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Everything posted by Mirby

  1. What the hell, Anne Felis! Why would you post that obviously incredibly explicit screenshot?!? That shit's so incredibly NSFW you shouldn't have even LINKED to it, man! Come on!
  2. heh i requested dark boy in fbrc a few years back, which is why that mix by moseph exists. i should probably find a way to back this shouldn't i?
  3. Couple of images showing the visual improvement over Brawl with Marth.
  4. The patch doesn't change any GTS functionality. The GTS bug it fixes is when you use the filter to search for only Pokemon you have (or ones from other regions). Without the patch, the whole game would crash while trying to trade with the filter on; the patch fixes that.
  5. after searching GTS, I'd say no. Just Kalos and Kanto for now.
  6. Marth confirmed. Whether or not we'll get a costume swap for FE:A's Marth is unknown.
  7. The only time I've ever experienced framerate drops is when I turn the 3D on. Other than that it's ran smoothly.
  8. I've noticed that a few times myself. It's a bit annoying when it randomly scrolls through the features and I didn't touch anything.
  9. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/437762268/tadpole-treble This one just started up, but I have high hopes for it. Should be grand.
  10. I'll just quote something I've heard many times here since it's relevant. "The only way to lose a compo is to not participate." That holds true just as much with this as with any compo.
  11. it was also confirmed that wonder trade was not to blame for the problems. i've wonder traded... 50+ times now? no bad egg for me. it looks like the true culprit was the person's system or sd card being faulty. and it's not the fault of hackers either, before anyone brings that hysteria here. this was reported day one and hackers are still looking into all the secrets of the pkx format, and are also looking into how to inject the mons back into the game (that means they can't do that yet, ergo it is impossible for this problem to be related to hacking at all). so wonder trade in peace; there's a very minimal risk of that happening to you. if it hasn't happened to you yet, it probably won't.
  12. I love being able to use Miiverse for screenshots.
  13. yes, and it even is scored for you
  14. iTunes appears to have messed up a lot. It was also originally priced at $19.99.
  15. And it's funded! $4000 in 1-2 days, that's pretty amazing.
  16. I only brought that up because it's a bit strange that it DOES support mp3s (you can even use it as an mp3 player). Not an advertised feature. And that previous systems supported it. Even the PS1 (though that was the CDs themselves... as with the PS2). So it was strange because if the music playback for PS4 is purely dependent on a paid service when a system that doesn't even advertise its lesser-known support of the format can do so. Nothing more, nothing less. But yeah, back on topic. The only launch game I'm lookin' forward to is Knack. And maybe Octodad. And the only other titles that excite me are Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3.
  17. That is totally what I said. And I'm totally a fanboy. Wait. No I'm not. At all.
  18. well may not be on the site, but it is sixtoprobably won't be added to the list, but still relevant
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