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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. I didn't imply anything of the sort. Lolwut
  2. I still can't find where DJP says "Chiptunes are against OCR policy". He only hints that it's near impossible. So what if it's near impossible? What about all the people who've never even heard of Espergirl? Was the judge decision sent out by email to every OCR musician to make sure everyone knew about it? I hardly see how Espergirl caused people to not submit chiptunes. Something that's not composerwank. It doesn't take new variations and LFO's every 2 seconds to qualify as good arrangement, and when there's a LOT, it actually detracts (in my opinion). Don't get me wrong, Sam's song is good. But it's a LOT of stuff in a short amount of time. And I find it funny that according to Gario, the sound of an instrument does not qualify as production at all.
  3. WE AIN'T FOUND SHIT (or rather, I ain't made shit)
  4. You missed the sarcasm. And that's what I am saying the problem is. There's no reason the standards should be argued to be changed if we don't know that chiptunes are impossible to get in under them. We don't know because no one tries. I'm not saying there is no such precedent, you misunderstand me. I'm saying that people are arguing to change the standards when they might not have to if people would just brave the storm and see if they could do it. The production statement has some merit. Basic tones are completely obnoxious in certain contexts. The sine wave really bothers me in this remix. I don't mean to sound like a douche, but I wouldn't listen to this song on a regular basis. I'm probably going to get burned for not liking this by people who think it's the greatest chip song ever in this thread, so I'll say no more. I'm also not a judge, so what I think of it really doesn't matter. I'm not arguing that this either meets or fails to meet site standards. I am simply arguing that judging chip music's likelihood of getting passed on OCR on one song is (imo) wrong. What I'm saying is that the community needs to change their attitude, not the judges. I'm all for the community changing their attitude. If people tried harder, we would get some pretty stellar arrangements on the site.
  5. what are you talking about "Just submit chiptunes" post by one of the oldest judges around (twice) is not encouraging chiptune submission >_> And I apologize if my arguments are weird or based on misunderstandings. I wasn't around the site when Espergirl happened, so all I know of it is this thread and the judge decision. I still haven't heard it, which is why I'm refraining from saying whether I think it should've passed or not.
  6. I'm just trying to understand, because I just don't get it. This is what I'm seeing (correct if I'm wrong): 1. Sam submits good song. 2. Judges say no, it's not good enough, but it is possible if it's super good. 3. Now if Sam can't do it, no one can do it. 4. No one makes chiptune remixes anymore. I feel like I missed something It seems to me like no chiptune has ever gotten onto the site because no one has tried ever since Espergirl (according to what I read in this thread, no one has). I have faith that if people did then we would see it more often. How can you argue against standards being too rigorous if no one has tried to push them? Yes, Espergirl did. But that's one song. It doesn't mean no one else can, and the judges seemed pretty clear in saying they don't rule out chiptunes just because they're chiptunes by default. So why not try, and if we see lots of songs being smacked down because they're not good enough, then cry out for a change in standards? This thread isn't really about songs getting smacked down by chiptune standards from all the arguments I've seen. It's about Espergirl getting smacked down by chiptune standards.
  7. Not with copy and paste values. Select your desired tempo in the tempo box, right click and copy value, now make a point in the automation clip, right click it, and then paste value. Instant super accuracy.
  8. So people thought Sam was the greatest chip artist in the world?
  9. May I ask why it is so important to some people that Espergirl is posted? I'm REALLY curious why so many people care about the status of music that's not even theirs. No, really, I don't know. Fill me in?
  10. Note that Diva is not for the weak-of-processor. You're gonna need some Sandy Bridge 3-4Ghz action to take care of multiple instances of that bad-boy. Even setting the accuracy (how well it models analogue sound) to "draft" (least accurate, less CPU driving) will take a small but substantial chunk out of your CPU usage capacity if you're not running a fast CPU. It's pretty big on CPU consumption. (I realize consumption isn't technically the correct term, but you get my meaning)
  11. I think the people of the OCR community are letting this whole chiptune war get to their heads. Dark days indeed.
  12. I do Guitar Rig 5 Pro, but later on I'm getting a dynamic mic for my Peavey Vypyr 15. And tehn mah remixes will haf teh chugz.
  13. I was gonna say you don't even know anything about my music, but I totally forgot that time where you came over to my house and I showed you my remix project file library /sarcasm Oh, that's right. You didn't. So don't even try to sound like you know anything about me. :/
  14. Making music for the wrong reasons. >_>
  15. Which is exactly what I needed clarification on, thanks.
  16. Not to sound like I'm being antagonist to the debate going on in this thread, but I was sure it was about a guy asking what the requirements were for getting a chiptune on the site, not a debate about the merits of standards that have been established for more than a couple years now. That's just me, I'm not saying the debate should cease; I'm just saying that my statements, while detrimental to the conversation, were made for a reason. If the new topic of this thread is "what should OCR's vision be", then I'll cease commenting, because I really don't have a clue on such a thing.
  17. Monobrow, you're arguing (or pressing) that OCR should pass something just because it's good music. However, something doesn't pass OCR just because it's good music. As stated probably one hundred times before, just because they reject something doesn't mean it isn't good. It just doesn't meet OCR vision.
  18. But it's a different kind of production that it looks to me like Dave didn't want to have on this site. There's lots of work that goes into creating a chip arrangement. There's also a lot of work that goes into super medley covers and such. But they're not for OCR is what I think the joojes are trying to say.
  19. So how exactly is zircon's statement wrong if it's "so far"?
  20. All observed cases. There are possible cases to circumvent the rule, they just haven't turned up.
  21. That's like saying scales are tipped against people who can barely play an instrument who are trying to get in a band. The scales aren't tipped, it's just that it's hard to meet the standards with such a characteristic.
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