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Status Updates posted by Gario

  1. I had an update a month or so ago, and I probably won't get the final done for at least another month or two, so just be weary of that. I think John knows it, too.

    A project to finish in the summer, is the way he put it, so I'll focus on a few more dire things until then.

  2. No problem - I enjoyed it quite a bit. As for what I dreamed, it involved me crashing my truck and waking up to call my dad to say I crashed my truck... then I woke up. Weird part is, I don't own a truck, and yet I still had the urge to call him about it.

    ...Yeah. Awesome albeit excessively knobby experience, for sure.

  3. Gario

    I also saw you on the frontpage roughly the same time, so I think a double congrats is in order.


    Yup, it's awesome.

  4. Hmm... That might work. Not sure yet, I need to get in touch with a few people, first. Sorry if I'm picky, but I have a flight on the 4th through the 9th... so yeah, I don't want to be stuck for a few days without.

    This is all moot if you already have a roommate, though :P

  5. Ah, that old chestnut... It found it's way onto R:TS. I'm finding most of what I submit ends up there, instead.


    Sparkman didn't make it through the panels this time around, unfortunately, but it isn't lost - you'll find it on that link. Enjoy :)!!.

  6. Gario

    Hey, thanks!

    Yeah, to be perfectly honest, I almost crashed twice on the way home, so I don't think my body could've handled too much more late night goodness, anyway. I hope y'all had enough fun without me :)

  7. Well then I better fix that, I suspect.

    Oh yeah, don't forget to submit something to the Caption Contest.

  8. Haven't thought about it yet - in fact, I just found out a few seconds ago. It shouldn't be too bad, though; I'm familiar with both sources and with the mixers style, so I think I'll be in pretty good shape. I'm more worried about the Windman vs Sparkman matchup next round, if you catch my drift ;)

    Devastus is probably going to clean my clock, but I'll give it the good ol' college try :P

    Good luck with Heatman, by the way.

    EDIT: When I said GuitarHeroe wasn't going to be too bad, I meant it's going to be the closest battle in the compo, lol.

  9. I do so love that song, so I'd be happy to work on it. Just not at the moment - this year is the culmination of roughly 3-4 projects, so... yeah. PM me at the beginning of next year and I see what we can do. :)

  10. No thread for you, but you get a 'Happy Birthday' from me. Good job at finally reaching a legal age to drink and gamble :)

  11. Gario

    Sorry, missed ya in the thread - great to have a female voice in the choir. I included you in the conversation, so hope to hear from you, too. :)

  12. That's fine - I'll probably have something done by then. Always keeping an eye on the forums, myself, so I'll know of any dates you & John set.

  13. Yeah, I was just trying to pre-empt any crap that could have hit the fan, so it's probably best to enjoy the music on your own time, you know?

    Wait, I haven't posted a VM yet? Hey, here's a post for you :).

  14. The ever mysterious PosiBolt. Well, figured you'd be interested - the conflicts you brought up in that game I showed you have been resolved. Send me a PM if you ever want to know the progress on it :)

  15. It's moving along nicely, actually. It's a bit more minimalistic than my normal approach, though.

  16. Don't worry, I think Prophet is looking for someone, so I think I'll still be covered, regardless. Thanks for the offer, though - I'll see you there :)

  17. Which competition, the ORC? The winning submission must be midi, but the remixes are anything you want.

  18. Happy birthday, you slut!

    I'd make a thread, but it'd certainly come out something like 'Hey, it's Slut's birthday!' or something, which would earn me too many strange stares and such. Saying it's 'Curly Brace's birthday' just doesn't roll of the tongue as well, I'm afraid, so that wouldn't work, either, and no one really refers to anyone by their real name so calling you 'Terri' is out of the question, too.

    Alas, such a dilemma. Ah well, happy birthday :P

  19. You'z invades mah profilez! Now I invadez yourz!


  20. Here, have a birthday.

    Keep making awesome shiznat.

  21. Haaa, Bonkers, lol. Looks like he had his own idea about using those voices in his track. I'm glad he enjoyed my track, though - it was not easy cleaning up the sounds to get rid of the background noise, so it's nice that people will appreciate it.

    Yeah, glad he liked them. His tracks were pretty neat, too - certainly upper tier stuff there from him, as well.

  22. Just lettin' you know that you should be able to access the project forums now. Go ahead and post in there and at I can give more feedback as needed (as well as anyone else that may check in there from time to time). Glad to have you on board :D

  23. Hey man, happy birthday!

    Nice work on Jenova, too - it was really quite catchy :)

  24. Aha! The ever elusive SLyGeN has made an appearance on OCR! Goddamnit, you're like one of those damn rare items in Diablo II that drop only to have a Sorc telekinesis it before you even knew it dropped. You post on here and the thread gets locked down before I can respond.

    Anyways, 'sup?

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