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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. I posted about this on the official FL suggestions forum. No reply, and they usually reply to everything. :C
  2. I was gonna post a giant rant about how pathetic people are complain about this stuff all the time but I'd rather just say "Lern 2 templates nub" and be done with it. Create a template with 99 lock to content tracks. Problem solved. Even though I don't really understand why you'd want to stick to pattern blocks. I used em for a couple years and had no issue learning clips. (Not lock to content). Besides, clips are better. This is much more annoying to me than a lack of pattern blocks. ^^^^
  3. If anyone just got Skyrim and has an nVidia graphics card, make sure you download the 290 beta driver. They're not lying when they said it's a performance boost. Before it, I could barely get 30 FPS without AA, ultra settings (with Shadows on high). Now I can get over 30 FPS with 8xAA (and the previously mentioned settings). (I have a GTX 460 with an i7-2600 if you're curious)
  4. These are all suggestions I don't really like. Just use a noise gate and you'll be fine. Download the free version of Guitar Rig 5 Pro if you don't already have it and just stick it on the mixer track of your guitar and set the gate threshold as much as you can without it cutting out your actual guitar playing. Make sure this is happening before all of the other effects.
  5. Happy Birthday and (almost) Merry Christmas to OCR's funky rockist AMT.
  6. Graaaaaaaaaargh. I had bought FL Studio because I thought there was no sale. (none happened on Black Friday). Oh well, now I get 50% off a plug in to make up for it.
  7. I should probably think about starting my track sometime.
  8. No birthday thread for Super Mod Judge Broski Shariq Ansari? You guys suck. LET THERE BE CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE
  9. I reluctantly go this week (don't wanna push this crap on Jewbei), though don't expect a serious try hard entry. This song is just terrible.
  10. Kongregate is a big flash game web site, and I'm sure you can hunt down developers of games if you go there. That's a great place to get your music into a game. Yes, I know I said hunting down, but really, looking for work isn't easy. You need to do all of your research and contact everyone every way you can. Act like a journalist who doesn't know his place and keep being persistent to find more people (but don't sound desperate). There aren't really any shortcuts to this sort of thing (you can't just post one ad on a forum and expect game devs to contact you).
  11. If it's an automation clip you can right click the knob you want to automate (or use the last tweaked trick if you're talking about Kontakt), hit "link to controller", and link it to the same automation clip in the drop down menu. Make sure you DECLICK remove conflicts so that it will still affect the other parameter.
  12. My bad. But it's not like OCR has sponsors across the web was my point.
  13. You know OCR is mostly paid for by DJPretzel, right?
  14. I don't mean to sound like this issue isn't as bad as it seems (it is), but the site's not gonna get taken down, it's just that the domain will be blocked by ISP's. (so it can still be accessed via IP address)
  15. *gets KOTOR and HP Absorb ready* *kills other two party members*
  16. OUTSTANDING remix. I love how this is mixed. You threw heavy rock onto the source while still keeping its slow, eerie texture. This song makes me feel all kinds of disturbed, and I love. Tight palm mutes, also. Love the Main Theme at 3:13. The voice clips are pretty symbolic and fit well, which is something that just seems silly in other remixes I've heard. I give this mix an A+. The only complaint is that I like acoustic drums mixed a little differently, but it's negligible.
  17. Great vibe, I love how CLEAN this sounds. I love Minecraft music, and you did it no injustice by fusing it with electronic beats. You added a lot of structure to it, and while the source is not 100% recognizable, it's got that airy Minecraft vibe to it. Very clean, very "cute", and very full. I still have a ways to go to be able to mix clean, clear electronica like this.
  18. Holy crap, yes. So epic. X_X When I played through FFV and heard this theme, I liked it a bunch, but you totally drove it through the roof. It sounded like a march before, now it sounds like the prologue to a big battle (as cheesy and cliche as it sounds). I like your use of samples as well, and I really hope I can understand how to write orchestral like this someday. I'm not good with writing separate parts for different sections, but in here, all of your sections work harmoniously to create bigger parts that resemble the source. This is one of my favorites on the album.
  19. LATIN MUSIIIIC I made a latin jazz version of this song once. It sucked. But I digress. Very nice grooves and shakers. I love me some shakers. But the piano seals the deal here, with the percussive chordal playing. The flute that comes in a bit later is a bit exposed, but it's tolerable. Great latin vibe. I need to learn how to get a more upbeat feel. My latin music is usually pretty relaxed and subdued, but this is up and on its feet. Love the whistles at 2:35. Really helps the festive hispanic feel you've got going, and so do the solos. Great work, dude. Love it.
  20. Interesting synth brass in the beginning. Love when the percussion comes in with that slap bass. I like the warmer, staccato leads in your music. They're a nice break from normal face melting synths and guitars I hear in EDM and rock mixes. You've managed to instantiate a Mega Man X type of vibe in some parts, so good plus for that. Feels pretty light for a dance song, and it's entirely fitting since it's Air Man. Groovy, and I'm glad I downloaded this album. Nice work.
  21. http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828120&postcount=8 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828118&postcount=7 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828119&postcount=8 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828124&postcount=9 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828127&postcount=9 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828126&postcount=9 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828130&postcount=11 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828133&postcount=17 Total: 8
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