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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Oh wow... this is lush... kinda hard to hear the source, it doesn't stand out to much... if you don't listen closely it floats over you for some reason, altho its def there great original take, i'm downloading
  2. I'm sorry to say I probably won't be submitting an entry... I'm in no state to remix at the moment sorry proto!
  3. yeah my fault.... album related stuff only from now on please Not that any of you will listen This would be a good time for a mod your own thread function
  4. hmm... both those are fine in my opinion... getting it done early is the preferred option... Anything goes tho with the wip so if you have something, post it. As for the extension, ask john I suggest if you want one...
  5. Huh? I appreciate all the comments I get for my album... I read and liked what you said, why would you think I passed it up? All i'm doing is having a bit of a laugh with this thread thats all , I don't mean to ignore any serious critique if thats what your impression is.
  6. That seems appropriate. On topic: This album sux whatever noob made this obviously has no idea how to make music
  7. I'm going to sheffield, seeing as you are so much smarter than me... I'm going away for my health... oh yeah and its a mates bday and i'm going to get smashed... you have won kira, let me wash your feet And this thread has hit a new low point it seems
  8. I do that... Now you know why I have a low postcount Btw, i'm going away for two days so I can't ruin the thread any further
  9. Double post This makes me lol as this is precisely what has happened to this thread
  10. awwwww thats too bad Thanks for the feedback guys, keep it coming, I like it
  11. hehehehe take that kira In another note completely unrelated to this thread I have an album out called leads of fury, check it out it rocks. rawr.
  12. Well I wouldn't be suprised if that was an alias... unless kira was a silly kira and all told us his real name...
  13. No! Don't kill neblix! BAD KIRA!!! You don't want to unleash the wrath that is darkesword now do you
  14. I didn't really mean that it was an experiment to.... test... how, um - you reacted (yes thats right) how you reacted... (shit)
  15. Hehehehehe you've always been a bad guy :<:< But then again, bad guys are cool so its all good Kira for the win... wait a minute
  16. hahahaha careful, or your going to get lynched for your blasphemy
  17. hmm listening to your air melody part 22 (which I enjoyed quite a bit) you don't seem to use much vibrato... vibrato is a great way of making things sound more human, as the note isn't constantly at exactly the same pitch... Also try bringing down the decay of your synths or ending the notes just before you hit new ones. Can't say they will work but its worth a try imo. Haha mastering isn't a problem here I don't think, altho try mastering a track you've finished as an experiment, you can really boost the impact your mix has with mastering. Best thing you can do imo is to experiment with different settings, see what works and what doesn't
  18. Well what I tend to do to get rid of mechnical stiffness, is change velocities lol, also timbre changing through time can help, um... for sequencing, use portamento... thats a great way of reducing the mechanical stiffness of your tracks, best used on leads I saw a tutorial zircon posted about it... i'll try and find it
  19. haha that one was rejected due to the samples not being as good and the mixing not being as good (the mixing crit which I disagree with actually) And yeah I noticed the similarities of both mixes as well... but I thought both were different enough not to seem like I was repeating myself
  20. Ok, this is a remix album I have done over the past year or so, it has all my mixes I have done over the year (excluding project tracks) along with some posted ocremixes, and a few to be posted ocremixes... So i'm posting this here, because I don't want too many people to hear my ocremixes before they are posted yet, and you guys have helped me develop as a musician, so this is my thankyou in a way - anyway you probably may recognize a few of these remixes as you guys helped me with a few of them The title was penned by DJP from one of my mix writeups, the legend that he is Enjoy dudes Leads Of Fury
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