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    Bleck got a reaction from Kenogu Labz in Nintendo Switch   
    I'm gonna get it because one really great looking game on launch is literally all you could possibly expect without being a whiny pissbaby
  2. Like
    Bleck got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Nintendo Switch   
    I cannot for the life of me imagine a life wherein I need to play a video game for longer than six hours without plugging it in and somehow don't have the money to just buy an external charger/extra battery/whatever

    the ps4 and xbox one launched the exact same way and nobody said anything, presumably because the doom and gloom attitude isn't as eye-catching about those companies
  3. Like
    Bleck got a reaction from Red Shadow in Nintendo Switch   
    I cannot for the life of me imagine a life wherein I need to play a video game for longer than six hours without plugging it in and somehow don't have the money to just buy an external charger/extra battery/whatever

    the ps4 and xbox one launched the exact same way and nobody said anything, presumably because the doom and gloom attitude isn't as eye-catching about those companies
  4. Like
    Bleck got a reaction from DusK in Nintendo Switch   
    I'm gonna get it because one really great looking game on launch is literally all you could possibly expect without being a whiny pissbaby
  5. Like
    Bleck reacted to The Damned in Nintendo Switch   
    No, no, no. It's Trudeau's fault, remember? He's PM now, so everything that happened before he took office is his fault, and not the fault of the party that spend the last fifteen years fucking it all up.
    I'm browsing various sites and I'm finding the double-standard bullshit about online just... stupid. "OMG, you have to pay for Nintendo online services now? Fuck that!" and then they go on PSN or XBox Live for the rest of the day.
  6. Like
    Bleck got a reaction from The Damned in Pokémon: Forget Ultra Sun and Moon, Core Game for Switch Announced   
    the pronunciation of "Lizardon" doesn't have anything to fuckin' do with how I pronounce "Charizard"
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    Bleck got a reaction from Mirby in Pokémon: Forget Ultra Sun and Moon, Core Game for Switch Announced   
    "it's the same thing each time" is just a crutch that idiots lean on when they want to criticize a thing but are too stupid to recognize anything reasonable worth criticizing
  8. Like
    Bleck got a reaction from The Damned in Pokémon: Forget Ultra Sun and Moon, Core Game for Switch Announced   
    "it's the same thing each time" is just a crutch that idiots lean on when they want to criticize a thing but are too stupid to recognize anything reasonable worth criticizing
  9. Like
    Bleck reacted to Nabeel Ansari in The Marvel Symphonic Universe   
    I think Bleck's right, in that I think this has to do with entertainment industry in general slowly approaching a state of (unjustly) hyper-optimized being. Everything is more efficient, easier, faster, more productive; as a result, patience is thrown out the window, we cut to temp scores; taking risks is subconsciously considered inefficient, and therefore something that needs to be cut out of the process.
  10. Like
    Bleck got a reaction from Phonetic Hero in Happy 30th Anniversary, Metroid!   
    if you don't like the Metroid Primes, you're wrong
  11. Like
    Bleck got a reaction from Kenogu Labz in If it could, should OCR start compensating their staff?   
    newt and brandon's posts demonstrate why this topic should likely be discussed behind closed doors
  12. Like
    Bleck got a reaction from Gario in Sonic Mania   
    even I think this looks good
  13. Like
    Bleck got a reaction from Nabeel Ansari in Sonic Mania   
    even I think this looks good
  14. Like
    Bleck got a reaction from Slimy in Sonic Mania   
    even I think this looks good
  15. Like
    Bleck reacted to AngelCityOutlaw in Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies   
    Schrodinger's melons. 
  16. Like
    Bleck got a reaction from timaeus222 in Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies   
    what the hell are you even talking about
  17. Like
    Bleck got a reaction from Geoffrey Taucer in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    nobody should talk about the things I don't like
  18. Like
    Bleck got a reaction from The Damned in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    it's both
  19. Like
    Bleck got a reaction from The Damned in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    nobody should talk about the things I don't like
  20. Like
    Bleck got a reaction from AngelCityOutlaw in Overwatch   
  21. Like
    Bleck reacted to Nabeel Ansari in Super Audio Cart: The definitive chiptune instrument, available now from ISW & OCR!   
    This just in, zircon and djpretzel claim to be part of the OCR community, BUT DO THEY REALLY WHIP THE LLAMA'S ASS?
  22. Like
    Bleck reacted to djpretzel in Super Audio Cart: The definitive chiptune instrument, available now from ISW & OCR!   
    Yes, and also... yes. We don't use direct game names, but for many of the Genesis sounds specifically, you can easily guess based on preset euphemisms/references. Recreating most types of SNES/Genesis sounds is entirely doable, and with the other systems, all the core waveforms are there. It's pretty darn flexible and has pretty wide coverage.
    So let me get this straight... any time the staff & founder of OCR want to put OCR's name on something, we need "clearance" from "hundreds" of people?
    Have you noticed that you're the only one expressing this perspective? That's why I asked others who might agree to chime in - it's so bizarre and out of left field that I'm genuinely curious if anyone else feels the same, or similarly. If as the founder/president of OverClocked ReMix, LLC I have to get "clearance" from "hundreds" of other people before doing something like this, I'd quit. So would you, if you were in my shoes. There ARE decisions that involve/require community feedback, namely when we do anything that affects the submissions process or content policy. We didn't get "clearance" from "hundreds" to run our FF6 kickstarter, or for that matter to release Random Encounter, which YOU directed. I'm not going to throw insults at *you* personally, but your *position* on this matter *appears* to be hypocritical & inconsistent... it's a VGM-related sample library, worked on by many OCR regulars/veterans, conceptualized by the founder of OCR & a former-judge and current ReMixer who's organized some amazing OCR albums. Again, the connectivity & relevance seem blatantly obvious to me, and appear intuitive enough to others.
    FWIW, I do appreciate the role of "watchdog" and I don't mind decisions like this being questioned, but you're going beyond questioning and just making bad faith assumptions that don't seem to be grounded in reason. There's a cutoff point where it stops being "useful questioning of authority that prompts warranted reflection" and starts being paranoid accusation, incomplete appreciation of reality, or repetition of unreasonable & inconsistent claim...
    If you cannot explain the above inconsistency more clearly, perhaps refrain from further contributing to the thread until your position is more fully-formed?
  23. Like
    Bleck got a reaction from djpretzel in Super Audio Cart: The definitive chiptune instrument, available now from ISW & OCR!   
    are there gonna be presets based directly on recognizable titles, and if not will it be relatively easy to recreate them with experimentation
  24. Like
    Bleck reacted to zircon in Super Audio Cart: The definitive chiptune instrument, available now from ISW & OCR!   
    Cost: Yep, as mentioned in a YouTube comment reply it's going to be in the $100-150 range. I think it's going to be a pretty fantastic value for the money purely for the MODERN sounds alone. That's the big difference between this and other retro/chiptune type plugins; this has hundreds upon hundreds of presets made by layering the systems, adding effects, modulators, envelopes, and filters. A pad made from SNES strings mixed with Genesis sweeps and NES arpeggios? Sure! The factory library features contributions from OCR's own community: bLiNd, Timaeus222, Flexstyle, Sir_NutS, and Big Giant Circles, along with myself and djpretzel to name a few!
    Kontakt: ... Is not the most elegantly designed plugin in the world, but that's OK because we created our own interface and engine from scratch. So you're not really using Kontakt's UI, but our own thing that just uses Kontakt as the backend. All the graphics, wallpapers, knobs and other stuff are totally original. I'll be making a multi-part tutorial series on how to use Super Audio Cart, too. Starting with the basics of navigating the factory library, then moving on to basic sound layering and mixing, envelopes/filters and portamento, arpeggiator & sequencer, FX, and the mod matrix.
    SNES: For the SNES, for copyright reasons we couldn't sample the actual games themselves. Instead, we created our own custom bank of 400+ sounds to the same specification used by actual SNES games, right down to the same bit rate reduction (BRR) encoding. These samples could be dropped into a ROM file and loaded on a real SNES - and in fact we did that just to make sure they sounded correct! You'll find a huge range of sounds including strings, pianos, guitars, basses, ethnic instruments, FX, ensembles, and drums, with lots of variations for each. There's also an FX module with the classic "SNESVERB" sound that you can tweak and toggle at will.
    MegaDrive: Another tricky one, since FM synthesis has infinite possible patch combinations. However, most of them suck! So we ripped the TFI (FM synth patch) data from actual soundtracks and, using a Model 1 Genesis and GenMDM hardware, multisampled about 120 of the best patches from my favorite games. Classic instruments from titles like Streets of Rage, Phantasy Star, Shinobi, Toejam & Earl, etc. Oh yeah, and several hundred FX taken from sound tests too (non-PCM fx, so again, no copyright issue!) On the PCM end, we did use the Genesis' lo-fi DAC to record some custom drums + percussion for lovely Genesis-style 707, 808, 909, rock, metal, and hybrid kits, plus about a dozen others.
  25. Like
    Bleck reacted to AngelCityOutlaw in Supergiant Games (Bastion, Transistor) announces new title: Pyre   
    When I saw that you replied to this thread, I thought to myself "he's going to say, 'my body is ready'.
    You did not disappoint. 
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