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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. Assuming it's not raining, like it is here, yes...
  2. It's kind of quiet, but it's still going on, as far as I know. Just PM Larry with what you've got. I'm sure he'll be able to tell you more.
  3. I don't suppose anyone is roadtripping from Portland, Oregon, is there?
  4. I don't appreciate my mom being compared to Dustin Hoffman... Was the 'er' necessary? Really?
  5. It would basically be like a mail merge. There's a specific source code that I use for each of the forums, which doesn't change. The things that do change are things like the theme, the dates, the entries, etc. What I want is something that will generate the code that I can copy and paste for each forum, while only typing in the variables once. Make sense?
  6. Please remove the following from my list: WANT :::dvds::: Keeping the Faith [abadoss] Thanks.
  7. You should have saved that. That's blackmail material!
  8. MS Access can be used to automatically create information based on input, right? If so, anyone want to help me set up a database that I can use to automatically generate the code for all the different forums I post CMC on?
  9. The results are in! Stay tuned for the next round...
  10. This has been a real pleasure to work on. I think in a sense, we've all become a bit like family... *cricket, cricket*... uh, good friends... *cricket, cricket*... solid acquantences because of this experience. Seriously though, I've had a lot of fun and I've really appreciated the comradarie that I experienced in the process. Good job everyone! This thing seriously rocks!
  11. I need to figure out how to automate a lot of this stuff... results coming soon, I promise...
  12. I could post my logs, but it's 79.3 mb and stretches back to October 2004...
  13. Hmm... that thought hadn't occured to me. I guess the thread will get locked up and stored away, won't it?
  14. Until the album is actually posted on the site, it is leaking. Tell you what, I'll only burn you a little bit...
  15. Do I need to remind you what happens to people who leak the album? Anyone have a match?
  16. That's why I said, "at least". I doubt he'll do it at exactly the same time, but it might be not that long before. I don't know. I'm not part of the crew doing it. This is mostly speculation on my part. I'm basing it a lot on this, which I could easily be misinterpretting:
  17. That's assuming it comes out directly at midnight EST. I'm assuming that it would be out no later than the same time as the Otakon panel, at the very least.
  18. You could just listen to the original .spc... just saying...
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