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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. I can't believe the way they marketed this film almost kept me from seeing it it's really REALLY good
  2. sea turtles mate

    actually its from

  3. was just thinking about starting drawing again. keep your eyes peeled for shitty pitchas from the rely
  4. funny because if you yknow read his post you find that he's actually talking about a specific mode of thought within feminism that has recurred throughout feminism's history he actually has yet to make a claim about all of feminism carrying any one specific view but hey whatever
  5. y'know how the 4 hour long introduction to KH2 made no fucking sense if you didn't play chain of memories and only a tiny bit of sense if you did? I wouldn't worry about it
  6. quinn top sounds like you'd run a bruiser kill lane bottom like mantheon and j4 or smthin EDIT: Ahri best mid in yolo-q
  7. AD runes are more than necessary to play ad carry well. trades, last-hitting, sustain, crit damage... all of it's based off ad, and rolling into lvl 1 botlane with an extra 10-20 from runes (depending on your setup) can make or break you ESPECIALLY with sivir, who absolutely needs bonus AD. you might be able to get away with critpage ashe or attack and movespeed cait, but sivir is all damage all the time
  8. http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/23325480#profile do not know if Team Curse smurf account or sum n00b but I played with this dude earlier sickest lucian i've seen ingame
  9. Is it really, though? MMR is designed to reflect your level of player skill. If you are showing marked advancement in your play to the point that your MMR is increasing noticeably, I would imagine that winning games should get easier until you hit a point at which either your player skill lessens/plateaus or competition matches your ability to the point that your MMR stabilizes. This was my own experience, in fact. I started at silver V when S3 began, and I almost effortlessly jaunted my way up to silver III promotion. after a few failed promos, I got to silver II and won my way to promo in like 3 seconds. My MMR spiked to around 1550 or something, and when I made it to Silver I, I was facing competition on a level I was nowhere near prepared for. I lost like 10 games in a row and got demoted, and continued to lose my way back to Silver III, at which time I realized I needed to back off from ranked and improved my skill in normals. Then ARAMs came out and... well I started having fun with the game again.
  10. You've played a LOT of ranked games this season, judging from you lolking lookup, and you've hovered in Silver with a pretty cleanly 50/50 to 51/49 win/loss. I hate to be that guy, but it may just be that you're exactly where you should be on the ranking system. I mean, sure, the league system is pretty dumb imo, but I'm pretty satisfied with how it's handled me this season. I'm pretty much exactly 50/50 and hover around silver III. I haven't played a lot of ranked in the last few months, though, and my normal rifts, as I've noted before, are consistently pitting me against high gold to low plat players with a diamond or two every other game or so. Your normals will reference your MMR slightly, as Zero stated earlier. Try hopping on normal yoloque for like, 10 games or so, and scout them all in lolnexus. See what you're pitted against and how you do! It can be very enlightening about your individual skill level.
  11. it was funny because it looks like both teams had the same pick snafu we ended up with 2 people picking support and had bitchcrank take top. he did pretty well for all intents versus the wukong, but still lost lane hard. on their end, it looks like two of them went adc, so MF went AP yolomid while ziggs went support. it was a disgustingly easy lane to gank guess I should try to claw my way into gold for the free champ
  12. i've seen people do the 360 controller LoL thing before it looked really fucking hard
  13. started playing normal rifts again i play with platinum and diamond players regularly wat
  14. that's the gist of it, diotrans probably 90-95% of players in silver and bronze (me included) deserve to be there. They're under-average players who may or may not have mechanics down, have little to no map awareness, etc. If you want to climb out, pick the FOTM adc, get really good at it, and you will slowly claw your way up. Otherwise, just play normals. Teams are usually more balanced from my experience, and people are more willing to have fun.
  15. I could probably get into it I only got into MTG like a year ago or so and never even learned the Pokemon system despite collecting countless cards, but MTG is fun as hell
  16. ARAM is longrange burst or cc-heavy tank rush player skill...? I mean sure, you may be diamondtier in your play but if the enemy team comp crushes yours, upsets are truly truly rare
  17. dat female crusader will probably make me buy the game by itself. EDIT: About the cinematic... When exactly did the fuggin' horadrim suddenly suck hard enough to get offed in droves by one dude? These are the same dudes who (almost) singlehandedly bitchslapped the prime evils. I don't get it
  18. picture has teemo in the background, burn it before it consumes us all also dat new leona skin
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