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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. hey! I'll throw down for shipping on that extra PF Ezreal bust. It looks sick!

  2. Very bizarre, but extremely good once you get into it It's basically a fabulous version of Castlevania mixed with Fist of the North Star interspersed with copious amounts of real life science, politics, and other pithy facts and LOTS of hammy acting and the poses JUST LOOK AT THE POSES manga is definitely a worthwhile read, and the ongoing anime adaptations is doing it some serious justice
  3. If you bitches aren't watching JoJo's part 3 right now I just don't even know what the fuck SERIOUSLY WATCH THIS EVERYBODY AND WHILE YOU'RE AT IT CATCH UP ON THE FIRST SEASON
  4. Bleck is actually very right SPOILERS AHEAD: The Winter Soldier is introduced in the comics as a brainwashed Bucky who was taken from the wreckage of an exploded rocket and modified with Soviet bionics. He spends the next 20-30 years doing wetwork and soldiering and having no other sense of self outside of his abilities as a soldier until he is sent on assignment to kill Cap This is explicitly juxtaposed against Captain America, who himself has no way of fitting in with the America he returns to outside of his work as a soldier, which he throws himself into alongside the Avengers to make up for his inability to do anything else in his new present Hero/Villain pairs in Marvel Comics are nearly always extreme mirrors of each other
  5. I jizzed EVERYWHERE at work it was awkward but mostly amazing
  6. I'm formally taking a tolerance break from league in the form of Diablo 3 and Steam/PS3 backlog. I will probably end up getting back on sometime during summer, but till then I'll probably only be on to throw down one ranked here and there to prevent decay
  7. the sonas and evelyns are frankly more annoying than ryze or kassadin could possibly be that said i really want to try ap turtlephoenix udyr and just run around the enemy team with permanent shield/aoe also i swear to christ i'm so sick of the fucking ezreal doublelift wannabes in EVERY game
  8. considering my monk build uses Seven-Sided Strike every five seconds with crits of about 7mil now, I don't think I can trust my sheet dps of 275k to be astoundingly accurate
  9. ap gangplank is a thing on this mode ap lucian as well holy shit i am SOLD
  10. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh also wtf why is ryze not in it EDIT: gangplank would be SO busted
  11. Mostly satisfied last boss is horridly cheap, and can apparently deal damage to you while you are otherwise invincible turned it to normal and 3-shotted him out of spite
  12. yi supplements insane damage a team that already has lots of cc the problem is that job is usually already taken by the ad carry in most compositions so he becomes dead weight
  13. new kass is fun in lane but a lot harder to manage in team fights i'm not much of a fan but its fun to run clarity on him with a huge manapool
  14. truer words have neer been spoken
  15. duh you just leave your ps2 on the whole time and never ever EVER die
  16. I have played the post-patch D3 for all of 50 minutes and found 2 legendaries my monk is running around with some crazy bleeding greatsword and a ring made of the zodiac WHAT GAME AM I PLAYING
  17. how the fuck are there bronze players in my gold promo games
  18. guys guys i finally sat down and figured out riven animation cancelling HOLY SHIT ITS SO GODDAMN FUN
  19. I was just about to post something similar. Let's get back to it guys! also, if we get enough subs we should probably just make a second team and double the OCR rep. EDIT: seriously i need a team to play with because solo is just the stupidest thing ever
  20. lots of people kill with no offensive items have you SEEN me play zac
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