I finished this. Criticisms;
- the voice acting was around the same quality as the original's - which was mediocre for a game released in the 90s. One voice actor for guards, three voice actors for scientists was especially jarring considering they all look different and even have different names now. I can understand all the army guys sounding the same, but the army guys also sound especially retarded, so it sucks. They could have done much better on this.
- there are several points where there's a profound feeling of 'where the fuck am I and what the fuck am I doing'. In making everything look super realistic they made it much more difficult to ascertain which button I'm supposed to push, which button can even be pushed, and where the hell are the buttons, anyway. The worst example was the Lambda Core sections, where there's an entire control panel of buttons in various places, but the button you have to push to open the drainage thing is... right beside the drainage thing, in radioactive water that you can't see through.
- I know everyone these days is a fan of the whole 'get hit by things, your camera angle shakes' sort of realism, but it was really annoying and out of place in this game. Especially horrible was getting locked up by a bunch of Houndeyes - their little sonic blast thing moves your camera so much that it makes it impossible to shoot them for at least a second, and if there's more than one they always manage to do it sequentially, so you get almost no chance to fight back.
- ending it right before you get into Xen was a baffling decision. It took them 8 years to do all this, why couldn't they just wait the extra couple of months to release it with Xen? They even give you the long jump module right before the portal fight thing, and you get no opportunity to actually put it to use.
Other than all that, it was really good!