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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I will have three pigeons and they will be called Bobby, Squit and Pesto
  2. keytar peripheral + possibility of Queen: Rock Band = Bleck is a happy man
  3. the joke is that the original isn't very good either
  4. this could apply to any mortal kombat game really
  5. again this is supposedly out but none of the stores in this city have it and nobody on the internet has dumped it what is happening here
  6. that's the worst thing I've ever heard

  7. as far as I can tell this game claims to exist but nobody has evidence to support that idea
  8. no I mean like actually playing Mortal Kombat games
  9. I don't think I've ever actually met anybody who likes Mortal Kombat
  10. half-life 2: blue shift: episode 1
  11. http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Half-Life-Pc-Game-Portal-E3,10613.html FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
  12. or maybe we can avoid the insipid racial jokes and just say that it is likely Gray
  13. I find it funny to see this coming from somebody with a Konata avatar :3
  14. well Portal is admittedly a fantastic game and I am really excited for a sequel however I have been waiting for Episode 3 for what - three years, now? I'd really like to wrap this shit up
  15. they said there is going to be something non-Portal 2 related presented by Valve at E3 but I'm betting it's Left 4 Dead 3 or something
  16. E3 could change it's name to 'Announcing New Zelda Games Festival' and it'd be fine by me
  17. it is the Negative Man from Mother 3

  18. I keep saying this but nobody listens to me
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