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Kenogu Labz

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Posts posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. The ending of Legend of Mana. The vocals in the beginning give me shivers.

    YEESSSS. After that amazing opening theme, Yoko managed to make it even more breathtaking. Though it would have been better if attached to one of the other storylines... *cough*Geo*cough*

    There's a lot of vocals scattered in this game, most of them surprisingly well-performed, even if only used as stings. This one in particular, though, really stuck after I'd finished playing, especially with its placement in the game.

  2. Not familiar with the source... but still impressive, given how tough it is to transcribe to NSF in a way that still carries the original instruments. Even with the VRC6 addition, it's quite the feat.

    Famitracker's a great tool if you prefer a more visual style of NSF creation. While the MML->NSF toolkit is much more complicated, it's also much more powerful and fine-tunable, in my opinion. But we're not here to argue that, are we? ;)

  3. For anyone who hasn't picked up LeChuck's Revenge, I can tell you that it is definitely worth it. I haven't laughed so much playing a game in a long time.

    If you haven't played the first, it'll be funnier if you play it first. Then you'll start catching the in-jokes.

    Oh, and the soundtrack kicks some serious butt. Try listening to Largo LaGrande's theme without getting into the groove.

  4. It's time for Steam's Black Friday sale again! Everyone got their wallets out and their accounts full?

    I'm looking into getting the Sam and Max deal; I loved their job with the Monkey Island games, and I wanna play more from them.

    So, any deals you bite for? Any hidden gems up that you'd recommend?

    [Steam Store]

  5. Meh, he's just throwing out a truckload of straw men to try and defend himself against the inevitable. Hopefully, the admins are discerning enough to see through the smoke screen.

    Good luck to you, though! Hope you get a chance for y'all to beat their butts in-game. :3

  6. WIP v9

    Several changes, here. Snare's been swapped out, a lot of background has been pushed back to make room for the leads, and the intro and ending have a new sound that better fits with the glassy pads the rest of the song uses. Does the balancing seem to be improved at all?


    With advice from Bahamut and Palpable, I bring you the [final WIP]. Volume ramped up through compression, and post-production almost removed entirely in favor of pre-prod balancing.

  7. Thanks for the feedback, Nutritious, halc!

    The reverb is, unfortunately, on the necessary side of washed out. Many of the samples I have don't sound that great without heavy modification.

    The oboe/bassoon is actually one sample. The big problem with turning it up is that its volume level quavers dramatically; it has some pretty harsh spikes, some of which you can hear in the rendering. I've tried to minimize it, but bringing it up too much more would definitely be painful. That's been the trickiest part about balancing that first section.

    In terms of it sounding like a real instrument... it's just your imagination. Treat is as a synth, and it goes down a lot more smoothly. Now, if I had good woodwind samples...

    I'll see if I can bring forward the drums a bit more, that seems to be a universal comment I've had. I'll see what I can do about further balancing the support and leads.

  8. [WIP v7 (Final?)]

    Guitar rebalanced to center. I'd agree there; that suggestion just didn't really feel right in the long run.

    I take it you mean the crystal pad at 1:52? There technically isn't an attack on it, but I sheared off the beginning of the sample by a few milliseconds. I also changed up the entrance in post-processing, so tell me if it sounds clean enough. (I still need to play Deus Ex. Only past the first mission!)

    The white-noise strike has been reduced a bit to serve as background, too.

    This upload has been post-processed, so each section should be at its final volume.

    Anything else that sticks out? Is it still too quiet in the beginning?


    [WIP v8]

    An off-note fix and a new snare added.

  9. Thanks, Feep! I'm glad you enjoy it. I'll keep chipping at it, until the problems specified by the judges are gone.

    Speaking of which, here's a WIPIP (Work-in-progress in-progress):

    WIP v7 (Gamble Edition)

    Most of these changes have been made based on Gario's suggestions, and those of Obtuse, Skrypnyk, and Fishy over IRC. I haven't done any post-processing to balance the different parts of the song, yet, but I have worked on balancing the instruments within the song, so that should be a big step towards balancing the song as a whole. Please, PLEASE shout out anything you hear that sounds off, imbalanced, or annoying. I'm trying to pull it all together this time.

  10. WIP v7

    I really don't have anything else to fit the lead, so I took the other route: expanding the lead's role near the end, giving it more room to breathe. Unfortunately, whenever I try to fix something in a song, I always end up changing the song itself, too. :|

    I also tried some elementary EQ on the samples themselves, when rendering the song, and then segment-wise in post-production, since those are the only options I have at the moment. The samples are probably going to need more work, but hopefully it's a good start.

    Does it sound like it's making any progress at all? My ears are done listening to the same thing, and more experienced ones are always welcome.

    EDIT: I've noticed the bass feels pretty shallow, too.

  11. Judge's Decision

    Latest Version

    It would seem the balance and EQ still need a lot more work. At this point, I'm pretty much stuck. I'm not sure if new samples would help, either. The judges seem fairly split on whether the synth-guitar lead is good or bad; that really hinges on how familiar they are with demoscene music, I suspect.

    Either way, the most common complaint is still a matter of mixing, so I'll try focusing there first. Is it plausible to balance a song after rendering it fully, or is it more important to balance each individual part first? Or some mixture of the two?

    The big problem I'm going to have is that Modplug Tracker, unlike sequencers, does not allow the composer to dynamically change effects in the middle of a song. Once you choose a reverb level, you're stuck with it. Compression? One size fits all. Effects chaining? Non-existent.

    If anyone has suggestions for a tracker that works in the Impulse Tracker (.it) format, or at least can read it, and also has options for dynamic and chained effects. It would be a great help.

  12. The very early parts of Puzzle Quest used to piss me off to no end. You can't find a decent match, do one match-three, and then watch as the computer gets three Heroic Efforts in a row, casts a bunch of turn skipping spells, and does a bunch of match-fours on red skulls.

    Ditto; the AI in that game was rather infuriating, since they pretty much let it perform the optimum move. If there was a 4-in-a-row, it would find it. Multiplier? Grab fast. If you play for long enough, you'll notice very simple patterns in which matches it looks for first.

    But yeah. It's always maddening to be unable to set anything up, in fear the AI will just grab it and run. That's why I play Gyromancer instead. ;)

  13. Thank you for being succinct, Bleck. Whatever the opinions anyone has of group XYZ, insulting people through classifying them as being part of that group is not just a casual tease; it's offensive to the target, and often to everyone else who hears it.

  14. Please, let's not get into the gambit/gambitless argument. The game's more fun if you use gambits sparingly, anyway. Assuming you didn't use gambits, you're in for a long session of monitoring, marked by some points of furious scrambling to juggle healing between current and backup parties.

  15. The Genesis' chip is unique in that it almost requires the user to either be incredibly clever with the instruments if they want symphonic instruments (see Bloodlines), or that they use a more electronic or rock/metal founded style. Personally, I see it as sounding great when done correctly, without crushing my ears. Then again, I don't have much issues with chiptunes in general... :lol:

    So far as I've heard, though, this really sounds like great stuff. Kudos to Gecko!

    EDIT: NICE one with the Toxic Seahorse.

  16. Had a lot of fun on the server. Made a new base on a reverse mountain, fell into a seemingly bottomless pit in one of Halcyon Spirit's caves, ended up digging straight up only to come out under my base. Went back in, and explored for a bit until I found a random yellow flower on a dirt ledge above some lava deep underground.



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