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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. Things look good in IE 7 for the most part, but on a few of the pages, there are some interesting glitches. http://personalpages.warnerpacific.edu/kkeyn/photos/Error.jpg (1280x1024)
  2. I generally try to encourage more useful critiques. I normally try to give some, as well, but things were a little too hectic this time around. Anyway, send me a PM about the theme. We'll talk there.
  3. Too sleepy. Sorry about that guys... Anyway... The results are in!
  4. Yeah, I know they aren't analog... I just needed a word that covered the traditional controls and I couldn't think of anything else at the moment.
  5. The main trouble I'm having is switching between the analog controls and the touch screen stuff. I have to hold the stylus in my mouth while I'm doing everything else, so I can quickly use it when I need to.
  6. So, I've been playing Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble lately. It was recommended to me by a guy at GameStop and it was only $7, so I figured I'd try it. It's actually pretty good. Has anyone else played it yet? What are your thoughts?
  7. Is anyone else thinking a OCR-tan calendar?
  8. Yeah. Anyone can enter (assuming they haven't been banned for doing something like trying to pass off someone else's piece as their own). Anyone can vote.
  9. Should be good now. Both were the fault of typoes...
  10. Yup. I got it. As for everyone else, all entries are due in tonight by midnight (Pacific Standard Time).
  11. Do we technically have he right to sue for something that we don't hold the legal copyright for? I know we take credit for our arrangements, but the source material belongs to the game companies... Could we tell them? Hmm...
  12. Yup. Anyone on any of the listed forums can vote.
  13. So, just a bit of random news... apparently, a company in Vietnam was looking into purchasing the copyright for CMC... got contacted and everything... I have a feeling they didn't quite pay attention to all the details on that one...
  14. I'm not willing to switch over to Win7 until I know it's not going to flop like Vista... that and I need to wait for the prices to go way down...
  15. Yeah, I was expecting there to be some downtime. The main site for campus is down as well. I'm hoping it will come back up soon or else I might need to switch my server.
  16. I'm actually intentionally ignoring it to answer the intent of the question...
  17. It's been done on other tracks. It can be tricky to make it work, though.
  18. All done. It should be in your mailbox. If not, let me know.
  19. My plan was to dedicate tomorrow night to transcribing the Wall interview, as it is a night that I can realistically stay up late enough to do it. Will be done.
  20. I made a mistake, the deadline is June 28, not June 26 - as June 26 is a Thursday.
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