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Everything posted by Gario

  1. Ribbit? I'm just copying my write-up for this track named "Brain Sound Tilt", which I've just finished and will be featured on OCR's Skies of Arcadia "Arcadia Legends" album: "This Modus guy first hit me up on Facebook during a time when my psyche wasn't very salsa n' samba. It took it a while to start dancing again, but when it did, he immediately noticed and messaged me once more, and there was this very almost completed album to which I thought "k c'mon let's keep it up" and PAM - I chose Ramirez's theme. I've admittedly never played Skies of Arcadia, but when I heard that tune, it somehow clicked and I went curious to learn more about its background. Apparently, Ramirez's mind went by a twist after some events, running from love to hate, judging a whole nation for the acts of individuals, whereas putting all his trust in one single person, who died afterwards, etc... All in all, it was the perfect moment to explore a psychology-themed mix, so this one's my attempt to emulate Ramirez's inner self: there's a dark environment, with some grits, glitches, distortions, dissonances and a dancey chorus that attempts to make it brighter and brighter, until it fails on the last chord, biased by those interferences only to be overcome by darkness again". Thank you Modus for the approach, and Darkflamewolf for the opportunity you've created! Download link: Source: https://youtu.be/Et_zP0v3thU
  2. Prior Decision Link to ReMix: Contact Information ReMixer Name: GCJ Real Name: Caleb Email: Website: https://soundcloud.com/gcjofficial or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4gkFBO9_FKEr_GRezitg6w Forum userid: 34256 Submission Information Games Arranged: Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future Name of Arrangement: Butterfly Spy Name of Songs Arranged: "Sneakman" and "Fly Like A Butterfly" Additional Information: Composer for both songs, Hideki Naganuma. Jet Set Radio was originally on the Dreamcast, but has been ported to Windows, PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade, the PlayStation Vita, iOS, and Android. Jet Set Radio Future was only on the original Xbox. Link to Soundtracks: Jet Set Radio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGA4PilHdr0 Jet Set Radio Future: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugo6ASPVu9g Link to Original Songs Used: Sneakman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VyaShl6urc Fly Like A Butterfly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfLK13n91Q8 Comments on Mix: I took the advice from all of the comments of my previous submission. I've replaced the old VSTs with more realistic/better sounding ones. I also improved the mixing so some samples aren't so loud compared to others. I've added parts throughout the song inspired by funk songs to make it less repetitive. The ReMix is generally inspired by the style of Hideki Naganuma, especially his work in Jet Set Radio and Sonic Rush
  3. Who's it for? I have no idea, to be honest. Bought it, already owned the other games, figure it's about time to actually give them a shot (have beaten KH1 in the past, go me). In the meantime, my fiance is playing through KH3 (she knows the story better than I), and I'm having a blast making up what the story is about as she goes along. Something about everyone is Sora, everyone is Xehonort, lots of keyholes for Sora's gunblade to fire, and Donald is a zero healing asshole. Worked for me so far, so eh, that's the story now. It's weird, but it's still fun.
  4. Contact Information Remixer name: Retro Brothers Real name: Jeffrey van der Schilden & Nick van der Schilden E-mail: Website: http://www.retro-brothers.com Forum (just created): http://ocremix.org/community/profile/35109-retro-brothers/ Submission Information Game: Operation Wolf Song: Ocean Loader 5 System: C64 Composer: Jonathan Dunn Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKkES1KrjKI Remix: Few details that need to be taken into account Ocean Loader 5 was actually a remix of Jonathan Dunn his own Ocean Loader 4 original, which was used for games like Rambo III and Target Renegade. Our remix follows Ocean Loader 5 more closely though, which was first introduced with Operation Wolf, but was later also used with games like Renegade III and Batman. Still makes this a remix of an Operation Wolf original (see also http://www.vgmpf.com/Wiki/index.php/Ocean_Loaders_(C64) ) C64 loaders add a lot to the game experience (think also Last Ninja, that used different loader music before each level even) To C64 geeks, this should be bundled with Operation Wolf at the very least, since it was first introduced there. Artist notes While we were working on a new track for a game that is to be released on steam, we all of a sudden freestyled a part of Jonathan Dunn's melody into our track. Needless to say, we played a lot of Operation Wolf on the C64 back in the day, so this track needed to evolve into a full remix. The Lead and other C64 SID chip elements were recreated on our trusty Nord Lead 2x work horse. Everything else comes from the Easily Embarrassed kitchen (our other music project @ http://www.embarrassed.nl ) Also fun to note: Nick was already around in 2002! http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00877 Hope you enjoy and accept our submission! Regards, Jeffrey / RB & EE
  5. Contact Information Your ReMixer name – Manju Bun Your real name – Huy Nguyen Your email address – Your website – n/a Your userid – 34776 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged – Jade Cocoon: Story of the Tamamayu Name of arrangement - Eternal Village of Silk Name of individual song(s) arranged - Sirus Village, also some parts of: Khem'el Temple, Legend of Arcna, and Levant’s flute stylings Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. – I’ve been wanting to make an OCRemix song ever since I’ve first heard the music from this site way back around 2006. At the time I had zero knowledge of anything related to music playing/production. So after years of self learning and procrastination, I finally felt like I had enough (?) knowledge to remix something; and here we are. With no prior background to remixing or any DAW work, this was pretty much the first song I’ve ever worked with. There’s not much inspiration behind the song really. This song was memorable to me as I spent hours and hours playing this game back in the days. I just chose this song as it felt like an “easy” song for a beginner to try and remix.
  6. Note: If this passes, this will need a new name, as this doesn't currently have a title that will work for OCR. - Gario Hi, I'm sending my mix for review. Contact Information: ReMixer name: Karigen Real name: Mindaugas Račaitis Email address: Website: https://soundcloud.com/racaitis / https://www.facebook.com/Karigenas/ Userid on our forums: Karigen Submission Information: Name of game: Ranger X / Ex-Ranza Name of arrangement: Stage 5 Theme Additional information about game: Platform: Sega mega drive / Sega genessis Composer: Yoshinobu Hiraiwa Link to the original soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t8XYQN0om4 Remix made on Cubase 5 program, project video for proof of legality
  7. Contact Information ReMixer name : Reuben6 Real Name : Reuben Spiers E-mail: Submission Information Games: Animal Crossing: New Leaf Name of Arrangement: Hour That Never Ends Name of Original Songs: 1 A.M
  8. Dan Froelich’s Theme “Funky” from the computer game “Jill of the Jungle” from Epic Megagames. A Nick Stubblefield arrangement, featuring Nick Stubblefield on keyboards (with permission acquired from the original composer!) Remixer name: NickStubblefield Real Name: Nicholas Jay Stubblefield Email: Web: http://nickstubblefield.com/ Name of game arranged: Jill of the Jungle Name of arrangement: Jazz of the Jungle Name of individual song arranged: “Funky” Game composer: Dan Froelich Description: Fun arrangmement of “Funky” from “Jill of the Jungle.” This music was utilized on the main menu as well as map levels of the game. I always found it inspiring, and decided to develop an overlay of blues and jazz that blended with the original track.
  9. RebeccaETripp Rebecca Tripp http://www.crystalechosound.com/ ID: 48262 Game(s): Twilight Princess Song Title: In the Heart of the Sacred Grove Songs Remixed: Sacred Grove Comments: Here’s a link to a video where you can hear the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVeBTh-nnqY There’s a download link in the video description. My friend, Greg Orosz worked on this too. If this gets accepted, he can be credited as “Gamer of the Winds”.
  10. Anthem of Futility (Damned) MrS4TURN9 Dan Juliot https://soundcloud.com/mr-s4turn Call of Duty: Black Ops Anthem of Futility Damned (Zombie Theme) Kevin Sherwood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4MvHGw62CI I've always adored the melancholic sound of the piano melody 'Damned' from the zombie mode main menu. Remixing it has always been a dream. I wanted to capture the atmosphere the original evokes, the sense of impending, inevitable demise, while making it hit hard and swell with emphasized emotion. Here it is, a remix of my favorite haunting tune. Enjoy!
  11. Your ReMixer name: PokérusVGM Your real name: Patricio Thielemann Your email address: Your website: https://pokerusvgm.bandcamp.com Your userid: 31369 Name of game(s) arranged: Streets of Rage 2 Name of arrangement: "Las Calles de la Rabia" Name of individual song(s) arranged: "Dreamer" Original Composer: Yuzo Koshiro Comments: Yuzo Koshiro is a beast, holly crap! I really love this tune, and I wanted to make a much "slower but equally intense" version of this track for so long. I hope you enjoy it a lot!
  12. ReMixer Name: Paper Coelacanth Game Arranged: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Name of Arrangement: Scruffy Always Comes Through Song Arranged: Dick Gumshoe ~ It's Detective Gumshoe, Pal! (Gumshoe's Theme) Always thought Mr. Scruffy Detective Dick Gumshoe's theme had the perfect vibe and structure for a Trance / Dance remix. Still hoping they'll bring him back someday! Source:
  13. Hello! Unfortunately, no matter how good a song it, you can't upload it on someone else's behalf. As per the Submissions Guidelines: If you could get Brendan's contact information and either get his permission or convince him to submit it to OCR then that would be another story, but we don't accept submissions on other people's behalf. As a judge, I'm going to add that these wouldn't be up to OCR's current quality standard, due to the conservative nature of the arrangements. I mean no offense on that; Brendan didn't submit them, so it's perfectly fine for what it is - it's just something we couldn't post on here regardless. But yeah, please don't upload other people's submissions; if people catch that their music had been uploaded on our site without their permission it can make the original author upset, and possibly lead to DjP being forced to take the music down later, which is a hassle. Thank you for asking.
  14. YES! More Motherpluckin' B music! I look forward to downloading another album from you.
  15. This is extremely sexy. Great voice work, too. From the thick beats to the constantly varying textures, this track wins on all fronts. Lovin' it.
  16. So I watched the series (I think my fiancee and I binged it over two nights - not a long series, even at twice the length of the first season), and I'll say it's really good*. *The anime is both quite slow, focusing on political intruigue and the emotional turmoil of the protagonists and antagonists, and at the same time quite fast, once the characters had time to be established the crew runs through the castle at an alarming pace. The action is great, though, and the character moments were really something to behold - even got a little teary-eye'd at the end (no spoilerz, bois). But yeah, great season 2, and it's nice to see the anime gave some room for another season or two, if people really want it. At the same time, it could end at this point pretty comfortably - I'd be okay with it either way. Good stuff here, we can forget the haters.
  17. sorry, i'm on the panel already, we're already in a Garpocalyptic Era of OCR. #feelsbadman
  18. Bruh. He's offering to do the work you do on the panel for a whole month, without compensation. It's like offering to give you a vacation for free. Do it, it'd be hilarious. Until DjP got mad at us randomly trying to grant judge privileges behind his back, anyway.
  19. Probably flavor of the week; I personally tend to get a lot of Izzet counter-burn decks and stompy green. It's pretty diverse in general, though; no better time to get into Magic than when no one has the cards to make a "great" deck, and no meta has really been established yet. It's like the wild west atm, it's great.
  20. Yeah, not going to lie, I'm a bit disappointed on that front, too - they said they were working on it, and that it was SUPPOSED to be released with the open beta. Oh well, gives us some time to build some decks before we compete, eh?
  21. Listening through this, while I won't say this is without criticism I think Larry's assessment is missing the forest for the trees, here. The sample work isn't up to snuff (more on that later), but the synth work is great, and with more than 75% of the track being pure synth work I'm going to argue the samples were never really supposed to be realistic. The production is clean, and all of the synths (thin as they are) in combination fill up the space more than enough while remaining clear enough to hear everything. Coming back to the instrumental sample work, though, when the more acoustic elements are involved (like the samples at 0:23, the strings at 6:32, or even the e-piano at 0:13) they are dry and exposed, sounding amateurish in their use. While I can argue that the samples may never have been intended to be realistic, they don't sound intentionally fake, either, which puts them in an awful uncanny valley where the listener can only hear them as poorly sampled rather than intentionally fake. If you're going for a realistic acoustic sound, go all the way - give it some defined space, have the different note hits have different weight, phrase the dynamics better, etc. If you're going to fake them on purpose, cap those decays, harden your attacks, etc. - do things that make them really sound intentionally fake. For the record, the fake guitar work, while not great, wasn't nearly bad enough to sink the arrangement either. The distortion guitar, in particular, had a fake element that blended with the rest of the arrangement. Could be better, perhaps, but I didn't think they were distractingly bad. Glancing at the source and arrangement really quick, the source isn't difficult to hear in the arrangement. The samples are Square Enix property, though, so they'll need to go before we can pass this regardless of anything else. Otherwise, checks out on that front. I count about two minutes where the samples are exposed and rather bad out of a 8:42 track - I'm not sure if that's enough justification for me to outright reject this. Since the samples used mean that this is going to be a conditional YES anyway, though, I'd suggest the artist to take another pass on the more acoustic sample work and either put some purpose to it's fakeness, change the samples to synths of sorts, or make the samples much more realistic and less dry. It could easily take this from a pretty good track to a great one, if some time was taken to polish this up. I'll pass it either way, but those Square Enix samples do need to go - we can't have Square Enix samplin' in our posts, unfortunately. EDIT (2018/10/09): I'm hearing the sampled instrument at 1:03 that Nutritious is pointing out as well, which I agree is sampled from the game with effects overlaid on it. That will need to be removed and replaced with something that isn't Square Enix property before we can pass this, as well. YES (CONDITIONAL ON SQUARE SFX BEING REMOVED)
  22. Previous Decision Submission Download Link: Contact Information:: Your ReMixer name: Mercurius FM Your real name: Borigard Mercurius Your email address: Your website: http://mercuriusfm.com Your userid: 17383 Submission Information:: Name of game(s) arranged: Chrono Trigger Name of arrangement: Chrono's Fight Dance Name of individual song(s) arrange: Battle Additional information about game including composer, system, etc.: http://ocremix.org/game/16/chrono-trigger-snes Comments: This is a resubmission based on my original arrangement being too repetitive. I adjusted the arrangement, which has resulted in a tighter, shorter, more exciting arrangement. I wanted to resubmit it sooner, but my dad passed away last August, and I had a lot of things to do. So, finally I'm back, and here is my resubmission. For posterity, I've also included my original comments... Hi, long time listener and gamer... Been producing since 2005 and finally decided to start hammering out video game remixes because regular dance music has been boring me! This is my take on the classic Chrono Trigger Battle theme. The idea came to me after listening to the SNES soundtrack for the thousandth time... I noticed I was humming the bassline still. At this point, I began writing the remix and it transformed into an electro house stomper inspired by acts such as Soulwax and Justice, complete with heavy drums and a grinding bassline. It should be great for listening, and also for DJing since I've tested the track a couple times when I do my monthly video game event called Gamer's Paradise Party. Thanks for listening! Regards, Bo E. aka Mercurius FM Music Producer & DJ http://MercuriusFM.com
  23. Hi everyone, hope your 2018 starts well! Name of game(s) arranged: Golden Sun 2 Name of arrangement: Au clair de la Lune Name of individual song(s) arranged: "Full Moon (Garoh)" Artists: Chernabogue ft. Furorezu (guitars) & Furilas (bass) Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site): Motoi Sakuraba / GBA Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pFQqT_851U Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: This track from Golden Sun 2 sounds so sad, especially when you first visit that village in the game. I wanted to keep that sinking feeling as part of the remix while switching its genre and aiming for a slow rock arrangement. Challenging but super fun (despite the depressing/nostalgic atmosphere of the track). Major thanks to my partners in crime for their time and recordings! Link to remix: Hope it's all good -- let me know if I'm missing anything. Cheers!
  24. Remixer Name: Nostalvania Name of game: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Name of arrangement: Buy Or Bye Name of individual song: Shop theme Source:https://youtu.be/kx8af6vE3Rc Remix: Hi OCR! I'm back with another ReMix, and this time it's really something different. I actually made an early version of this track some time ago. It originally was meant to be like a parody of the shop theme from Ocarina of Time (Honestly, i just can't take that source seriously lol). Anyway, i always had the feeling that this has more potential than just to be a parody. Then i started to rework the track, added more variation in general and improved the mixing. The result is a funny mix of EDM, german folk music, polka, reggae and chiptunes. Admitted, it still kinda sounds like a spoof, that doesn't mean i wasn't serious about the musical aspects, though. I tried to keep it interesting by using different instrumentation, tempo changes, changing between binary and ternary feeling, key changes (four of them) and a nice accordion solo at the end.
  25. Remixer: Miso29 Real name: Glyndwr Williams Email: Userid: 27317 Name of game: Snowboard Kids Name of Arrangement: Avalanche Name of Song Arranged: Big Snowman Composer: unknown Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkH0qjQ8GNw Link: Comments: It's been a very long time since I did a video game remix and this year I really felt in the Christmas spirit. I had some downtime from band activities so I decided to do something a little more fun and personal. Snowboard Kids holds a special place for me, as a child the whole family would play it together. I wanted to keep the intro somewhat similar to the original to give the main melody more of an impact when it came in. The goal for the rest of the song was to make an over the top, bombastic power metal remix that really lifts your spirits. I took the original structure and added loads of drums and guitars (to make it metal), then I added layers of choir, piano, synths, bells, brass and strings to give the piece a more epic feel. I felt the piece needed a little more input than what I'd done so I created a solo section, it would need to shred like the kids do in game! Obviously to make it more christmassy I added some cliché sleigh bells through sections of the song.
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