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Everything posted by AJ-enova

  1. The single player in the 2nd was better than the 1st but the online was a downgrade in my opinion - No maps which are really designed for a team-based game -THEY TOOK OUT ONE-HIT KILLS!! WTF!?? Hope they fix the online for the 3rd
  2. Sorry if this is the wrong part of the forums, but does anyone know what game the next remix Album will be based on? cant wait!
  3. Well i'll definately try and spread the word lol I've already told all the MGS fans I know. I'll probs make a music video or something once my copy has finished downloading - to get peoples attention...
  4. Fuck Yeah!!! Finally Seen it Pretty Awesome lol Really good quality through-out Acting is Good, Dubbing is Good, Music is Good, Special Effects are surprisingly good! 5 out of 5 on my fan made movies scale lol Stupid Question: Anyone have any idea when part 2 is likely to be released? I'm not trying to scrounge more lol, just wondering if anyone knows when...
  5. This isn't the 1st time i'm the only one to get fucked over lol I guess God hates me
  6. I'd say It's ready to be submitted lol
  7. Thats where I've been getting it from (thats pretty much the only place to get it from...) in 7.5 hours its only reached 2.3%!! I'm gonna be watching this film on christmas day at this rate!!!
  8. Well said, but i'm not new to torrenting lol It's just fuckin annoyin when you cant get hold of something when others can, ESPECIALLY when you should be able to get it somewhere else...
  9. If the ETA was a few hours I wouldnt be complaining but when its flipping between 'days' and 'weeks' I mean, seriously?
  10. shame it's impossible to get hold of it anymore...
  11. Seems like I'm not the only one with problems lol
  12. Like i've said its not my connection because everything else is find and I've tried doing the torrent several times - still a really shite speed. Why can't they just upload it somewhere on the net ( cough *youtube* streaming or sneeze *megaupload* to download it quickly from... And why doesn't the link on th official site not work when it says it should?
  13. I agree that becoming to something like this is clearly due to something else (like severe boredom or depression of some sort). I'm actually getting to a dangerous phase in both of these. Rather than focusing all my attention on one thing and draw it out, i'm currently migrating between various kinds of electronic media (PS3, lots of movies, creating silly parodies for youtube, finding things to download). It keeps things from going stale. I would strongly suggest this to anyone who reaches my stage in terminal boredom (although after several years, I think it's finally losing it's touch as well...)
  14. I'm not trying to stir up anything but it DOESN'T WORK. The one stream link they give us - does fuck all! (I've had a 'loading please wait message for about 6 hours now) The one download link that works - is to a torrent that has a download speed of about 1.5kbs - ETA several weeks Does anyone know ANYWHERE that you can actually watch this online - link? (And its not a problem with my net cause all my other torrents download quickly and so does everything else)
  15. Any idea where you can stream it online? Cause the link on the site doesn't seem to work - it goes to a screen saying 'uploading please wait' but nothing happens Anywhere else - its taking a while to download the torrent (ETA - 'Several Weeks'!? WTF! how can people have seen this film already!? WHERE!!!!?)
  16. Oh thank you so much!! I'd heard Disco Dan had done more and really wanted to hear them! Thank You!!
  17. Holy Crap!! I never knew they were still making this! I saw the trailers AGES ago but since there wasn't anythin since I figured they abandoned the project - guess not lol Should be an interesting watch
  18. Ohoho! Liking it . I always liked this track from Mario lol. This really does it tribute. All the layers seem to go together pretty well After the Synthy part at 1:35 you should repeat the original first part of the tune (0:32 -) before the EPIC guitar bit at 1:52 Any other ways of implementing a bit more of the original track or making it longe would pretty much make this remix perfect Good Work!
  19. There should really be an OC-Remix page on Bebo, loads of folk use bebo and it could attract more attention. I'd make it myself, but i wouldn't feel right without consent
  20. Your so right lol. Star Ocean 3 has an AWESOME soundtrack lol Needs a remix or 2
  21. I have no problem with variety, I just feel that rather than make loads of remixes for the same track, there should be more for others. And these particular tracks seem to be underated by many...
  22. Is there anywhere that I can get more music by Disco Dan, becuase I heard he had more tracks that he never posted on OC...
  23. We need you back man :)

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