintendo.com/gamesites/ds/pokemon/ I'm assuming this means March 6, but it could also be June 3. I really hate how everyone has their own version of the date system; I've seen it both ways. DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY.
  22. I can't figure out how to use it. My DS doesn't like my new router very much, so it's tricky getting that to work at all, and I can't get that website to work. The only pokedex entry I still need is Arceus, so if someone is willing to use that website to get an arceus and send him to me, I'd be very grateful.
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