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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I've never played Baldur's Gate and whether or not I enjoy it now will depend entirely on whether or not it's one of those super fucking slow and boring WRPGs that is primarily designed for people who get boners over numbers eg. KOTOR has a pretty good story, good characters and an excellently crafted universe, but I can't fucking stand playing it because watching my Jedi take several dozen lightsaber swings to kill some stupid fucking crab monster is less fun than watching painted grass drygrow
  2. we feel like shaco's ganks are too good early game, so we're going to be buffing his E
  3. as stupid as I think that is, if what EA/BioWare is rumored to be planning (paid DLC 'true' ending) they might uh have a leg to stand on
  4. zekrom is way cooler than reshiram and anyone who disagrees is a big fat doody head
  5. origin isn't harmful in any way but it is still basically bullshit
  6. one time I told darkesword that he couldn't tell me what to do because he only existed on the internet and that night I woke up and he was standing over me just looking at me and then I blinked and he was gone
  7. even if that is the case, it doesn't matter all three endings of me3 involve the destruction of the mass relays as well as the deaths of an extremely large amount of people from all of the alien races regardless of what ending you pick, the reapers still basically win - this cycle ends with the destruction of all sentient races and of galactic society at large an mmo that takes place afterwards would have to take place hundreds of thousands of years later, in a galaxy that is so unrecognizable it can hardly be considered the same as the previous games
  8. yeah see that's the sort of unwarranted hostility I was talking about implying that the people in charge are outright stupid because they've done something that would maybe irritate a few people but is ultimately not really a big deal is kind of taking it too far I mean it's not like they're trying to charge you money or anything
  9. I think it's unreasonable to say that OCR is doing anything bad here by asking you to advertise their website and its media however I also think it's unreasonable to say that anyone who doesn't want to use their facebook page as an advertisement broadcast center are "entitled"; some people might want to just not post things like that, or maybe don't like 'liking' things there's a lot of undue hostility of varying kinds from both sides in this thread over something that is kind of a silly thing to be hostile about
  10. I just record myself making weedly wow guitar noises into my headset
  11. here's one of many examples; why was Joker in warp when the Mass Relays were exploding, when he was supposed to be flying around Earth fighting Reaper ships?
  12. is this an actual question to be specific, I guess, no the problem is not that shepard dies (because seriously I am fairly certain that was almost certain to happen), it was that the ending is incongruous with the overall narrative and play design of the entire goddamn series the whole point of the mass effect series was seeing the consequences of choices that you made; the ending is essentially a plot-hole ridden hobson's choice, where all of your choices basically do the same fucking nonsensical thing
  13. just for clarification purposes the turians and quarians are not aliens that are biogically based on something other than DNA; the amino acids that make up the proteins in their DNA sequences are dextro-oriented as opposed to levo-oriented, which refers to the chirality of the molecules themselves more info can be found here and here carry on with your justified rage
  14. my bet is that nekofrog is graylightning and this is all the beginning of his evolution into another new poster
  15. all of you idiots need to either stop posting or respond to my fucking post because you're all talking about shit that I've already got goddamn covered
  16. just finished the game yeah that ending was pretty much the worst
  17. What's important to realize here is that all developers need to draw a line as to what they can actually ship with their game. Yeah, Bethesda could have released Shivering Isles with Oblivion - but that assumes that a) the company and the customers were okay with the extra time needed to finalize that extra content, and the Shivering Isles expansion content would not have been hindered by any size restrictions on physical media. DLC provides an opportunity for developers to develop extra content for a game without having to worry about the inherent problems with space and time that come with the develop of that content. For fighting games, for example, it can be a way to give a fighting game extra characters without having to cut other content to make room for those characters. In music games like Rock Band, it gives the player the ability to greatly expand the library of songs without having to remove any that come with the disc. The list of positive examples goes on - DLC is (often, but not always) the more digitally oriented version of an expansion pack, a la Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. The problem with 'On-Disc DLC', as becomes apparent, is that it doesn't serve the same function as actual DLC. It's already on the disc, so the developers already had time to finish it and the space to put it on there. There is no rational reason for me to have to pay extra for stuff that is already sitting right there, ready to be used, because the company didn't do any extra work to produce it. You're just asking me to pay for the same product twice... or, like I said earlier, to buy a locked box and then later charge me extra for the key. As an example, think of Diablo II. Imagine that Diablo II came with Lord of Destruction - all of the content already there, ready to be used - but to use it, you had to pay Blizzard an extra forty dollars. Or, to be an even more direct comparison, imagine that Diablo II only came with the Barbarian, and you had to pay extra money to use the other characters - even though all of the data that the game needs for them to work has already been produced and is sitting right there. To reiterate, the problem with ODDLC is that you're asking me to pay for a single product twice - and since this is a fighting game we're talking about, where the playable characters themselves are the only non-cosmetic part of the game, it's like asking me to pay for a single product and then charging me extra for things that are, arguably, necessary for the product to function fully.
  18. so me paying to unlock the characters that are just sitting there on the disc is convenience is that what it is
  19. it's always sad when someone tries to argue by copypasting a dictionary definition
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