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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. Ridley would have been cool but out of proportion. He's a giant beast, and he just wouldn't fit as a playable character. HOWEVER, I think the hunters from MPH for DS could have been included, or at least one of them. Maybe a space pirate fighter could be cool.
  2. I like brawl better than melee for a few reasons: 1) In melee, the only characters I ever used were G&W and Samus, and MAYBE Link. In brawl, I still use those two, but I've found nearly 10 other characters I love to play as (Eg. Snake, Ike, Olimar, ROB, Sonic, etc...) 2) Brawl is slower than melee. Like was said, melee was all about wavedashing and the like and for someone like me who likes to make slower advances and charge my attacks so I was really bad at melee. Brawl is a lot more like N64 SSB than melee is because it is slower. I personally hate it when you're losing to someone (Sometimes being PWND) because they know how to move so fast you can't land a decent hit. In brawl that's being taken out to an extent. 3) Better fighters. In melee, the only ones anyone ever used were Marth, CF, Gdawg, falco, maybe Dr mario, luigi and samus. In brawl, all the characters are much more balanced and evenly powered. Marth and falco are no longer overpowered, underpowered characters like Pikachu have returned to their former N64 glory and even overpowered moves (Like G&W's down+A) have been evened out. Overall, this make the game, IMO, a much better fighter than melee. If you wanted to play melee but could only vs friends who were CHEEEEAP-squared with marth then it was no fun at all. In brawl, anyone can play and win; I have a friend who was HORRIBLE at melee and doesn't even own a single nintendo system but could PWN with meta knight. It is more casual and less hardcore, true, but that makes it less cheap and more fun to play.
  3. @Shadow Wolf Except for one major thing you missed: Nintendo is making RIDICULOUS amounts of money on the Wii. That's because it's the cheapest and most user-friendly. Almost any person of any age can play and enjoy the Wii. I heard that even the Queen of England plays the Wii. Because of its crazy success, it's unlikely that Nintendo's going to change its strategy when it seems to be working so well. Only the hardcore gamers buy the 360 or PS3. You don't often see some middle aged couple or parents with young kids get a PS3. But about the PSX, the only AAA games I know for it are Crash Bandicoot 1-3, Gran tourismo 1-2, Omega boost, and FF7. While for N64 there was smash bros, Mario 64, LOZ: OoT and MM, Mario party, Goldeneye, Kirby 64, Mario kart, mario tennis, Banjo kazooie, Banjo tooie, and Rouge squadron. Did I miss something the PSX had(aside from cheap disks) that made it take first place?
  4. QFT. I don't know where the drop happened; everyone agrees that the N64 was the best of its time (the PS1 was kind of meh), but once the cube cam out, BOOM! all the support from consumers goes down the tubes. I honestly don't know what happened. I know the cube had next to nil 3rd party, but HOW did it get that way is what I want to know.
  5. ... I guess there's nothing we can do about people like this. no defense, I no listen
  6. Anyone can say they don't like a game, and that's fine; they don't need to back up why they don't LIKE something. They should be perfectly free to say something like: "I don't know, I just didn't really like that movie/game/etc.. It doesn't interest me." HOWEVER, when a person says something is bad, then they NEED to give reasons why, or else they will just come off as ignorant trolls. and BTW, "mario doesn't look realistic" isn't a reason.
  7. *hugs Megadrive* I can't stand it when people say a game's terrible and never give reasons. Plus, not many games are actually bad; what really matters is what people think of them. Of course, there are the exceptions (*CoughKing's Knightcough*) How people decide what a makes a game good or bad depends on their personal ideas of fun. For example, I love mario galaxy, prime 3 and Zelda TP because of the gameplay, atmosphere and story (respectively). If someone likes to hack people to bits and as such enjoys games like Gears of War or God of War, fine. Just don't go saying that mario games are bad because there's no violence in it.
  8. This...Is...so...NERDY!!! but...I WANT ONE SO BADLY!!!!! SOMEONE, MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!!!! I can see myself now, flashing my *official* OCR card to someone while pushing my glasses back up my greasy nose, simultaneously checking to make sure all my pens are arranged evenly and symmetrically in my pocket protecter.... I WANT ONE!!! NOW!!!
  9. Is there a new one for today? Could someone post the link? I hope he reviews brawl...!
  10. I find it interesting how often people focus on the graphics in games... I wish we were all like Zero Punctuation, where graphics are only mentioned if they're outstanding. As far as bad graphics in games like GHIII and RB go, really, when you're focused on little colored circles coming at you at top speed, whether the girl's hair moves or not really isn't going to bother you. Plus, someone tell me that mario galaxy isn't a good game. Or brawl. Or metroid 3. Or zelda. However, i agree that I can't think of a decent 3rd party game
  11. What's wrong with random stages? They're fun!
  12. What bugs me is that the GHIII wii guitar won't work. I'll have to end up with 3 guitars!! Also, at least you CAN play multiplayer with 4 people in the same room, right?
  13. QFT. I knew this one guy who hated games like Mario galaxy because he said they didn't look "realistic". Mario galaxy has great graphics, regardless how "realistic" mario looks. I mean, do we really want him to like that creepy, unshaven, buggy-eyed monster? I, personally, do NOT want games to be photo-realistic. Characters should look fun and weird. But, I have to admit, games like gran tourismo 5 look AMAZING:shock:
  14. Lol, these are great. Are there any others?
  15. Question that's been bugging me: what's the difference between sonic's down-special and forward-special? His down-S seems faster and stronger, but you can jump and charge the forward-S, and jump with it. At least, that's how it seems to me. What is the difference? Right now, I can't decide if I'm better with Samus or G&W. I would also like R.O.B. and Sonic to join my mains. Something I really like about this game is the way that EVERYONE has a character suited for them. Mine is G&W/Samus, my sister's is diddy and pikachu (She hated pikachu until now), and this one guy at school who is an intense Sony fanboy loves the game and is DEADLY with meta knight. Thank you Nintendo, for possibly your best game of all time!!!
  16. But, they wrapped FFIV up so nicely, how could they make a sequel? Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they *SPOILERS?* bring back Palom and Porim from petrification in the GBA version?
  17. I agree...If the eyes were smaller, it would be a LOT better. Right now, he's just creepy.
  18. FFIV was the only FF game I played; I quite enjoyed it: the characters are memorable, the battles are intense, but the story left something to be desired. Anyways, you guys have heard about the 3D remake of FFIV that's coming out for DS, right? That looks pretty cool.
  19. Am I to assume that you cannot dodge it, or that I'm a n00b?
  20. Tabuu = cheap.:evil: How do you avoid the move of his where he blasts out the red circles after he grows wings for a second?
  21. A friend of mine's been bringing his wii + brawl to school every day since its release; we play it in the grad lounge.
  22. So, is there a website or something? I'm such a n00b...
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