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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. I'm content with that... almost as is, actually... As a side note, should Competition Director be a valid title for use on the cards? (Obviously, there's some personal interest behind this question.) Also, with images of this quality, we should see if there's a way to put them on plastic... hell, I'd pay for it! Well, I'd pay for my own, anyway... {edit} - Why not put the barcode/matrix on the back of the card?
  2. I think I would be satisfied with: *Forum name *Real name *Join date *Special markings (i.e. remixer, judge, project coordinator, etc.) *Real picture *and the Barcode (just for fun)
  3. I just didn't want to install programs that aren't going to help me. Hence why I'm asking if anyone has used either...
  4. I just downloaded a program that does audio leveling. It's called the Levelator (http://www.conversationsnetwork.org/levelator). I was hoping to find out if anyone else had used the program before I try and install it. There's also another one called Reaper (http://www.reaper.fm/) that I was going to download, but same as above. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  5. Larry, how do you get to know a girl who doesn't exist because you've got standards up the wazoo?
  6. The results have been posted! Stay tuned for the next round!
  7. Basically, anyone who listens to the pieces can vote. They send me a PM or an e-mail listing one first place winner and any number of honorable mentions - obviously only one honorable mention per song. A first place vote will count for 3 points and an honorable mention will count for 1. Anyone who has submitted a piece for the round will automatically gain 2 points for their piece when they vote. However, they cannot vote for themselves. Whichever piece ends up with the most points total wins the round.
  8. I was actually speaking mathmatically... like, literally, what's the average?
  9. What is the average livespan of a judge? (I mean, how long have judges remained judges on average?)
  10. Definitely a cool thing, but I think they may not have picked up on the whole judges panel thing in terms of submitting ReMixes...
  11. I think the important thing to remember when dealing with NWG is that he is of Indo-Asian heritage...
  12. If I'm going to get a piece done in a month, I need a little inspiration. I haven't yet caught it. If I don't get it on the third try, then I'll just have to buckle down and chip away at it. I can usually finish a piece - with inspiration - in about six hours. Without, it's more like several years. There's always my Novastorm request...
  13. I imagine it's like administrative perks. Kind of like a personal jet and a massive yacht put on the corporate budget for some business tycoon... maybe...
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