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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. this was cool until episode 3 when the evidence presentation suddenly became ridiculous
  2. that is all basically anyone does with marth and it's usually pretty effective
  3. as long as we're all remixing things that desperately need attention let me go get started on Ice Cap from Sonic 3
  4. um if the mechanic's are still fun and are only accepted as broken by purists who spend way too much time researching the physics of a SNES platformer than I'm going to have to say they are A-OK
  5. does nobody else remember how much everyone important was saying that sonic would definitely not be in smash bros brawl I mean hello
  6. actually I'm pretty sure his point was that you're basically saying if you take everything that makes a game good away from a game than it is not good anymore this is clearly a ridiculous sentiment
  7. star wars fighting game it needs to be done
  8. I tried and then I discovered you can't make a custom Jedi gimme Obi-Wan as a clone of someone except with a lightsaber and I'd be happy
  9. because anytime a game director says something it is obviously 100% true
  10. there's the possibility of other jedi being DLC and Obi-Wan is badass see the thing about obi-wan is that he's quiet and unimposing which is also what happens to be his greatest asset nobody expects him to really do anything but then bam pow he fucks you right up he beat darth maul, a killing machine who spent his whole life training do murder jedi he beat general grievous, who on a separate occasion singlehandedly defeated five jedi at once he beat anakin skywalker, whom pretty much all the jedi said was the chosen one and as such was nigh undefeatable if it weren't for mace windu, obi-wan kenobi would win the jedi award for 'most bad-ass motherfucker'
  11. obi-wan kenobi possibly being downloadable is exciting
  12. studio alterations don't really make a band bad, it just means they suck live and fyi the only bands/people I have ever seen play just as good live as on the album is Muse and Buckethead
  13. see that's exactly the thing we can give video games arbitrary ratings all we want but in the end all that matters is whether or not we have fun playing it
  14. pretty much every song by From First To Last is like this
  15. neither of those songs are very good though
  16. let it be known that I have never used the phrase 'emo is terrible' to actually describe the music as a musician I tend to avoid terms like emo that encompass an entire spectrum of musical diversity - it's like saying 'I like rock' or 'I dislike rap (because I am a tool)' when I say emo is terrible I am talking about dudes who wear jeans way too tight and have black greasy fringes over one side of the face and wear either the thick black glasses or aviator sunglasses or whatever I watch animus and I am still a Herculean epic waiting to happen
  17. dkc is one of those games that everyone says is overrated because one guy said it and of course disagreeing with the what they originally thought is the popular opinion is all people know how to do dkc is one of the best platformers for the snes and anyone who disagrees needs to get their head out of their ass and realize that every other SNES platformer that wasn't a Mario game was shitty also as long as we're talking about overrated games FF7 is still actually pretty good and Halo is still better than Halo 2/3
  18. why I don't understand
  19. I would be too but I don't really own the game. Lizardman is amazing now.
  20. all music ever is basically nothing new and whenever it is something new almost everyone goes 'wtf is this' for a few years and then the next generation of twelve year olds accept it because everyone loving something that up to that point has been almost universally disliked is the new definition of being different and then suddenly it's the popular thing even though it's probably terrible compared to Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch
  21. don't care if they can't play it live the cd's are still awesome sounding
  22. dragonforce sucks live but I still like them
  23. best thing is the trailer song is a remix of a song by the smashing pumpkins said song was originally written for the batman & robin soundtrack this trailer played before The Dark Knight and I thought 'why would they remind me of this'
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