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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. Somebody takes PSN down and Sony responds by never making video games again
  2. In this metaphor, my Wii is a delicious can of Dr. Pepper.
  3. wait are we talking about city of heroes or are we talking about every single mmo ever made
  4. Tabula Rasa was the first, and as of yet, only MMO I've ever been interested in playing, and they shut it down before I had a chance.
  5. Here's a map from FFX. Here's a map from FFXIII. If you're interpreting linearity as how straight your story's path is from one story event to another, yes, FFX is linear - and so is literally every other JRPG ever made. It's a stupid criticism.
  6. X was linear in storytelling, which is not a bad thing. XIII was physically linear, as in dungeons and areas are all long featureless straight lines. The battle system being good is one of those things where it doesn't really matter at all, I think. If you think any Final Fantasy game is good particularly because of the battle system, I don't think you're really paying attention to what makes these games go from good to great. That being said, FFXIII's battle system is pretty good; it just doesn't make up for how pretentious and boring the rest of the game is. Even the music, arguably the most popular part of the series, kind of just straight up sucks.
  7. Every single instance of Minecraft attempting to be a survival-adventure game instead of a game where I build things out of blocks.
  8. ...hey. Hey. Who did that.
  9. Crisis Core was arguably better than FFVII, and like Mirby said, was released at the height of the PSP's popularity - in fact, I'd argue that the PSP's popularity at the time was caused by Crisis Core. Maybe you should actually, you know, play games before you disparage them.
  10. http://www.blackmesasource.com/ I didn't believe it when someone linked me. I'm still sort of skeptical, in fact, since it's just a countdown to who knows what.
  11. Let me get this straight. You're saying Crisis Core was bad, and Dirge of Cerberus was good?
  12. Saying that something 'jumped the shark' jumped the shark a while ago. Are you kidding? If FF13 was Nomura masturbating, Versus 13 looked like full-on autofellatio.
  13. I'm pretty sure Homestuck's fandom will slowly take control and absorb all other fandoms. Which is fine with me because Homestuck is superb.
  14. Those chills are your brain signalling your stomach to heave.
  15. The surprising thing is that it keeps all of the action of DBZ, but adds in a level of humor that's understandable by a Western audience - it's actually better than Dragon Ball Z.
  16. Working 80 hour weeks, or being at work for 80 hours a week?
  17. Crisis Core was better than FFVII itself, and was probably the best game on the PSP. Fuck all the haters.
  18. Given Square Enix' track record I won't be surprised if it's a remake/port.
  19. I'd also like to point out that removing the ability to rush lower level characters is bullshit - all it means is that I'm going to be level 40 fucking forever, since all my friends are already at level 60 and the only way I'll catch up is by playing through the game six or seven more times.
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