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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Vocals need some work. Not too bad, but lots of room for improvement. Also wat is this a remix of?
  2. What's also the problem is the parents/ guardians letting their immature kids play these games in the first place... I mean I can understand something like parents letting their 12 year olds play rated T, but once in toys r us I saw a kid maybe 8 or 9 years old and his mom who was buying him Grand Theft Auto 4. I mean. Come on. Seriously? It's called knowing what you're buying for your kid. And he's not one of those magically talented super mature genius kids either. This kid was pretty much a chubby, bully type of kid and doesn't even deserve to get a video game in my opinion.
  3. When I was playing Tabula Rasa (I was twelve myself) there was a kid the same age as me running around with a ridiculously dressed female human character (by ridiculously, I mean "scarcely") and using the "pole dance" emote (EVERYWHERE) released before the game closed down. This was during one of the many raids on an Ashen Desert base with ridiculously powerful NPC's. It was during the 20x EXP token and red armor rush as well, which was probably one of the many factors to why the kid (and I) were even able to access that area because it's for lvl 40+. I think that says something about the maturity of younger gamers... but I was the same age as him, yet I had a fully stealth armored green spiky haired male powerhouse. Maturity doesn't depend on age, based on my experiences. It just depends on how you're raised. The bulk of "annoying" young gamers probably weren't raised right, or they could be so sick of being a goodie two shoes IRL that they want to just unleash their stupidity onto the internet. Also, as for my last comment about how the kid got into that area, I always think about if kids that are immature would even have the patience to get good and experienced at a game enough to get into high levels. Maybe if they never released 20x EXP tokens, I definitely would've kept playing to max out everything, but it gets me wondering about that other kid. Maybe maturity and patience go hand in hand. :/ This goes along the lines of what other people were saying about rank systems and such; only play with experienced guys. Maybe experienced "youngsters" are more mature.
  4. Didn't he reply to you a long time ago? X_X Go back, I think he posted something for you.
  5. My opinion was that there are some "youngsters" that don't appear to act as young as they are, and some who use mics don't even sound like kids. There are some mature kids out there, they're just more often found wading through piles of library books and studying 8 hours a day for a quiz rather than playing video games.
  6. Happy Birthday, man. Be happy! I sure am not, I'll never take revenge on you for beating me in GRMRB.
  7. I'm 14, but it's not far off. I know when I'm playing TF2 that guys always peg me for about a good 16 years old because my voice is kinda deep. I think the only times guys are annoyed at me talking is just when my mic is outputting at tremendously loud levels for no good reason, so it messes up their sound. If my computer wasn't so crappy, I could probably fix the problem and no one would give a crap that I'm a high school freshman. So no discrimination to me, but some advice to other guys in the same (and lower) age range as me. If you have a deep voice but you know that you're a bit immature, don't tell them you're a kid. xD
  8. Guitar Hero 2 Force Unleashed Both of these games on our PS2 just corrupted the save files for no apparent reason. It was disappointing because I was near getting all lightsaber color crystals and force powers in Force Unleashed. Like, seriously, we were treating the system just fine. lol
  9. Arrangement is good and the solos are well sequenced, but I was disappointed with lead choice. It seemed a bit bland... NEEDS MOAR WILLROCK STYLE LEADS
  10. I was like 4 and didn't know what "delete" meant gimme a break
  11. Oh, fine! A legitimate aw s#*! moment in my gaming was when I went to fight the Elite Four without healing my pokemon or buying anything to heal them.
  12. Well apparently since I saw an NES for like 30,000 i just assumed SNES went for similar prices... thanks for that info, anyway, Gollgagh. I'll consider it in the future.
  13. I WANT YAAAAAAAAAAAANG BRING ON THE YAAAAAAAANG D: I really enjoyed 3rd Strike characters like Yang, but then again I still liked characters like Makoto and Ibuki. So, SUPER PLUS. Now, capcom, make a Super Street Fighter 4 Turbo Blu-Ray Remix with moar 3rd Strike characters and get OCR to do the soundtrack.
  14. Bleh. SNES's I think are expensive, plus I'm too little to buy on the big bad internet. xD Then I have to pay even more to find the game... it's too much work, lol. I don't use Save States to cheat [if saving right before a boss is not cheating ] I just use them to, well, put save points whenever I thought the creators didn't put enough to please me. xD
  15. Got up to Final Smithy battle in Super Mario And The Seven Stars RPG and did a save state right before I died. The save state is literally with a poisoned near dead Geno right before Smithy kills him. (hey I was like eight I wasn't very smart with my game playing) Thing is, I never used the actual save blocks in that game. And the last save state was right after I get Bowser. Yeah, I wasn't happy.
  16. There was a girl and she look in teh mirror and sed "Imma hav a gud day" and thn the mirror broke and thn her bf left her and thn she had a bad day and thn she died

    if u dnt send this to all of ur frends (or OA, because there is nothing he won't enjoy) thn u will hav teh wosrt luk evar n lose all teh wimenz n die.

  17. It's unclear. I'm not going to say it isn't art, but don't expect people to think of it that way. :/
  19. I might join this at a later occasion when I'm sure that there are others interested. I hope you succeed.
  20. Read the thread where Zircon resigns. He talks all about it. xD
  21. Congratz, Zircon! I had a feeling you would win, I mean, this is the year of Zircon...
  22. Awwwwwwwww I wanted to take revenge on you! My skillz have improved tenfold since last round, I wouldn't be so easy to beat if I fought you again.
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