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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. people who are otherwise great at the game will literally become the worst player as soon as they start playing dustbowl
  2. different things work at different relative skill levels in every game that being said arguing about all this shit is a waste of time
  3. I don't have any overheating problems with my 9800 GT
  4. or maybe you like it for the right reasons and everyone else just didn't have any friends in high school
  5. http://www.antarestech.com/products/auto-tune-evo.shtml
  6. guys Thriller is a bad book Macbeth is a bad album Ocarina of Time is a terrible movie
  7. When I first played it, I couldn't find any of the exits to the extended worlds. But then I gave it another try a few days later, and bam - spent the next bunch of hours exploring. It's haunting, unsettling, and sometimes downright creepy - I think it's worth playing through it to completion.
  8. because saying that a game like little king's story is thought-provoking and this one isn't, also dismissing an open-world game as 'bad game design' because it lacks an objective shows that he does not understand the concept of surreal or the idea of 'thought-provoking', or of video game design in general everyone is entitled to their own opinion but the way the world actually works is that not many of them are actually valid basically implying that a game meant to be dream-like is bad because it is objectiveless, surreal and vague or rather implying that a game meant to be dream-like is bad because it is dream-like is really dumb and kind of a huge stain on a thread where people who clearly liked the game wish to discuss it
  9. guys guys you're missing the big picture here zangief vs kuma
  10. Street Fighter X Tekken is a Street Fighter game, and Tekken X Street Fighter is a Tekken game
  11. it would be kind of dumb to have the fantastic four if they have super skrull
  12. do you understand how life works you try new things and gain new experiences if you play on a team with people you don't know, you might gain more friends I move that everyone with asperger's syndrome be banned from this vote
  13. gene is confirmed to not be in the game along with phoenix wright which made me so sad
  14. 'forced auto is bad because it's much more noob-friendly for people to get destroyed by teamstacks'
  15. I think everyone is kind of overstating how important it is to play on your friend's team
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