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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. There's an ability in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep where you get one experience point for every step that you take. As soon as I unlocked, I taped my joystick to the left in the middle of a town and went to bed. Woke up the next day and I was unstoppable.
  2. neb you crazy skype is 2 cool
  3. I'm an enormous Mario fan, and I think that they're milking that series - not because of how often the releases are, but because the games all look, play, and (musically) sound the goddamn same. All four of the NSMB share the exact same aesthetic designs, which can't be said of SMB, SMB2A, SMB3 and SMW. All of those games look, sound, and play immensely differently. They're milking the series because they're making numerous sequels that obviously required the bare minimum of creative effort.
  4. Or maybe get a good game instead~.
  5. he said, after hastily editing his posts
  6. my point is that you're arguing how much it sucks that a console doesn't have voice chat in a discussion that you started by pointing out that it does, and that's pretty dumb Which is one of the few games that supports the Wii Speak peripheral! Though I don't think it's known whether or not Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate 3 Super HD Wii U Edition will have some kind of voice chat, yet.
  7. I tried to think of how I can explain to you why this doesn't matter but if you don't already know I think you just might be incapable of understanding
  8. something being a common feature is irrelevant if nobody really cares about it and/or needs it
  9. New Animal Crossing? Welp, better say goodbye to my family.
  10. so basically just like all the new school rpgs
  11. This is going to be the first game where I sit down and get all the 'cheevos.
  12. I'm not sure what this sentence actually means, but I'm pretty sure your choice of words is offensive nonetheless.
  13. I'm not ignoring you because you're right, I'm ignoring you because you're presenting your arguments in such a way to maximize the amount of satisfaction you get from trying to prove somebody wrong, instead of sharing the information for conversation's sake. I'm ignoring you because the way you're arguing this only serves to give people adequate reason to ignore you. Also, I'm pointing out your spelling mistakes to make you mad (which is clearly succeeding~).
  14. The spelling correction doesn't really prove anything except that you can't spell, which is embarrassing. You know that the little squiggly line under a word means it's incorrect, right? Or were you so excited to post another insulting remark that you didn't even bother to glance up from the keyboard? I mean, I'm sure everyone's real impressed with your immense ability to imply that somebody doesn't know what they're talking about, but please. People who don't have to bolster their self-esteem via passive-aggression on internet forums are trying to talk.
  15. The thing about the Wii U is when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros. when is Smash Bros.
  16. So the PSP master keys were discovered sitting around in the PS3, and that's why I'm wrong about how easy it was to softmod the PSP to play pirated games beforehand? I don't follow you, here.
  17. Hey, have you maybe considered that people ignore your posts because you're a haughty asshole? sigh
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