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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. "Gangplank Parrrley changed to "refund half the mana cost if it deals a killing blow."" THEY'RE SPYING ON ME
  2. I don't think the Xin/Stealth reworks are coming next patch, but they're coming soon.
  3. I think just removing his mana would be problematic, because yeah, he'd be in poke heaven. That being said, though, I really do think his problem is that his current mana costs force him to be extremely defensive against other champs he's like to lane against (Shen and Riven come to mind, especially), and even just using his Q to farm causes him to run out relatively quickly. In the interest of making him actually usable again, I think it might be in Riot's best interest to decide whether or not they want him to be a brusier or a carry; either make his Q more mana friendly, but less physically powerful (so he can farm reliably but can't use it to poke so hard early-game), or make his whole skillset a bit "tougher" early on so he can at least stand toe-to-toe with more popular bruisers.
  4. It's honestly a confusing issue even beyond Kotaku's famously shitty journalism - we can't expect everyone to immediately understand how (or why) someone decided to name two different companies that they were involved with the same goddamn thing.
  5. Can anyone tell me why Gangplank uses mana? I mean, his moves are the following; - fire a gun. - eat an orange. - fire a gun into the air. - signal a cannon barrage. Why does it cost Gangplank magic power to do any of these things?
  6. Part of the Sonic game world is Sonic's ability to run faster than any of these cars. Now's not the time to start trying to be canon-friendly!
  7. And yet, it'd have a much higher chance of making that much money than any of the obtuse FFXIII-related bullshit they've recently released.
  8. As much as I'm excited for this, I'm kind of sick of all the big gaming announcements being either Call of Duty clones or remakes of old games.
  9. Remember when Square Enix was a good, productive company?
  10. The best thing to do against a good enemy spy is to convince your whole team to play as Heavy. This is also the best thing to do in response to anything else happening ever on TF2.
  11. there are enough remixes of terra's theme to be a whole fucking album
  12. oh my god the chase scene music from the first episode oh my god~
  13. the joke is that none of you fuckers even have a clue what 'good japanese acting' is at the very least you can say that you like the original dub because you just can't tell but even that is frivolous at best
  14. redline makes my dick rock hard
  15. I think what he's trying to say here is that his art is better than other people's art
  16. the existence of these champs does not mean that irelia's sustain did not need to be nerfed
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