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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. they are one hit samples... and here is the reason file http://www.mediafire.com/?nmjyalmgktj I've solo'd the track in question, its called redrum 1 lol. The bass drum "automation" is at 2.10.
  2. Well I'm working on a megaman mix and my redrum bass drum has started soloing itself at a certain point in the track without me doing anything that I know of... Its not automated, I tried to fix it with that and it didn't work, the green automation square isn't around the bass drum solo button. Also there isn't any weird cable messing at the back of the redrum either that would cause it... oddest thing is that if I start the mix at a point where the bass drum should be soloing, its not solo when I start the track... only when its playing at the point it changes it actaully go solo. basically I don't know how to fix it, any ideas? Thanks dudes
  3. You sent me this before I think... i'm to blame for the edits in the first post So yeah this isn't bad man, the guitar at the end is out of tune, and the distortion isn't great... The guitar is the biggest problem here... use your pod to tune your guitar correctly and re-record the guitar Pretty good, its lacking a little punch imo, but it sounds good to me with the exception of the guitar at the moment Keep it up man.
  4. Hmm I listened to this yesterday Drums sound mechanical... use velocities to make them sound more humanized, particularly on the ride at the intro and the snare Also, the mixing is kinda muddy at the moment, the rhythm guitar sounds like noise over the lead guitar which sounds ok I guess, maybe to prominent... use EQ to try and fix it up. also, the crash cymbals on the drums are too loud... Other than that its ok at the moment I think, but you'd be better off getting critique from someone that does guitar stuff, like neko or fishy.
  5. Its 23:19 and i'm not dead... looks like you lose kira :P

  6. If you think you can kill me, then do it, kill me right now... I dare you!

  7. In the end I’ll win... the good guys always win :P

  8. Well done to just64 and congrats to protodome... look forward to next months source
  9. How did I know what project was going to be linked in your post before I clicked it...
  10. Yeah I read the comments on the video but it hasn't helped me track it down... lol.
  11. I have found a super mario bros overworld remix on youtube that I think is awesome, but I can't for the life of me find it anywhere else on the internet... anyone know where to find this remix? thanks.
  12. Zero punctuation always delivers and the silent hill review was no exception
  13. I remember hearing this on your youtube channel neko. Its still jaw-droppingly awesome Those guitars are smokin
  14. Easy to figure out? I had a HUGE amount of trouble at it and I know I lot of others that did as well... I thought it was a level design flaw at first.
  15. This gets better the more you listen to it... I like this about twice as much as I did before.
  16. My interface is A because C is too a little too small for my liking and B has a habit of crashing one too many times, runs slower than I do, which is slow, and half the time your computer doesn't have the requirements. Oh yeah, I own a mac which doesn't seem to run games unless they are made by disney.
  17. BUMP Good album man, liked the chill out vibe of it all, sounded kinda loose as a whole as you played it in without quantizing afterwords... Good stuff tho, Willrock likey. EDIT: I'm a bad dude. How Fitting.
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