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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. The 10 Free NES games are available right now! in the eShop, go to Settings, then Your Downloads, and you'll see the option to download them all. I'm rocking some Super Mario bros. right now!
  2. Well, that's kind of a misnomer. This is Nintendo utilizing the technology aside from Wii Sports. It's good tech, and not very expensive, and it's used to good effect in it's appropriate games, like Red Steel 2. If you want there to be support for the device you have to support the device. And you're probably right about it being used more significantly with the Wii U, so it wouldn't hurt to just get one. Heck: check out HMV. I found a pile of new copies of Red Steel 2 with the Motion+ included for $20. Also, I think Nintendo is going to make a bundle for SS. Isn't it going to include that golden wiimote+?
  3. Added everyone! Except you, Malaki. Yer code is borked. If Meme Generator was working I'd make a "ADD ALL THE THINGS" joke here.
  4. I know what the OP is getting at. A lot of Children of the Monkey Machine's remixes don't sound like much in particular, but that Mario Paint song actually does sound quite a bit like the original. I actually really like this mix, but I cannot hear ANYTHING from the original in it.
  5. But Super Mario Advance (mario 2) and Super Mario Advance 4 (mario 3) were both remakes (since they add extra levels and voice effects) of the SNES Super Mario All-Stars games.
  6. Ports or remakes? ..."Remakes." "Remakes." Remake is a weird word.
  7. Grab one before thursday from wal-mart or costco for $170, connect to the internet and get 20 free games!!
  8. Metroid Prime is my favorite game of ALL TIME. I've played through it at least 8 times. I had no idea what I was getting into when I played it; I had only played Metroid Zero Mission before (My second favorite Metroid game) and I was so engrossed in the awesome story and scanning mechanics, not to mention the incredible music and graphics and some of the best atmosphere I'd ever seen. I really, REALLY hope it gets some sort of tribute...Although, judging by Nintendo's "tributes" to Mario and Zelda (a SNES game with a bleh CD and a zelda wiimote...although the travelling symphony is cool) doesn't really give me the highest hopes. If it helps, we can just consider Trilogy to be an early tribute to Metroid. And still think Other M is a good game, no matter what anyone says.
  9. Fine. 20 "bonus" games. Picross DS is awesome, and so is Picross 3D. Get both. I'm thinking of getting Mario's picross (even though I think all of its puzzles are in Picross DS) because it's cheap and it would be nice to have those puzzles available any time.
  10. New colors and limited editions, most likely. I really don't see what they could do to improve the design, besides maybe a sturdier circle pad and less draining screens, maybe better cameras? But those would hardly be worth it. This current model is extremely compact, and just holding it you can tell how well designed it is: it's much more solid than any of the DSs. Plus with Nintendo's financial issue, they'd only be shooting themselves even worse in the foot to release another model within the next year and a half. And @ OCRE, you forgot about the 20 free games you'd get by buying it right now. Really this is the best deal for a long time I'd say.
  11. Once again guys, the 3DS is only $169.99 at Costco right now! I can verify this, since I just got back from one. This is by far the best time to get it! You'll not get a better deal! $80 off plus 20 free downloadable games! If you're even considering getting one, do it now before August 12!
  12. I heard costco is selling it for 169.99: http://nintendo3dsblog.com/buy-the-3ds-at-costco-for-169-99-right-now
  13. Donkey Kong '94 is amazing, Game and Watch gallery is fun. I've heard the Art Style games are fun, and apparently so is Qix. I don't know if it's in there, but ancient pinball, the ancients beckon (or whatever it's called) is really good. Xevious 3d is neat. You can always just save it, too. Good stuff is sure to come in the future.
  14. I really do like my 3DS a lot. It's becoming my favorite video game system. Being able to play all my DS games, cool new games in 3D, downloading old Gameboy and Gameboy advance games, 3dClassics, movies and videos in 3D a wonderful online shop, augmented reality games...The system itself is really great. I really hope that with the price drop, free games and AAA games coming out this fall Nintendo can get back on its feet.
  15. Iwata is giving himself a 50% pay cut in response to Nintendo's financial issues. This, if nothing else, deserves our respect.
  16. This is still pretty good. I mean, NES games are $5 each on the wii, so right there that $50 worth of free games. GBA games are probably going to be around $8 each, so there's another $80 of free games, making around $130 worth of free games, and this is just for a price drop of $80 that Nintendo is not obligated to reimburse us for at all. Compare that to the PSN outage and sony's "reimbursement" package of two $20 games and a couple free minis. Yeah, Sometimes Nintendo can be awesome. Besides, if these free games are good (which they are) then it doesn't matter how old they are: a good game is worth playing again. Plus, some of the GBA games will be exclusive to early adopters. Again, this is really exciting for me. Although, since they're bringing NES Zelda to the eshop makes me fear that they may not make a 3d classic version of it
  17. Besides, the HD zelda and bird demo were actual Wii U footage.
  18. I use Audacity to normalize my music. iTunes and most ipods also have a sound check feature, which works pretty well.
  19. Whoa I just now realized that ^ is the Damned. I didn't recognize you without your normal sig :S
  20. So I've found myself going into the eShop multiple times a day just to browse and window shop. I'll say that again. I'm going into a NINTENDO RUN ONLINE STORE with no other purpose than to just look around at stuff. :shock: I've never even done that with this much frequency on any other online store. PSN is slow and doesn't have any screenshots for games, iTunes is clunky and overstuffed and hard to navigate, and XBLA is okay, but you also have to really dive in to find stuff. I'm actually enjoying browsing in the eShop. Wow.
  21. @ nekofrog Okay but honestly, how much more powerful can systems get? besides, MS and Sony don't plan on releasing their nest consoles before 2014.
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