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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. I am bumping this with another song in which I think I've vastly improved over my last one. That's not saying much, but hey, any progress is good progress, right? http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/350991 Think anyone can check in on how I'm doing?
  2. Probably something like Kraid from Metroid. If not that, something like Flame Man or Mr. X from MM6.Those are some good tunes, you know.
  3. No they're still pretty far-fetched. In mental controllers you're just once again substituting the format of the actual controls. Thinking "punch" is not that big of a step up from pushing "A" and that's what just about EVERY single one of those games would boil down to. And the ones that wouldn't? They'd try to be 'artsy' and would suck dick to play. Emotions? Great, this tepid JRPG plot now responds to my emotions of frustration and boredom! There's no point, and like bleck said, it would just be a gimmick. Oh, and by the by, 3D sucks and will always suck if it ever tries to be the 'next big thing'.
  4. If you guys want a fairly fun free HL mod that's like TF2, I say pick up Pirates, Vikings, and Knights 2.
  5. I like how unlike the Nostalgia Critic, his videos DON'T come off as the same thing over and over again. Like someone said, he's at his best when he's dealing with a really horrendous game, like that Little Red Hood or Winter Games or something like that. His glitch episode was really entertaining and interesting to watch (who doesn't like jawless Rocky?). Speaking of Spoony, I'm a big fan, and in his review of Ultima 3: Exodus, he used OCR music! http://spoonyexperiment.com/2010/07/20/ultima-3-exodus/
  6. Hey man, do what ya want, eh? I just like Ricky more is all. I can't remember how to get the different flutes in any event... I think you buy Ricky's, you win Moosh's at the Subrosian dance, and Dmi's I can't remember.
  7. My fav partner was always Ricky. There's something about thunder-punching your way through a screen of enemies that Moosh and Dmi couldn't compete with. As well, I AM working on my track, and I want a WIP done sometime. I just was away for the weekend and didn't have time to do work on it.
  8. That Sentry poster is pretty funny. Though this is only an injoke known by me and a few people elsewhere on the internet, It'd be nice that if while they were protesting, someone would start blaring the Wheel Gator song from X2 from a boombox. Now THAT would have been cool.
  9. I've seen this before, but I had always thought that the GC menu theme was seriously creepy. Much like how a lot of songs in the original Smash Bros were pretty creepy. Also, Yoshi's Island's ties to the USSR
  10. @Gecko: That last one is kinda the point I was trying to make. It's not all that great, imo, and you see that type of commercial a whole lot more today than 'back in the day'. That commercial is about how the game 'looks' instead of what the game 'is'. Nice find on that Intellivision commercial, though. I love the early console wars.
  11. As much as I don't like the PS3 marketing campaign and by extension Butler, I admit that that IS the way respond. Good show.
  12. Bubble Crab is hard to get a feel for; I mean, it's not just the break: the time sig is changing all over the place. I get 6/8, 3/4, 4/4, and an irregular meter here and there (at least I think so). Someone has to be really competent and/or confident if they think they can do just to that without watering it all down into some boring 4/4 techno or something (no offense to techno-lovers); in fact, I could think of little else that would disservice the song more than try to remove its original unique meter. And wasn't there a recent schala metal mix? I remember that being good (unless it's the one you listed right there).
  13. No, it plays a part too, but considering I didn't really 'grow up' in the 80s, I went back and looked at things and then I just compared it to now. So nostalgia is not a big part. As for unmemorable stuff, that is true, but what was memorable then and what is memorable now? Like I said, the last commercial for a game that really left an impression on me was the Majora's Mask commercial; I'll get into that in a bit. Outside of, say, the Windwaker commercial, I'd be hard-pressed to describe any commercials nowadays for games, and that's not through lack of effort. There is something that I've really noticed as far as game commercials and how they've changed over the years; whether that change is good or bad is up to you. Though there plenty of exceptions, when I watch a lot of game commercials from the 90s and 80s, the commercial seems to be really focused on giving you the 'idea' of the game. That either means the ridiculously awesome race in POLLLLLE POSITIONNNNN, or some frantic weirdo running around in a dungeon for the Zelda commercial. It was about enticing you, I think, with an atmosphere of what the game was LIKE, supplemented by footage of the game itself. I think this is due to the fact that you really couldn't WOW anyone with graphics like you can today; you could not play the eye candy card. This forced the commercials to be a little more creative in presenting their subject matter. However, as the 3D era came on more and more, the shift really seems to be less about setting up the environment of the game, and showing off the 'idea' of the game, and more about showing the player's reaction to said game. This is where "eye candy" comes in. Now all a commercial need do is show footage of said game, and then slap the title on and say "in stores now." Heck, nearly every single FPS game commercial is pretty much exactly like that. Commercials in the 80s and 90s were about the 'game', whereas commercials in this decade really seem to be about either the 'graphics' or 'the player'. I use quote-marks to keep these terms distinct from just common usages of the word. Another trend of 2000s commercials that I noticed (and this is the point about 'the player') is that commercials devoted more footage to game footage as well as the player playing the game (plenty of commercials today have a guy playing a game as the commercial... there was PS3 one like that, but I can't remember which game). I find this less prominent in older commercials, which is pretty odd. However, I think I know why: because in truth it's pretty damn boring watching someone play a game (unless you're like me and you like watching people play Harvest Moon or King's Quest. Yeah I know that's weird). However, I think since commercials today still want to sell the 'experience' of the game, they throw something like that in there to say "look at him! Look at all the emotions HE'S having! That's the game, right there! Buy it, buy it!!!!" The smarter people have realized that that's pretty fucking dumb, so commercials really devolve into eye candy spectacles (like the Halo 3 commercial) that really isn't about the game; it's more I think about how the game looks. Now this is my opinion from looking at things, but I think that's the main root of it: it's about how the game looks is the focus now, whereas (as I've said) older commercials were about how the game is experientially. Feel free to disagree; I've been wrong before. When I watch a commercial, it has to really sell me the product, both from what a game IS and what a game LOOKS like. That brings me to why the Majora's Mask commercial is the last commercial to really make an impression on me. I feel it was the perfect synthesis of the two aesthetics; it really made me 'want' the game. For one, its scope was something I had never really seen in a commercial up to that point, it was staged wonderfully, and it interlaced the ATMOSPHERE of the game (one of apocalyptic doom and despair) with footage of the player PLAYING the game (so we see his own reactions, staged as they may be, as well as the game itself). It showed what the game WAS (an adventure that was a race against the clock to save a dying world) and what it LOOKED like. The large part of what makes the commercial stand out to me was the former reason, and not the latter, as you can guess. Now, in my previous post, I said "commercials from the 80s and 90s were better", and that is because it's my personal belief that those commercials got the point across, even with their limited capabilities, much better than the commercials I see nowadays. And of course, with the advent of the internet, game commercials are becoming a thing of the past in many senses of the phrase; this almost renders the argument a moot point. PS. if you'd like to counter with the example of that rapping Zelda commercial, I'd say you got me. I have NO clue what they were trying to get across with that one. Not that I care; it's a helluva lotta fun to watch.
  14. This topic's title first lead me to think something like "Man, pixar will try anything these days"
  15. Commercials were better in the 80s and 90s. Much like the reason that most games were better, I think it stems from the fact that the games and commercials were less about trying to be serious and more about trying to deliver an entertaining package. (however, I will say that the last game commercial I really really liked was Majora's Mask's commercial) But yeah, on topic, stealing a commercial as generic as this is like making a new brand of vanilla ice cream. It doesn't really matter.
  16. The only way to settle this between Sixto and Neko is for them to simultaneously remix Megaman 4: . Or, uh, Megaman 5's ...Yes, I am positive that will solve everyone's problems. Get crackin'!
  17. I guess its bad if your ears are made out of flowers...
  18. Holy Moly when I saw footage of that I could not stop laughing my ass off. SHIT son that's funny. OOOOOOOOH I LOVE THEM MOUSIES Oh come on, grow a pair. That wasn't even high-pitched or actually PAINFUL. If a few fiddled knobs is all it takes to get on this list...
  19. I hope you mean MM -X- 8, because Megaman 8 is remembered for everything BUT good voice acting, if memory serves me correctly. DESE AH ENARJEE WESOURSES BUD I NEVA SEEN DIS TYPE ON ERTH
  20. Most fans I talk to, and I'm kinda one to agree, say that the reason X8 looked good is because well, anything could look good after BURN TO THE GROUND BURN BURN BURN TO THE GROUND. It's a big step up, but a big step up from utter shit. We can dream, though. We CAN dream...
  21. Wow, someone ELSE loves Little King's Story? There's a shock! That's one of my favorite games on the Wii, and definitely the best Wii game I played in 2009. That it sold less that 200,000 units is a crime against good gaming. And then CiNG went bankrupt, so now we'll never get a sequel!!! ;_; Fuck that game is good. So, I got myself 2000 Wii Points, and I'm looking to use them. Here's what's on my mind as front runners: Bit Trip Runner Wild Guns (SNES)- because this game looks AWESOME Castlevania Rondo of Blood/Castlevania Rebirth But some tough choices: So, of the Ghost n' Ghouls games, which is the best? Ghosts and Goblins, Ghouls and Ghosts, or Super Ghouls and Ghosts? I lean towards the last one, but you never know... Of the Gradius games, which is preferred? Is the Rebirth any good? My brother doesn't like Rondo of Blood, and says go for Rebirth instead. Do I listen to him? As it stands, I'll probably have enough for a Wiiware game and an SNES game, so I'm trying to whiddle down the choices here. With the extra 300 points or so, I guess I'll, I don't know, get the extra stages in MM10 or something. I wish I had 9 on my own Wii, but it's on my bro's, so I probably shouldn't buy it. I thought about getting some of the other MM games, but then I'm like "they're all on VNES.com... And MMs 4, 5, and 6 aren't really that good enough to buy to play again in the first place"
  22. After X7 it's pretty hard to imagine anyone wanting to really continue work on the series. Probably because they can never hope to top Flame Hyenard's epic boss fight.
  23. All I know is that for fuck's sake throw the Wii a bone here Capcom. We like playing good games too you know.
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