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Everything posted by AJ-enova

  1. I know there was a Crateria Remix on 'Relics of the Choso' but its such a great track and deserves more than one remix Please consider it
  2. Before, I didn't realise that it wasn't JUST the melody played 4 times. 1st two times its just the melody and the 2nd two are covered by the chorus (i think). Though Akumajo says theres gonna be a bit extra I CAN'T WAIT! PLEASE HURRY!!!
  3. LOL I sing this on my way to school as well! This is becoming a crazy trend . Well, it will when the finished version is out (nudge/wink lol) Remix of the Year? Hell yeah. Someone agrees wih me...
  4. It was very interesting how the orchestral part at the start worked. I think you should have an ambient bit at the start as a sort of build up. At certain points of the track it feels like theres too much at once. Also you should have more of the main riff (1:16 in the original). You should have it repeat with a beat behind it and then have it at the end but slower or something
  5. I agree lol It's been too long. and I sense 'best VG remix of year'!
  6. So itll be like Melody twice then the chorus covering the later 2 times? Sounds good
  7. OMFG! I am SERIOUSLY loving that instrumental section! Although I wouldn't play the original melody 4 times, it drags a bit. Twice would do... But I really think you need to have the chorus in the song twice, like before. You should simply add it on just after the Instumental section!
  8. Oh ho great lyrics for the second segment . But i think you need to do something about the 'wobble' at the end of each line in the new bit.... Seriously loving it overall...
  9. It does sound alot clearer now, good Job. I still think 2:14 is a it short. An extra verse and repeat of the chorus would finish it off perfectly...
  10. Amazing! The Lyrics are great! It's a bi short though. If you cant be bothered righting up another verse, you should have an instrumental part after the chorus and THEN repeat the chorus and then have it slowly fade out.... Great Work
  11. When you say it should be combined with another track, I think it would be good if it began with 'The Oath' and then faded into 'Movin'. Or maybe one of the other themes you hear during the garden battle...
  12. I know there was a huge Gunstar Heroes thread a while back, but it seems to have faded out. I'm hoping to get it started again cause Gunstar had such an amazing OST and deserves more. If anyone has made any remixes, please submit links so we can give constructive feedback. "Where are you Psychog?" lol
  13. Something to look forward to... lol
  14. That is absolutely amazing!
  15. Work of Perfection. It's seldom that music reaches this quality. Great Work Glad you got well Jordan
  16. does she even understand what shes singing? lolz
  17. Hoping to here some 4th Tier!!! lol. If not ah well
  18. Oh yes! Looking Forward to the 1st sample...
  19. Someone should do a Medley with the main melodies (Gardens INT etc) from Little Big Planet. A peaceful ambient style would be good, i dunno You could call it 'Journey through LittleBigPlanet' lol
  20. It would be great to hear a remix or two from Freedom Fighters. The Electronica/Orchestral Soundtrack was brilliant. The Tracks with really important vocals like the menu theme would be hard, but someone should do 'Freedom Fighters', 'Battle for Freedom', 'Final Battle' or The Rebel base theme. An electro/semi-techno style would be good cause then it would be slightly similar to the original...
  21. The Link doesn't work. Even pasting it into toolbar does zip. Upload it somewhere else
  22. Someone should do remix of the Beauty and the Beast Fights form MGS4 (except 'Raging Raven', cause that tune was kind of arse). It should be hybrid of 'Laughing Octopus' and 'Screaming Mantis', with all the little tiny riffs from 'Crying Wolf' spread across. Shouldn't be orchestral cause it would sound too much like the originals Alot of Bass would be good
  23. Awww my word!! Loving it *****
  24. Cmon!! Someone
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