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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Emunator actually making music? WTF ARE WE IN SOME ALTERNATE UNIVERSE I find it eerie I'm the only one brave enough to crit a workshop mod. CHICKENS!!!!!!! The guitar in the beginning has too much decay on the reverb, it makes notes of previous chords bleed into the current notes (and that's a no no) The sample quality of this guitar isn't that great, either. It sounds too much like a piano performance and less like a guitar performance. There's also nothing being added/substraction, so while it's pretty creative and expansive it's also stale as a whole. NEEDS MOAR DYNAMICS.
  2. I wish the days were longer; I have high school stuff, plus so many new video games to play, plus so many books I have to catch up on. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGH But thanks I ahd no idea there was an XBox street fighter collection.
  3. It's still not worth buying because I'm probably not even gonna play it; I actually don't really play video games much lately, I'm mostly on the computer doing music stuff.
  4. I think it just depends on what you've been using longer. It's not that pads aren't effective, they just aren't popular. In my street fighter experience, I grew up with a dreamcast controller. (Third Strike was my first Street Fighter Game) Now we have an arcade stick to play Third Strike, and it's very difficult for me to play which makes me wish I could play Third Strike [without having to buy it again] with an Xbox Controller because that's what i am used to. You can beat me while I'm using an arcade stick, but you may not beat me as easily when I use a controller. Sure in tournaments people all use arcade sticks, but these are also probably people who grew up with an actual arcade machine to play street fighter, and not sitting in their dark basement with a dreamcast hooked up to an old Dell Monitor. That also probably means that there is eventually going to be an increase in pad usage.
  5. Jabond23 needs help with his techno and heavy metal drums on his WIP for my project, I'll PM both of you.
  7. Needs some phat, juicy chords in the mid range. Maybe a pad or something. Everything's seems too quiet, over all. Your drums sound very lo quality, and the leads are bland and exposed. EDIT: OOPS My headphones weren't connected properly. Everything except the part about it being too quiet are still true.
  8. A lot of the instruments sound MIDI and exposed. I'm also willing to bet the drums are loops. I might be wrong, but they sound like loops. If not, there's no reason not to put some variation in the rhythms.
  9. First thing I noticed: All of your instruments sound like Playstation instruments.
  10. Question, is approval by workshop mods required to be able to submit to the site? (I already know the answer to this question but I believe you should make it public in your disclaimers)
  11. The drums could be sequenced more realistically, and the lead guitars are overpowering. They should be turned down. The drums are too quiet, and provide more of a breakdown feel than an actual driving rhythm. Also, there are no rhythm guitars as far as I can tell. That's a REAL problem here, because there's a gaping hole in your midrange.
  12. Try not to get full of yourself, production's a bit of a different playing field.
  13. My production and arrangement skills aren't that great. I'll be on the album, but won't get a posted OCRemix. Anyways I had a chat with Shariq about the compo over a few plates of mexican food. I'm not gonna reveal details but he's planning to wrap this up soon and get started with the Maverick Battle.
  14. I don't think Willrock was going for a deadmau5 sound, dude. Hell I'd be surprised if he was, and I'm not usually surprised that often.
  15. Okay we're getting side tracked. NEXT DANCE MUSIC RECOMMENDATION: Uh, have you tried Anosou or BGC's music? Probably not hard core 4 on the floor club music, but electronic nonetheless. Zircon and bLiNd are really good, and really obvious, but since remixes are not categorized on this site by genre, and since I haven't been listening to the community's music for that long, I can't really recommend anything specific.
  16. Might take a loooong time... like two weeks at least. I'd ask for someone to do it faster. Plus I can't tell what every instrument is, and the snare patterns are fast and quiet. I can do it if you can't find anyone else, but try to keep looking.
  17. I find it funny how djpretzel says this is Will's best when he hasn't even listened to Willrock's grand robot master remix battle arrangements... But yah, I love the organ in this one.
  18. http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/midi1.htm The issue with the sax is that it isn't human. You can have the highest quality soundfonts/VST's in the world and it won't matter. It has to be human. Velocity changes, offsetting notes because humans don't play exactly in rhythm, etc. With the amount of experience you have it will take a long time to try and successfully humanize this. It can be done but it's not something easy to do. You have to listen to a lot performed music and figure out what makes their saxophones sound human. I don't know any guys who can sequence a saxophone except for my brother, but I'm sure there are many others because I don't listen to a lot of music. It's not as hard as you think to find a good guy to collab with, it's as easy as "Post a thread and wait a few days."
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