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Random Hajile

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Everything posted by Random Hajile

  1. Thank god you brought this back!
  2. For Sale: Commissioned Poetry Who would buy this? I don't know. But I'm good at it.
  3. Neo Geo CD? What games?
  4. I'm not gonna lie, my pally is 67 and kills pvp geared 70's, fair duels. OP much?
  5. Enjoy, for I share:
  6. I just got back from class, and I demand that these damn servers be up so I can fuck around with my ret pally.
  7. Aeris Theme, when you're in the church after she died. Aeris Theme (Remix) in Crisis Core when you see her in the church, and you know she's done for. Making me almost tear up just thinking about it. And Maggot Brain by Funkadelic.
  8. I started something, dunno if I'll be able to finish in time for the contest though.
  9. Ubernym eh? I may enter this contest for old times sake. I haven't battled it out with Ubernym in forever! I remember the old contest battles and PPR tomfoolery we used to have
  10. Obliged! I voted for you, loved that piece.
  11. I am all about this game. I hope it gets released soon. I ight actually support this game instead of R4ing it <.< Soundtrack has potential to.
  12. Here comes Hajile! Honing his craft in the wide webs. Have at you all! Walk I took a walk with Beauty today Down Paths 3 and 2 and 1. Each path snowflake unique, And similarly slowly being undone Path Three was a winding road of scared and wavering indecision; Given to brief bursts of clarity under sunstruck floral visions. And it was fading. Forever fading... Path Two was a rocky azure shore next to roaring waves of doubt. Hammering home the truth of "alone" I struck toward a land-kissed route. That path too was fading. Crying, and fading away. Path One was strikingly held in the grasp of sublunary attraction. The road clear, It beckoned and called for me to become a man of action. This path stood fast against the pull- It stood fast! Bastion of some hope, Some dream that refused to be deferred. Last stand by some far flung fantasy fancy created as the former paths converged. Beauty and I took in the linking sites as they swirled together, innately fleeting. Transient companions, we parted soon after; Only one party though, was leaving.
  13. Nice man, I look forward to reading your stuff! I'm going on a 4 day camping trip. Something for this contest is coming out of it.
  14. If you guys need any voice work (Not singing), I'm more than willing to help!
  15. Whats up with this?
  16. Goddamnit, One Night in Neo Kobe MUST be there! Vote for it you guys!
  17. woooo bringing another one home. In all fairness though, most of the complaints against my poem are legit. It IS anachronistic, it IS a bit pretentious, but that's why I wrote it. I tend to poke fun of my more serious pieces with their "old school holier-than-thou" attitude myself. One of my older winning pieces was entitled with tongue in cheek, "Waxing Eloquent". But on the other hand, they generally take a good bit of work and effort to get going. I do it more for the artistry of it then to get any super meaning out of it. Yes, the topic of the poem was cliche, but that wasn't the point. The point was for me to work with flowery language with an established rhyme scheme and meter. (I failed at certain points tbh, this is not the finished version of this poem. I'm still revising it.) But yah, I LIKE old school poetry more than I like new school poetry. There is something to be said for people who were really MASTERS of the english language. I'm no master, but things like this that I write on my own with my own personal rhyme scheme and an established meter are experiments that I hope will bring me closer to doing exactly what I want to do with poetry, and that is saying exactly what I want to say. Most people have no idea exactly how hard that is to do. Anyway, great turnout folks! Lets hope the competition keeps growing
  18. working 11-8 today QQ. I will have something sent to him though. Hopefully that will work.
  19. I'll be sending my Mp3 in tommorow. I got owned by 10 hour double shifts friday and saturday. :(
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