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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. I only recently managed to get my hands on the original (which is really a great game) and I'm hoping to get the others, once I have the means to play them. Lol, yeah, a lot of the game is watching.
  2. Oh, I forgot. My town's name is Clover.
  3. Bump. Anyways, the picture in this video looks really neat, and if the next Metroid game was drawn with this kind of effort and attention to detail and animated fluidly, it could be a dream come true. The song itself is pretty good, too. Is it an OC remix?
  4. I have pears, too... Here's my code: 3781-2593-5096 and my in-game name is Chris.
  5. Soooo, I see there's no spot for Animal Crossing CIty Folk in Clan OCR. Any idea when that would be put up? And until then, Anyone want to put up their codes?
  6. So obviously, you've become quite good at hacking XBoxes. Have you, or anyone else for that matter, figured out a way to fix the RRoD? A friend of mine had this happen to him recently. The power comes on, the tray opens, but there is no signal.
  7. I added myself to Mario kart wii and Metroid prime Hunters; do I just sit around now and hope people add me?
  8. BUMP. I have a question: Where is clan OCR? I wouldn't mind getting some people's animal crossing, mario kart, etc friend codes.
  9. Yeah, nintendo is pretty notorious for putting in little easter eggs like this. There's also the Shinespark one in Fusion, the Gamecubes in the Item shops in Mario Party 7, nintendo paraphernalia in Pokemon games, Mario cameos in Zelda, etc etc. I'm sure there's a lot more that haven't even been found yet.
  10. Actually, this is interesting: I'm sure you've noticed, but in Fusion, in sector 1, the X's that create the ventilator clogs actually use a gamecube as part of the junk.
  11. Zero Mission was actually the first metroid game I'd ever played, back when Samus was only a character in smash bros to me, and I would say that that should be the first Metroid game everyone plays, not only because it's the first in the story, but also because it's the most streamlined and (possibly) the most atmospheric of them all. There are a ton of sequence breaks in Zero mission. In fact, the game was designed with them in mind, so you're sort of supposed to play the game in the wrong order the first time. For example: you don't need the long shot to get into east brinstar, you don't don't need the high jump, and it's possible to get the super missile before you fight the creepy flying larva bug thing. And now, I'll need to try and beat Ridley before entering Kraid now, because I don't believe you, FriendlyHunter. Also: Kirby dots? Wut?
  12. Well, most of the areas look so similar and there are even some that, with a wrong turn, will bring you into a different place with no way back. Plus, there weren't any different enough songs to differentiate between areas. I actually saw an interesting way to defeat the queen I wish I'd thought of: Missile her mouth so she freezes then morph ball into her mouth and drop bombs in her gut. I just beat her old school, although it took me a couple dozen tries.
  13. Man, Metroid 2 is brutal. due to a lack of internet I had to make my own map just to finish the game.
  14. This is excellent.... One question, what does EP mean?
  15. Exactly! the hud WAS visible! That's why I'm so confused!
  16. On this note: what happens when Wii VC games are played on a widescreen tv? I played Super Metroid on a widescreen TV once, and I didn't notice any stretch, but it filled the whole screen. What's the deal? Do they just enlarge the image and cut off the tops and bottoms?
  17. What's the email? I might as well. Also, what do you think the length of the next Metroid game should be? Longer games are always nice, but the fast paced GBA games are also a lot of fun to blast through in 2 hours. I think the next game should be no less than 6 hours.
  18. Here's something weird: I was in a futureshop a while back and I noticed they were playing Transformers on blu-ray on a huge HD TV, so I did a test. I whipped out my 30G Ipod and compared my iPod version of Transformers to theirs, same scenes, and the only difference I could see was the the HD version had brighter colors. No groundbreaking detail, no next generation, just brighter colors (Which is nice, BTW.) I don't know. I've never bought into the HD thing, and until I see something that changes my mind the only reason I want an HD tv is for the widescreen. And those pictures: My tube tv looks better than the SD versions in those pics.
  19. Lol, this is something I've been looking into to. I've been more into the multifunctional approach, though. I practiced drumming on Wii Music, mostly just training my hands and feet to act independently, and now I plan on buying GH:WT and using the drum kit as a midi set for recording.
  20. Yes, but the one in Prime 2 is also the one from super metroid and Metroid 2. I've heard that Samus essentially has a garage full of ships, provided they don't get destroyed.
  21. I heard an interesting Idea: Since Samus is now part metroid, maybe her suit could also mutate into the alpha, beta, zeta and omega forms. This could replace suit powerups, add weapons and abilities. Not to mention, it would look sweet.
  22. You know, there are some series where they should have stopped while they were ahead, such as the Crash Bandicoot games. 1, 2 and 3 were excellent, but ever since Naughty Dog left, they are very forgettable. However, I'm glad they chose to continue the Metroid series. And I really hope the keep making them, at least until they've stretched the story and gameplay to its best. I say they should end the story at Metroid 6, and maybe make a few prequels or sequels, or even remakes. However, they should stop before they exhaust the series and maybe, as someone said, focus on a different part of the universe. Maybe the adventures of Kanden or something, As a side note, I also think Nintendo should get around to creating a new character. Sure, I love to see the olden goldies going strong, but some new characters are needed, and not just new characters in games, like a new kirby sidekick. I mean a whole new franchise, with some sweet characters. create someone who can stand alongside Link and Samus as cool. Also: ALPHA METROID! PRIME! WHERE!?
  23. Super Metroid. Also, Super Castlevania 4 is pretty sweet. And Ninja Gaiden is HARD.
  24. If they could also bring back the spider ball in all its original glory... Maybe they could even implement a couple new ideas, like a pushing mechanic like in the fangame Metroid SR388.
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