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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. When did I ever complain about the voting for my round? I didn't even vote yet.I may have said I disagreed with the voting, but that's not really complaining. Especially since the outcome doesn't really matter to me. So don't blow things out of proportion please.
  2. You said soloing the track gets rid of the problems? What other tracks is it sending to besides the master?
  3. ZIRCON BEJEEBUS IS DA LORD AND SAVIOR!!!!! (is that better?)
  4. Nothing offensive, just makes no sense whatsoever. I wouldn't have said anything if he had a real reason for thinking ANYONE would've lost. Essentially what I read was "person B forfeit, but he would've lost anyway because person A won". Somehow I just don't follow that line of reasoning. >_>
  5. I don't understand your... Universe. >_> I seriously can't tell if Sack is trolling or not.
  6. A forum signature =/= a banner. Banners as sigs turn threads into galleries. You made up for the 4 note progression with a 4 vote lead. Bastard.
  7. Phonetic Hero's character is Oni, not Akuma. His name is too dark is my only criticism.
  8. There are kids in my school who think the only thing synthesizers can do is sound like blaster rifles and LFO charge-up noises. I took a music production class at school last year, and the only thing anyone knew how to do was drag and drop loops in Garageband and then try (horribly) to rap over them. There was a kid who actually tried to make rock music using one of the school's cheap electric guitars and Garageband samples, so there is a bit of hope left for the community here. Everyone else just plays instruments in the concert band, yet I have a feeling (I've gathered this from listening and observing people) that band is a little more about the social aspect of "being a band kid" and less about the music itself. We do have a jazz ensemble though, and that's pretty freakin cool. We also have an acapella group and we have a couple "Coffee Houses" (performance nights) in the mini cafeteria, so music isn't totally dead here for the small groups of people who participate in that. I've generally seen singers and acoustic guitar players most frequent, and then a little less frequent but not hard to find are electric guitar, bass and drums guys. And there are piano players here and there.
  9. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15510436/File%20Sharing/Demon%20in%20Hong%20Kong%20%28Yang%20vs.%20Oni%29.mp3 Have fun! Did this all yesterday and this morning. Tools used: -Precisionsound Drum Samples -Various drum samples from internet -Kontakt for acoustic instruments -Diva for the bassline -Sytrus for other synthesizers like the lead and bell -Dblue Glitch -Maximus (for drum mastering) -TLs Pocket Limiter (for track mastering) -Various FL Studio effects like Parametric EQ 2 Also used rf Destroyer VST, which is possibly one of the greatest multi-effect plugins I've ever used. It has compression/limiting, chorus, flanger, phaser, overdrive, bitcrushing, distortion, delay, and reverb all in one plug-in. Best of all? It sounds great and it's frikkin FREE. Sources: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETP7R5ORk6E&feature=related
  10. I concur that Zircon had the better mix by far. Seriously Gario? You can't even compare the two. It's like one of them didn't even exist compared to the other. This is sad day for... Oh, zircon didn't sub anything? Oh. Carry on.
  11. But can you tag the mp3 according to his specifications (that he probably doesn't feel like posting up)?
  12. Not incredibly happy with the arrangement, since it's basically an all saturday job, but eh. Good luck PH
  13. Or he'd reamp them and STILL beat you. >_> While you were watching cartoons, I was busy in the labora- I mean, studio. >_> My eyes get shifty when I'm tired.
  14. Please do so. I would love to have a chance to learn from you.
  15. It's not nearly as impossible as you may think it is. As for my plans, I'm a high school junior right now, but I've been pretty convinced that I want to do a double major with Music Industry and Computer Science. The music industry will help provide me some sort of setting for what I really want to do (vgm composing) while the computer science will help open doors for me to get a dayjob. The reason for this is that unless you're zircon with 9 different musical incomes between albums, sample libraries, licensing, and vgm, surviving on music alone just doesn't seem practical to me. I plan to do lots of different musical stuff other than vgm like synths/sample libraries as I listed above, but I might not be nearly as successful (still a kid).
  16. I accept everything you said except for this. I didn't ever say it was rejected for being composer-wank.
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