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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. is this that thread I've been hearing about where joefu is making all those guys that are masturbating at a snowmobile chase scene feel as bad about themselves as they should be
  2. this has been the best strategy in every campaign since l4d1
  3. I'm boycotting L4D2 until they fix the AI if anyone needs me I'll be playing L4D2
  4. an OS that basically takes away everything but your web browser that sounds pretty dumb
  5. yeah see I didn't laugh I just screamed and screamed
  6. dude: everyone follow me the chopper comes this way bleck: uh okay if you say so --- dude: what the fuck bleck: oh look the chopper is ON THE OTHER FUCKING SIDE and then we all died the end
  7. the other two are dead do to other acts of incompetence What I don't like about Charger is how little bits of debris will stop the charge. "Oh, there's the Survivors! I'll just ram them down and - aw shit, a table got in my way."
  8. nine out of ten people suck at this game because they lack problem solving skills if somebody is down and you can't revive them because there are zombies everywhere, do you a) try to revive them anyways, putting yourself in danger for no discernible reason and likely costing your team the game clear out the zombies if you chose a, congratulations you're an idiot
  9. The main overworld theme returns, but everything else is different.
  10. What Mono said, basically. The difference, to me, between OCR and VGMix was that VGMix let me pick which songs I thought were the best, instead of a panel doing it for me.
  11. Looking through all of the mixes for a song or game was what made me like VGMix in the first place. We have to realize that people can basically like anything - what would be constituted as a 'below-average mix' on OCR might find it's way onto people's playlists nonetheless. As soon as we start thinking of a way to separate the 'good mixes' from the bad, the idea has become an OCR-clone.
  12. no seriously what part of valve time do people not understand
  13. The Propellor Suit is the first flying power-up that doesn't completely break the game and as such I endorse it.
  14. step one: make it so a forced scramble occurs after a team has played both red and blue/ after two rounds step two: disable team switching problem solved
  15. normally this wouldn't really bother me but the English song just isn't very good at all
  16. that you have to pay for it (you don't) I believe we explained this
  17. it's not so much that I care about his IRC client as much as I get really irritated when people assume things about things without taking two seconds to check
  18. I was under the impression that this was going to be done a while ago
  19. sure is ad hominem in here 'here is a problem' 'DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE UR A BUTT'
  20. itt admins ignore a problem because of who pointed it out sure is responsible in here
  21. and if you hang around the #ocremix channel for any period of time F4T4L can quickly get you a version free of such annoyances because he is such a cool guy
  22. neither does mIRC, and I guess people would understand that if they actually knew how to read instead of just glancing at stuff for key words
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