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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. I gotta say that OA hit the mark with this piece... I'm not sure if the guitar is real or synthetic either... it has mechanical characteristics, i'm sure i'm hearing the exact same guitar part more than once, but that could be editing, and the solo doesn't sound sequenced... its not precise enough. Lol at disco dans satriani quip. This is not Joe satriani, and never will be That said, this mix just sounds... empty. The solo gets muddy because there is delay feedback once per bar, but only do that if your going to harmonize (brian may anyone?), here it just sounds messy. I think this does have something for those that like a crazy guitar tapping solo, but other than that, stay away from this one. Sorry, didn't like it all that much.
  2. Never actually cried at a video game, but the closest I suppose I have ever got is the ending of legend of zelda: links awakening.
  3. As you have mine man :D

  4. Hai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I think I might try this compo again, was a fun passtime I seem to have neglected... don't have time to do something for this tho, too busy... btw, this doesn't suck
  6. Oh I fixed pro tools however, this file altho I could get it back technically to work on again, it would take me a few hours, due to the nature of the problem. Still, OA said its sub worthy so i'm going to give it a shot
  7. Three posts in a row... Ok the final on my last post is the final version, I can't update it anymore due to corrupt files :/ sorry dudes, altho its good enough to sub I think.
  8. Ok, due to unfortunate circumstances, this is the finished version... My pro tools software has decided that it doesn't like me anymore... and long story short, the pro tools session of this remix is lost and I can't save, start or close any pro tools sessions. Treat this as the final version, i'm going to sub this if I can't get back the file I lost on pro tools, I think it might be good enough to pass. http://www.mediafire.com/?rmd2ymm1fm2 Enjoy dudes
  9. EDIT: I have fixed the problem, it was a known error to do with corrupt files or something, I had to remove a load of digidesign folders and everything seems to be working fine now... The internet is so very useful Sadly I have lost a one of my wips in the progress but at least pro tools is working again ^-^
  10. hahaha you wait for the update, most of your crits are addressed lol sadly I can't work on it anymore due to pro tools breaking a few hours ago and Lulza commented on my wip... cool
  11. btw guys, this isn't done yet, I'm going to work on it a little more to get it that little bit better... keep an eye out for updates
  12. No entries at this stage is fairly normal, people usually don't post their stuff till the last day or so And if there is no entries by the deadline, then it is extended usually from what I have seen.
  13. Finished, Named, Subbed. Grab it at a computer near you http://www.mediafire.com/?erlmeyx1yaj Enjoy
  14. Yeah I agree... you got some cool and creative ideas, particularly with synthwork. Only complaint I can think of is that all the synth and countermelodies near the end make the track a little cluttered, Halc tells you make this yesterday so based on that, I'm going to assume that you can get this to a better standard in no time... But yeah, this is nearly there, not quite, but close. Keep at it, this could see the front page with enough care assuming the arrangement fits the standards
  15. Ok... update I'd say its done at this point, what do others think? http://www.mediafire.com/file/mjndz4z2jmi/Power Rangers (SNES) It's Morphin Time (factory).mp3 Yeah, I mastered it, and I have also rerecorded the rhythm guitar on a different program to clear out the sound a little
  16. Interesting... your just the person I wanted to play this to after hearing your rock remixes (which btw fucking rule )
  17. YES. Its fucking power rangers. http://www.mediafire.com/?rmd2ymm1fm2 Source http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDiKzH0SpE0 Never Played the game but I found the music of this game to be exceptional... think somewhere between street fighter and megaman Enjoy
  18. There are too many chrono trigger mixes on ocremix That said, if I liked them all as much as this, I would be a VERY happy person. In other words... this mix kicks some serious ass
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