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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. On another note, you can now connect with 1.7.9 or 1.7.10! The new IP is (Let me know if you have any issues with the whitelist...)
  2. No, not retirement, but I am going to start looking at cheaper servers and maybe fewer slots. We never seem to hit 12 players at a time anyway.
  3. Total check ended up at $121.63. No donations on file. I think we'll probably have to cut back a little.
  4. Just finished watching Death Note... really well done, but damn it's disturbing.
  5. Yeah. I'm working through that. I do know that servers need to be in compliance by August 1, so I've got a little time to read carefully and determine exactly what we're allowed to do.
  6. The server IP changed a little due to some technical things on Multiplay's side. Here's the new IP: You can connect with MC versions 1.7.2 through 1.7.5. Also, the renewal for our subscription is in 5 days. The invoice is once again £69.11 ($117.71). Please consider donating either through ClanPay, PayPal, or /buy in-game. Thanks!
  7. I have no memory of that scene.
  8. Yeah, I was annoyed at the kidnap the princess shit in the ALO section, but honestly she was still freaking competent in that situation. Fairy Tail is good, but kinda in the way One Piece is good. It's just fun and I love how much fun it pokes at itself. Plus, Celtic music.
  9. Just finished Black Butler, Legend of the Legendary Heroes, and Sword Art Online. I really liked Sword Art Online. I did find the ALO section a bit tedious, but I don't think it made me like it any less. Plus, I was impressed at how many clichés and tropes they actually managed to avoid. Highly recommended. Legend of the Legendary Heroes was a little strange, but had some nice charm to it. Unfortunately, only one season was made and so the show ends with the reveal of the big bad. Black Butler is some dark dark shit. Hilarious in many ways and there's a ton of joking constantly, but damn. And the ending, damn. Not sure I actually liked it or not. Not sure if I can recommend it at all.
  10. Well, I compose in Finale, so technically any piece I've written can be converted into MIDI. http://www.abadoss.net/ http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_music.cfm?bandID=288239 http://grooveshark.com/#!/profile/Kenneth+Edward+Keyn/22535634
  11. It's fun. I think I'd like to hear a meatier bass. The line is fine, I just want to hear it more.
  12. Welcome to anyone who came here either from OCR Talkback or NGI! Here's all you have to do to get added to the whitelist: Just pm me or post in the thread your MC username. That's all there is to it.
  13. Whoa! GravitySuit has enough gravity to be two places at once!
  14. I think my marker got shifted somehow... it has me by Roseburg, but I live in Portland. Linkspast is also shifted. He should be in Salem...
  15. That's a lot of gold on the front page!
  16. That is a superb question. Still working on that. There's a couple people that have homes there that I'll need to relocate. I'll add your friend now. {edit} - In case anyone is wondering, there's a little bit of an issue with the server restarting a little too often. I'm trying to isolate the issue and fix it. Sorry about the trouble.
  17. In case anyone is interested, I am currently preparing the server for upgrade to 1.7.2/1.7.4... {edit} - Okay. Surprisingly easy transition. We're on 1.7.2/1.7.4 now!
  18. Then again... we could always have an OCRFest... just sayin'...
  19. If I can make it next year, I am totally up for this. Although, you definitely should do this even if I'm not there.
  20. The "bad login" error is usually Mojang's side of things. Sadly, the only way round is just to keep trying... :/
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