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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. This is pure awesomeness... great emotional piano playing, I love it Btw don't be ashamed about not having played super metriod. I haven't played it either. Or Final Fantasy. Or Chrono Trigger. Or Donkey Kong. Ok i'm going to stop now Still, another dosing of drumulitma awesomeness is always nice Great stuff.
  2. this is a cool mix, I like it... i'm going to make this brief as its 2.00 in the morning and i'm tired... lol At the moment the intro piano sounds a mechanical, mess with the velocities to get it sounding a little more realistic. Also, its too quiet, don't be afraid to boost the volume Production is your weak point here, the samples sound a little bland at the moment imo, i'd listen to some recent ocr mixes or game soundtracks to get a good idea of the sound you want to achieve. its not quite there yet, but it will be, keep at it.
  3. Actually I submitted yesterday XD lolz had to say it. anyways thanks for the comments man
  4. Ok... I have updated and subbed it and consider this remix done... Thanks for all your help guys Hope you guys like the end result http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mmdknkzjin5
  5. Yeah I hear you with the timbre issue... I'll mess around and see what I can come up with... And the judges will find at least 200 things thats wrong with my mix when I sub it A crappy mix title will probably be one of them XD
  6. So... another update. Thanks for the tips guys, its been helpful I personally think this is ready for subbing but i'll stick it here for you guys to have a listen too, and if there aren't any outstanding problems that I or you guys can hear tomorrow, i'll sub it. I think i'll call it a fistful of metal man... http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?gmjmtymm3mz
  7. Oh man this was just one big nostalgia trip... Its like i'm 7 again...
  8. Hey guys, thanks for the feedback Here's the latest update, I think its nearing completion http://www.mediafire.com/?emwjyjgqjyz
  9. Ok, this is my update: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?gmjmtymm3mz will address some of the problems you guys mentioned, but i'm at a stage where my ears are tired at the moment so that will be why it doesn't sound so awesome
  10. Edit: I have finished and subbed this remix, hope you guys enjoy and thankyou for your help http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mmdknkzjin5 And Source:
  11. Congrats man, you'll make a great judge Btw as a side note if you NO any of my subs I will hate you forever
  12. YES Or A. if your picky I've learnt a shit load about music at ocr, specifically with production and sound design.
  13. Hey guys thanks, I had a great day, got to mess in reason 4 for the first time, and got thrashed at guitar hero by my sis. Good times
  14. Fishy has some awesome metal remixes as well - http://www.ocremix.org/artist/4754/fishy
  15. Looking at the live news on it now, it states that his condition isn't certain... it says he maybe in a coma but people aren't sure...
  16. yeah I'll try and get something done... it'll be a rushed job tho
  17. Altho an interesting one I must say, you go crazy indepth... lol Keep up the analysis's
  18. Happy Birthday Man. Keep up the kickass remixes
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