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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. I'd like to tackle Samasa Desert, myself, because it's an interesting song... And fuckin' Tarm Ruins was already taken. I've really been meaning to get involved in this place (having been here for a while and not attempting to remix anything despite having ideas).... The only thing is that I certainly can't promise amazing quality on the likes of crazy-good OCR stuff. Oh God, listening to Zelda's theme just nostalgia-gasm'd me so hard.... Fuck I forgot how good that song was... And how much I loooooooved these games... Ugh!
  2. I've been meaning to try to get involved around here. EDIT: Oh shit I just saw genre restrictions, and I'm out fer reals, yo. Good luck though.
  3. I think one has to leave their 'comfort' zone sometimes, myself. I had to when first confronting Schoenberg, and I'm glad I did. Though I know not everyone can, and that really is ok. The early 'modern' music (from the late 1800s-early 1900s) really challenged listeners with things that didn't sound right. The point was to show that there was a range of human emotion and experience that was OUTSIDE the V-I chord progression, and I find atonal modern music, while certainly not pleasant to listen to, at least in some ways true to the full experience of life, in a way that the flowery (but to me often empty) Baroque and sometimes melodramatic Romantic music just simply cannot. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be enjoyed; far from it (I love Bach and Brahms just as much as I do folks like Schoenberg and Messiaen). But hearing the same type of melodies and resolutions over and over and over again gets stale and boring, and that's precisely what all these Second Viennese and Cageans felt (to put it in the words of an above post, "stretch the limits." I think to say that the only people that should enjoy an extended range of expression are snobs is well, close-minded, but I'm not attacking you, d00d. You may make a point of contention with 'inaccessible', because while many people won't get into it melodically, there is more than one way to enjoy a song. Like rhythmically, or harmonically. And I certainly don't think it 'snobbish' to enjoy something more than the base reaction it inspires in me. Am I snob to appreciate the brush strokes instead of the painting as a whole? Or a snob to enjoy the cinematography of a film as much as the story it's trying to tell? If you said no to those questions, if you said "no, that's perfectly acceptable," then you'd be a big hypocrite because why should music not gain the same type of treatment as any other of the arts? Because you listen to more music than you look at paintings, so music should be protected from evil "art snobs"? I feel that that is ultimately where the path of that logic lies, to one of extreme exclusion. Ironically, it was precisely that atmosphere of exclusion in Europe (you MUST make music like this, and nothing else! All Hail Beethoven!) that caused these guys to go against the mold in the first place. It really seems to me that no matter how revolutionary a musician is (like Beethoven), once he is accepted as the norm, groupies and disciples will fight to the death to make sure that no music is made that is different than his. As a historical aside, after Schoenberg became "in" (which is precisely what he DIDN'T want... he knew it would ruin his work), the exact same thing happened with el primo douchebags like Rene Liebowitz, Theodore Adorno, and Pierre Boulez saying "anyone who doesn't make screechy unlistenable music is DEAD to music!" Which prompted an outcry from American classical composers like La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, and Phillip Glass to collectively say "fuck you" to Europe. Thus the beautiful Minimalist music was born, with its own expressions and emotions associated with it. All I say is that if you limit your means of expression, you really limit your humanity. A lot of game music sounds the same (as well as pop, like that humorous four-chord topic a while ago), and while that doesn't mean they're not enjoyable (heck, I love me a good megaman OST), should people never try to find different emotions to express? Are we confined to "Angry"? "Determined"? "Sad"? Can there be nothing more than "Theme of Love"? What if the game makes you feel none of those things? Hell, Gary Schymann (sp) in Bioshock was able to conjure up a plethora of emotions with a very "modern" soundtrack, and people really hold his work in that game up to a good standard.
  4. I've gotten pretty good at making chiptune, but I don't know if you want boss themes, stage themes different for every stage, etc etc etc. You can't make music if you don't know what you're doing for it at all, you know. Here's a sampling of what I can do with chiptune and pseudo-chiptune: El Hombre Toro specialized boss theme Far from Finished (think last level type of stuff) MechaKnight Specialized stage theme So what I'm saying is, do you basically want a Megaman soundtrack? I've just played like all the classic MM NES games, so I have an inkling of what to do. Not making any promises though. But for anyone who'd like to do this would probably like to see a video or something to see what they're up against.
  5. So you think this movie would be more salvageable if it was just really terribly funny?
  6. Tensei-San, you know that just further proves my point on how Hollywood can't come up with AN ORIGINAL IDEA. Counter-Counter Point: James Cameron really fucking sucks, and Avatar was atrociously bad (but really funny). Those two sentences right there show that you really don't understand Hollywood.
  7. Nick has not done a lot right ever since they 'figured out' that kids don't like cartoons. @UnJammerSully: Keep in mind, though, that by and large, Hollywood at this juncture is completely incapable of an original idea, even to save their lives. That's why we're getting Cats vs Dogs 2, a sequel of a shitty movie. They'll do anything again, even if it was bad! That's why you can expect an Airbender 2!
  8. Well, I was playing Megaman 3 on VNES.com, and a crowd of about 6-8 people I knew sat around the computer and cheered me on. It felt pretty good man.
  9. Looks like jumping towards those moving platforms would be a pain in the ass... But I would like to try this out cuz it looks fun... I call Pharoah Man (but some triple dipper picked him >: | )... Or Knight Man. Oh yeah baby. Ball and Chain this bitch.
  10. I think the first video-game I ever played and this might be wrong, was Kirby's Dreamland for the Gameboy. For my brother, it would have to be the original super mario bros for the NES, and/or Zelda NES. But my memory is fuzzy, and so it might've been Dreamland, Tetris for the gameboy, or Super Mario Bros. All Stars for the SNES. He started with the SNES, but when he was 5 (and I 2...) we got an SNES, so I had to start with that generation. See, my brother said he was three years old and already playing video-games, but I can't believe that... I just don't know if you have the ability to play late into age 4 (which is when I think I started playing video games with the aforementioned games). What I DO know is that when I was old enough to comprehend things, that our library of SNES games essentially never changed at all. Up to this day we've had essentially the same games with a few additions here and there. If I believe my brother, we apparently had a Coleco Vision that we used to play, but I can't remember it (aside from maybe Pitfall?) and he said I spilled milk on it and broke it, which I don't recall.
  11. John Cage already remixed the Pong Theme. He called it 4'33". Here's a hard mode to your challenge: Remix Winter Games and Crazy Bus for the NES.
  12. I'm not gunna lie son... I gave up on math after high school.
  13. Bleck is the type of person I'd be best friends with in real life but he'd still piss me off every single day. And that wouldn't even be because of his personality; it'd just be because he's Canadian.
  14. The only thing that's got me off is that Mike Cera looks so different than Scott Pilgrim. It's like casting say, Richard Gere as Travis Touchdown in a way.
  15. Overflow, it's called restarting your saved game. Plus, go to a grinding area (like Disposal or something) and use the "Foes drop items" elf, and if you keep on whacking away, you'll eventually have foes drop continues. That's why I went into the final level with 8 continues. So does the elemental weaknesses remain the same this whole time throughout?
  16. So, where they saving all of their good music until MMZ2? Playing through the whole of the first game without a memorable tune, and now right off the bat the soundtrack pulls a paradigm shift and becomes great? Huh. It looks like Z2 is formatted much more like a traditional X game as opposed to 1, now.
  17. Well once I DID get there, I decided "Ok no nurse elves and no health upgrades TIME TO CHANGE THINGS UP" So I went grinding and got a tiny bit more health and ONE subtank (because I only have one subtank elf). Hopefully I'll make it through the boss rush. I can beat Harpuia and Leviathan with minimal difficulty, but Phantom is a pain in the ass. And so is Fenfir, kinda. Also a big plus of those "drop items all the time" elves is that when I went grinding, I picked up like 7 continues. SCORE. EDIT: Beat that motherfucker of a game. Man, X was fucking easy. First form: Charge saber, rush. Charge saber. rush. Dodge. Charge saber, rush. Dead. Second form: Equip Ice. Charge saber, jump, slash. Charge saber, jump, slash. WHAT THE FCK GET OFF ME YOU GODDAMN BLUE CHEERIOS OH GOD FIRE WON'T STOP Charge saber, jump, slash. Dead. I guess those 8 continues helped, but I beat the final boss on my first go. Rainbow Devil was almost harder, in a way.
  18. So I told some MM fan/pals I have on another forum that I've made it all the way to the final level of Zero 1 without using any of the permanent upgrade elves (like the more health, more defense, better everything upgrades), mainly because I didn't have the fucking Crystals to buy (oh wait I mean 'feed') them, and it looks like they were actually impressed that I've made it so far with so little. Should I feel proud of myself or sorry for them?
  19. See the difference though is that despite being wildly off-color, the looney tunes cartoons (like the infamous "Coal Black and de sebben dwarves") were entertaining and funny for all the right reasons.
  20. bleck those are not good ideas; you'll never make it in hollywood.
  21. I like how it's the colored people in the movie who are oppressing the defenseless white people. Take that, monsters. M Night pulled off the greatest twist of all.
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