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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Because you get file sizes that are substantially smaller for almost no tradeoff in quality (only audiophiles can hear the difference). Also, lol at counting opinionated article written by one guy riddled with contradictions as consensus.
  2. If you can hear the difference between 320kbps mp3 and lossless YOU'VE GOT SOME SERIOUS KILLER STUDIO CHOPS.
  3. Your assumptions that I'm making a recommendation are flat out wrong. I wasn't recommending anything. I never once said to go with a certain solution. He had already made up his mind when I made the post you are so "cleverly" trying to manipulate. You should stop looking for problems that aren't there. Saying that I would always recommend hardware doesn't mean I AM recommending hardware. The initial subject of the thread was over when Garrett decided to go with the GT-10. Sure, I'm "playing with my words" to try and "defend myself". What the fuck else can I do when I'm being attacked for something I wasn't even trying to do? As far as advice goes, my comment about hardware for live use was COMMENT, not advice or a recommendation. The advice I gave in this thread? Was real tangible advice about a subject that I knew about than any others in the thread at that moment in time because I have been heavily practicing it for the past three days: high gain tones in Guitar Rig 5 Pro. I gave him moderately detailed instructions on how to get a tone I was currently working on. If I recall correctly, he actually did end up crafting a tone that he liked. Looks like my advice isn't as "blanket" and "unhelpful" as you think it is. Once more I'd like to say that equating "I would say" to "I am saying" is flat out wrong ESPECIALLY that when confronted on it I say it's not the same thing (yet you still insist I was saying one thing when I told you I wasn't). So what if I didn't explain my opinion on hardware? He already made up his mind on what he wanted.
  4. :banghead::banghead: That's not what he meant by changing genre.
  5. I didn't recommend anything. I was answering individual concerns, mostly about getting high gain tones in Guitar Rig. Get my "post count up"? Really? Are you trying to show me what I'm doing wrong or trying to just publicly making yourself look good? (you should try reading, it helps avoid pointless confrontation. Normally I'd let it slide but I put up with far too much of this crap from people who decide to ignore what I say to try and step on me to make their advice seem more profound than it really is)
  6. I would always recommend hardware over software for live use. I'm more of a studio musician, so such a thing is not a consideration for me. Especially since the GT-10 doesn't even require a computer.
  7. Those libraries together are $60? For $25 more you can get Native Instruments Studio Drummer, something actually designed for acoustic drums and will blow Goldbaby samples out of the water in that department.
  8. Depends on your recording method. DAW's usually just record the audio coming INTO the track (not what comes out) so all of the effects are still processed in real-time during playback.
  9. Make sure your gain settings are correct. Having a little too much gain will end up making the whole thing sound like buzzy mush. That's the issue with amp sims. If the Skreamer doesn't give you the results you desire, try the Cat before a Van51 with a Van51 cab (mostly mic . Turn down the treble on the Van 51, up the distortion and filter on the cat. You can get brighter, metallic hard/heavy rock sounds like that. Turn the mids a bit on the amp and boost the bass.
  10. I was away from home all day. But Happy Birthday anyway. Totally forgot or I would've written you another present.
  11. Goldbaby samples are not what you buy when you want acoustic drum samples. (don't be so quick to plug the things you find in Zircon's videos)
  12. There are a whole slew of drum VST's/sample libraries on the internet, but ones I would recommend are: Native Instruments Studio Drummer (only $85 for a limited time. It's a STEAL) XLN Audio Addictive Drums Steven Slate Drums
  13. Drew, Lemon, Suz and I built a mini-castle on the southeastern corner of the map. Come visit when you get the chance! It's on the mountain between Crossing2000 and Crowbarman's claim areas. You won't see it on Angryich's map, but it's there. There's a bridge from the highway so start at Crossing2000's place on the highway and go north if you're not sure. You'll find it. Maybe getting a warp point soon.
  14. You should try taking your own advice some time.
  15. Even then it's still easier to just record straight to playlist.
  16. I think Edison is the worst possible idea for recording into a song project. Because then you have to save the file, then open it as an audio clip and put it in the playlist. Why bother? Just record into the playlist. Quick and painless and takes two clicks. If you need to slice it around, do it right in the track on the playlist. If you need to REALLY get fancy with the editing, then simply go to the audio clip, right click and hit edit. It'll open edison, then you can make your changes there and save over itself.
  17. That was the whole point. Why make a new story when there's already one that's kind of completely relevant?
  18. Every match is a distortion of the space time continuum where two stages blend together. Sonic is running through all of the stage combinations, hoping to find the emeralds and restore peace back to the universal plane of existence. (and time if you want) Act 1 will be one competitor's mix, Act 2 will be the other guy's mix. The person who wins is the stage that doesn't get destroyed/lost in the void. The last stage in existence is the one that holds all 7 chaos emeralds (which is why it wasn't destroyed). Sonic finds the emeralds in that stage and saves the world and the universe and cake and stuff.
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