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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I'll certainly try it but I can't see it being as good as i can be when it first comes out I remember gmail being pretty glitchy and terrible when it originally was released
  2. that list seems so so so wrong I may not agree with tier lists but at least the melee one made sense
  3. that should make arena a bit more bearable edit: I've played Convoy and I have fond memories of it so I second Darkeswords motion
  4. happy bday zyko you make me smile when others make me SO GOD DAMN ANGRY
  5. this is such a good idea seriously I'm very excited
  6. that's not teamwork as much as it is serious business which about sums up the ZUZ guys perfectly
  7. there is basically no sense of teamwork in arena and since the game is called team fortress 2 I really don't think it has a place in this game
  8. no I'm sorry but I can't listen to it at all
  9. I haven't played on any server but this one for a very long time
  10. I bought Pokemon Stadium for 110$ when it first came out
  11. why don't you just tell the heavy there is a spy also arena is for fags who play counter-strike
  12. first of all nobody is being overcharged for anything - if I remember correctly Braid cost almost 200, 000 fucking dollars to make so maybe just maybe this guy is trying to break even and you know feed himself second iF halo 4 cost a hundred dollars millions of people would still buy it so again who the fuck cares
  13. I will only stop worrying about this when they prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are not harmful
  14. we've bought games before we'll buy games again just shut up and enjoy the fucking game for fucking fucksakes fuck
  15. haven't played it not gonna play it
  16. hey guys let's ban people because people are too fuckstupid to learn how to mute people
  17. who the fuck cares about the price that is the entire point
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