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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. If you have no interest in Nintendo games, why are you in this thread? I'm really excited for this new console. As much as I defend the "Gameplay over Graphics" argument, I still really want to see Zelda and Metroid with graphics better than the PS3. I hope it will also allow you to transfer WiiWare games over like the 3DS.
  2. Newest episode it out. Gonna have to say I disagree. Sure, maybe in the states streaming video games sounds like a good idea, but here in Canada, we're struggling on a law that will cap internet usage and charge extra if you go over. The average limit is around 60GB, but that would surely be lowered. Consider how big the average PS3 game is. Also, Canada pays nearly twice as much for internet as the states does: http://thenextweb.com/files/2009/11/2n69no5.jpg(this is probably outdated but it gets my point across.) I'm sure other members here who also live in the 'great white north' can agree with me on this. Really, claiming that streaming video games is the way of the future is extremely selfish and inconsiderate to people who can't afford high speed internet, or who don't want it. Personally, we pay about $25 per month for 7.6 mbps with a 70GB cap. What are the prices in the states?
  3. Smash Bros is the epitome of a good fighting game: super simple moves and controls, incredible depth and longevity. If anyone wants to do some SSFIV I'll be online for a while.
  4. Hey man, I think you missed a couple people's FCs in the 3DS thread. Here they are:

    Turtle: 3351-4059-3998

    Kanthos: 2578-3107-8918

    DJMystix: 1934-0676-3114

    BTW, congratulations on The MissingNo Tracks!

  5. I haven't gone for 100% in pilotwings yet, but I think that Rocket belt and super rocket belt have the same collectables; you don't have to get them twice. Am I the only one who finds it really hard to press all 3 kick/punch buttons in SSFIV? Thank goodness for the touch screen. I wen through and added everyone's FCs. Interestingly, it seems that you don't get to choose the name for people online. That's kind of cool, but also makes it confusing when you add someone and they show up with a different name. Maybe we should update the first post with out OCR name and 3DS names? My 3DS name is GameBird.
  6. Hey man, I added your FC on my 3DS.

  7. Okay, for the most part, I'm starting to figure out how to play street fighter. I'm getting good with Juri (although she scares the crap out of me) but her moves are pretty simple... But look at this: How do you do Chun Li's Ultra or super combo? What does it mean for the circle to go left but the arrow underneath to be right? Anyways, If someone could update the first page with my FC that would be sweet...
  8. Fighting VS Dark: A bunch of jocks beating up a bunch of emos.
  9. Well, if you were a rock type it would have been eight birds. That should have been enough...
  10. Ooooorrr... Just give him to Nintendo. I'd like to see what they could do with him.
  11. I believe Litwick are also the souls of people... You know, these games do have a lot of deep, emotional and dark aspects when you look closely. P.S. your sig goes well with that.
  12. I love pilotwings resort! Very glad I bought it. Great showcase of the systems features! So I finally caved an bought Street Fighter. I'm awful at it though, so if anyone wants to school me my FC is 1461-6201-4828. Call me GameBird or Overflow, doesn't really matter I guess... EDIT: So how come in some of the descriptions for moves it shows 2 circle pad movements when you only have to do one? Plus, why is it so hard to do Dudley's thunder punch thing? What do all those light or dark colored movement arrows mean?
  13. So I'm planning on going to a sort of anime convention this year (First time), and I thought it would be fun if my friends and I all went as Team Rocket Grunts. There will be a lot of people playing pokemon there, so I figured it would be fun to carry a team just like a Rocket Grunt would have(Zubats, Rattatas, etc.). But I'm wondering how I should organize that. Should I just have a couple Zubats and a Sandshrew? Or should I form a full sized team of Wheezing, Sandslash, Raticates, etc.? Which would you find more entertaining to play against?
  14. Some very high quality stuff here. I can tell a lot of time and effort went into these songs. They aren't really my 'cup of tea', but that's just my personal tastes. I just find them a little too abrasive, but last 2 are pretty cool. I know what kind of style you were aiming for, and you certainly got it. It's really good, but others would probably enjoy it more than me. Good work!
  15. I'm such a noob, but how can I make my new sig actually link to my youtube video? Thanks! EDIT: NVM, I figured it out. I guess you can just delete this thread now...
  16. Bumped once and only once to show off the album cover and link to a video preview! Please give me any feedback you have!
  17. So cool. I want one. How can I get one in Canada? EDIT: NVM, I think I just found a store that's selling them
  18. Hey man! Pretty good, I just can't figure out what 3 extra pokemon I should have as backup. Any suggestions?

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