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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Just found this thread and have only one thing to say. FUCK. SO want to join and all the tracks are taken T_T
  2. well i've sent my midi - and forgot to name it so I guess its called guitar as that is the file name
  3. Happy Birthday, keep up the awesome remixes
  4. ah that'll explain it Good round everyone, it was a bloody close one Now I gotta cook something up for next months compo...
  5. Happy Birthday, awesome remixes, and nice job on creating and holding together ocremix for about a decade
  6. Ok I have to say I no longer find this thread funny, I find what you have written offends me slightly being a big fan of classic rock. This statement right hear begs me to ask the question what are you doing on a music appreciation site if you have no appreciation for music.... Unless this is a joke thread, in which case it is a very bad one....
  7. I've got a remix of it here: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/163389 Its not up to ocremix standards (it was rejected from here ) but a remix is a remix. Hope you like
  8. This thread summed up in a word for me... lol
  9. For me, the best games were sonic 2 and sonic 3 and knuckles. It just never got any better for me... chemical plant zone in sonic 2 - best level ever.
  10. The legend of zelda for me. That done right would be purely awesome.
  11. lol yeah, i've been accessing by gario's sig which seems to be better updated
  12. Downloaded it, but can't listen this minute... will listen later, expectations are high
  13. This is awesomeness beyond compare, I think that the vocal monologue makes this mix... LT, get your ass in gear and do some more collabs if all your contributions are this good... Also, big lol at crono3of3time's post, partially the how did it get past the judges quip due to the remixers of this track all being judges Pretty awesome stuff guys great collab
  14. I hope the original actors aren't replaced... that would kill the show for me... and I reckon i'm not the only one that thinks this.
  15. Hmm... seems to me tarnish that your taking a small complaint making a big thing out of it... rozo actually did you a fairly good review, the lyrics quip was obviously a minor concern. Don't scrap it because lyrics were considered bad that you haven't even put in the mix yet... Try it, it may sound good I have a word of advice - don't ever scrap any ideas you have as you may have use for them later or a listen the next day may reveal a different angle you can take it thats better in your opinion. Also, try not to get too discouraged, we aren't trying to put you down or tell you that your mixes are shit - We are trying to help you become better with constructive advice I suggest that you have a think about it over the next couple of days and see where you want to take your mix. If you still want to scrap it then I won't argue the point any further.
  16. Of Course I do. Who am I? I am willrock, and I know where you live
  17. Thats a good idea... Btw just so you know if you don't I will hunt you down and hurt you
  18. Ah as with all the past compos, you think no one is working on anything and then all the tracks appear at once Mine is subbed, hope you guys enjoy
  19. Do I remember this in the WIP forum... nice track, loving it, great source, one of my favs
  20. One of my favorite video game tunes + Halc = Awesomeness. You have an awesome and unique style man, digging this loads... loving the arpeggios at 0.35 and is that the sampled snes string/violin sound at the intro? Because thats so awesome I'm downloading this, way too good for words
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