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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. If you liked sword art online, wait a few months for Log Horizon to finishing broadcasting, then check that out. It's that but insanely better. Darker than Black will change your life. It's phenomenal. Watch it right now.
  2. Weird that they kept the league system running feels like kind of a letdown honestly
  3. its hilarious to see stuff like this I can remember waaaay back when I was like 13 playing Valkyrie Profile and using the exact same setup for party attack cycles and purify's man I wanna play it again now
  4. I've seen maybe 6 episodes. I really dig it but haven't felt inclined much to watch further
  5. I didn't say I haven't seen it I'm collecting the localizations because I want to who can say
  6. been waiting for it for like 3 years now
  7. I can't listen to this song without tearing up. It hits extremely close to home.
  8. basically any (good) midlane burst hitter is probably not going to get hit by an ashe ult EDIT source: 100 back-to-back ranked games with Ashe
  9. Want to see the game? TOO BAD IT'S ME LEE SIN for all the old HoNfags here
  10. Strike the Blood pales in comparison to Beyond the Boundary imo, which follows from a similar premise (monster hunter girl meets monster boy WITH A TWEEST!). It's shaping up to be a pretty neat character drama with some STELLAR action and downright beautiful animation/color. Also, SERIOUSLY EVERYBODY WATCH KILL LA KILL
  11. So I know there is already a Kickstarter thread, but I feel that given the current status of the project, Reaper Miniatures' New Bones Kickstarter falls better under this topic. Dunno how many people on this forum are Tabletop RPG players, but If you love doing RP or other kinds of miniatures games, this kickstarter is pretty much the best possible deal you can get on acquiring a HUGE collection of quality miniatures to paint and implement into your games. A $100.00 USD pledge gets you around 150 unique, high quality plastic unpainted miniatures, something like 60-70 cents a pop, which is completely bonkers value, given that a single quality mini can run you up to 15 bucks. There's less than 24 hours to go though, so HURRY YO ASS UP and get your pledge in! SERIOUSLY ITS A HUGE DEAL
  12. Seeing as this ReMix is essentially the Lord's Prayer, I don't think you have reason to worry if the mix has quality arrangement/composition.
  13. Vanquish is godawful on harder difficulties.
  14. It's for captains mode the captain sets up the roles he wants, then chooses from a list of queued up summoners who fit the roles and comps he wants, which means he can theoretically want any composition he can think of a captain can break the meta if he wants, and he can find other players who share that sentiment instead of trolling soloq how is this bad again
  15. stop playing, sleep a regular sleep schedule, eat well, and come back to it in like 3 days
  16. elo clamping in 5... 4... 3... seriously, though, just power through it
  17. I'm still dealing with angry silver I's who want to play only 1 role ever and troll pick, but everyone else is awesome
  18. i pulled it off a few days ago. Gold tier is already like 500000 times more fun than silver
  19. yes that specific part knocked the movie down from what woulda been a 10/10 for me
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