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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. Yes. I was thinking along the lines of the other hunters from Prime 3 or Admiral Dane, just occasionally showing up.
  2. Actually, the Metroids seen in metroid 2 are actually the natural growth stages of Metroids, which is probably why they're only found on SR388. The space pirates did, however, manage to mutate metroids with phazon as seen in Prime 3. Also, about the Sylux thing: A while back I was making my own storyboards for a Metroid movie, and I had created (Out of necessity for character development) a secondary character named Alex who stays behind in Samus' ship and helps her through her mission when possible. I had planned that when her ship is downed by space pirates after she escapes the self-destruct (as cued in Zero Mission) that only she escaped, and Alex was presumed dead. After the mission was complete, the federation did a short clean up job on the surface and recovered Alex's body. They decided to try some tests on him (Without Samus' knowledge, of course) and kept him in cryostasis in an experimental body suit, in essence creating Sylux. He awakes at some point, destroys the lab and obtains forbidden and experimental technology and tracks down Samus, maybe out of spite, maybe because his brain was damaged and all he remembered was Samus and the pain he suffered from the crash and experiments, hating her as a result. Just a little bit of trivia. I think that he should return as a larger role in Metroid 5, maybe even becoming a partner of Samus'.
  3. Also don't forget that it was Ridley who led the attack on Samus' homeworld K-2L, which is one of the reasons she hates him so much. After all, he was the sole reason she landed on Tallon IV anyways.
  4. Oh, yeah, I read all that I could find. I'm still missing like, 2 in prime 3. I recall in Prime 1 a scan that mentioned rebuilding Ridley, but was it the mangas that talked about his using human bodies?
  5. Nintendo's stated that Prime 3 is the final prime game, and you can even find a hidden message in MP3 that states this. A second hunters could be possible, though, but I think Nintendo essentially implied that prime 3 would be the last FPS style metroid. I hope that's true, because as much as I love the prime games, a return to 2d would really invigorate the franchise. but, as was said earlier, Metroid isn't their top priority and it's unlikely they'd sudden;y do huge fanservice and make a Metroid 5. Even so, I would love to see and Metroid 2 ala zero mission. Also, I've never read these scans, but that is the way I've felt about ridley too. By scans do you just mean the instruction booklets?
  6. Wasn't Metroid Dread originally planned to be a DS game? I think they should bring it to wii. Also, I heard that the Wii-make of DK jungle beat is getting new levels! What does this mean for prime 1 and 2?
  7. I can see what you're saying, but remember that the federation created the bounty hunter force for the sole purpose of destroying the space pirates. Unless, of course, you're suggesting a 'corruption'...? I always figured that Ridley's remains were constantly scooped up by space pirates to rebuild him. Also, if there is more than one Ridley, that kind of takes away a lot of his coolness and the essence of Samus' hatred for him. In this case, however, I had assumed that the federation managed to find his body and freeze it, in the hopes that the pirates wouldn't find it. As for the pirates on the station, good point, that always bugged me...In Super metroid they were originally called Zebesians, so I thought that maybe that's the race, and Space Pirates are a sort of renegade group of Zebesians and other creatures, like Kraid?
  8. The Conduit. Also, Animal Crossing: I haven't played any other ones, but I'm intrigued. I'm assuming it would be a good place to start?
  9. Nintendo's going to have to sooner or later address the issue of what takes place after Metroid Fusion, hopefully soon, 'cause I want to know. However, what the next game should be like is completely unknown at this point. I think that the next Metroid game, which was codenamed 'Dread' apparently, should be a 2d game for wii in the same style as the new Wario Land. Hand drawn Samus, backgrounds and animations would be gorgeous, and I think would fit the theme of the game well. Not cartoony mind you, but hand drawn in the style of previous metroid games. As far as story is concerned, there are a couple obvious obstacles. Anyone who's played Fusion knows that *SPOILERS* Samus is infused with metroid DNA, she's on the run from the federation, her ship has the mind of her old CO and, unless there was a second lab, there should be no more metroids in the galaxy. */SPOILERS* This means that Samus wouldn't have a "mission" in the next game, so it would have to entail more of an 'unfinished business' approach, such as tracking down space pirates, searching for chozo relics, etc. I also think the game should retain the running and evading mechanic from the SA-X and the Space Pirates in Zero Mission, but instead of those two, they'd be Federation Troops the game would make you encounter, similar to the SA-X. I would also like to see more revelation of the original Adam, perhaps in the form of playable flashbacks. Also, the game should have about the same amount of narration as Prime 3, but be much less linear than Fusion. This could be easily attained by simply making it impossible for Samus to communicate with her ship when underground (Metals in the rock or something). Also: Admiral Dane must return. Thoughts?
  10. Does Neversoft know about the drum issues, and are they planning to make new models anytime soon or at all? Also, just making sure: The wii version of GHWT drums has a midi port, right?
  11. I thought the bubble man one was pretty cool :S
  12. I say that anyone who has doubts in nintendo and the wii and is thinking of selling theirs should at least wait for wii motion plus, and wait for a few games to come that uses it. if that turns our to be a flop, then go ahead and ditch the wii, but if it delivers, you may be glad you kept it.
  13. "You may have noticed: It's very brown looking over there." QFT. Man, this is so true. Great vid, as usual; very funny and informative. Keep it up! Personally, I like the stylized characters more, because they just stand out more. You can have more fun with cartoonish characters who can become flattened or change costume in a second. When you try to go for the super realism, any minor problem stands out like a big fat pimple on a super model. But I digress: there are obviously games where the realism is needed in the graphics, i.e. war games and sports games. But really, gaming is about fun, and when the experience can be ruined by a little graphical error, what's the point?
  14. But you can't transfer it to your computer.
  15. I heard that for ps3/360, RB2 is the way to go, but on Wii, GHWT is the one to get.
  16. The game is a ton of fun with four people. I've been playing with my family and it's a lot of silly fun(like my dad taking ten minutes to pick an instrument and then playing after the song is over) or when we (rarely) actually get the song to sound right and in rhythm, there's a nice sense of accomplishment. My sister and I played a lot yesterday. We did Over the Waves, and for most of the song we were horribly off time with each other (I was melody, she was harmony) but every now and then we would randomly sync up perfectly and end the song on a good note. That was a lot of fun.
  17. I got Wii Music, and I'm enjoying it like crazy. I haven't had this much fun in ages. I am very much into music, though, but I can't play any instruments, so being able to do both is really cool for me. I also got my whole family playing with me last night, and we had a blast. The game is a lot of fun if you're musically inclined at all. I actually played for about 5 hours straight yesterday when I got it, then realized that I should eat something. and that was without trying any of the minigames, the drum lessons or the style lessons. I like it.
  18. Definitely D. It's extremely frustrating when you can't get past an enemy or a boss's attack and are forced to take the hit, or if there is a way around it only experts will find it.
  19. I've played Orbient and am stuck on the final stages. It's a really fun, imaginative game, but also extremely difficult in the later levels. It's fun to kind of just zone out while you play. If you like the puzzle and slow moving kind of games, it's a good buy for only 600 points.
  20. Very true; They'll probably take the easy road. I guess whatever works. Still, I think it would be cool. Maybe not feasible, but cool.
  21. When you think about it, this phase of casual/innovation Nintendo is doing right now is almost like a massive experiment. Everything they made until the DS was almost entirely focused on "hardcore" gamers, but then they decided to start catering to the nongamers too. since the release of the DS and the Wii, Nintendo has more than succeeded in bringing in tons of people who would never normally play games, probably doubling their audience and having a ridiculous increase in revenue. I have a feeling that Nintendo will continue down the path they're headed in terms of casual games with some hardcore ones every now and then. What this does is put the emphasis back on the fun of gaming rather than the seriousness of it. To most nongamers, video games are nearly synonymous today with games like Gears of War, GTA and Soul Caliber, all of which are games that are very intimidating and difficult, especially for people who never played games. Then, they decide to try the Wii, and really get into the simple games like Wii Sports, Play and Music. After some time with these games, they decide to up the ante a little bit, with games like mario galaxy and Zelda, slowly easing their way to becoming dedicated gamers who want deeper experiences. This is the future for Nintendo as I see it: They will continue with this trend until about 2011, or until whenever they release their new console. It will likely have power close to or as good as the PS3, and an even more innovative control scheme. By this time, Nintendo will have a huge audience of the people I just described, and then Nintendo will turn 180º, and drop the casual games, instead returning to their roots of intense gaming since now they have a huge support for these games, and people who are almost guaranteed to buy them. THAT'S when Nintendo will become the true king of video games again, as now it is merely ahead in the race. If and when Nintendo makes it to the next generation, they will have made a crapload of money from the Wii and DS and can invest their time in making a very powerful piece of hardware that the once casual gamers will eat up because they are ready for it, having been weaned on Nintendo and becoming loyal to it's ease of play. If this is their plan (Which it should be, IMO) then they are Genius. This strategy could very well make them THE video game company again, establishing their place in the market and being set to last another 10 or 20 years.
  22. I had also thought: Download-able GB/GBC games? A virtual console for the DS =
  23. I think it probably has something to do with their E3. After they saw how much everyone hated it and was starting to lose faith in them (Myself not included), they took whatever product they were working on and quickly finished it up, aka the DSi. They probably had greater plans for it and were planning to release it in 2010 or so. Then again...They are prepared to ship it in Japan on november 1, so I'm probably wrong, but still. But about the whole GBA thing: I'm ripped too, but we had the same deal with the original DS and GBC games. We got over it. And again, the people who want to play those games that need the GBA slot likely already can, so complaining about a company pushing forward is weird. Also, I don't care what Nintendo says: this is going to replace the DS. They said the same thing about the game boy, so no reason to believe them about this. P.S. There are tons of great GBA games, and the pokemon issue is something that bugs me too. But again, I already have the means to do it, so I really have no reason to complain, I guess.
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